Are we the only people without mental disorders?

Think about it. The human body is one of the most essential tools in our lives. It's how we connect to the physical world and it defines the appearance of our personality and soul towards another.

How would you in the right mind not (at least try to) max out this important component in your life?

Or even worse how would you let yourself become fat in the right mind? I mean IMHO you just have to have some mental problems, dead srs.

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>Are we the only people without mental disorders?

Where do you think you are

>Jason Genova

Humans have the tendency to take the easiest route wherever possible.

It's just laziness and giving into pleasure not really a mental disorder

Just cos you go to the gym does not mean you are superior to other people lmao

>on Jow Forums
>without mental disorders
>only people without

if you’re giving into pleasure all the time you wouldn't work either.
>hurr durr but long term income ensures future pleasure and well being
so does lifting weights

it kinds does tbhqch imho

>implying we don't have
>body dismorphia
>inferiority complex

Self-improvement is masturbation.

First year lifter, huh?

being stronger than other people makes you superior to them though.

t. 30 yo boomer, lifting for 2+:years without making any gains cause of his routine being way to inconsistent

This, we live in a society with everything provided. Taking the easiest path means playing vidya and internet porn all day while you eat whatever you want. This is just unimaginable decadence to anyone who lived before the modern era.

But we know its a poisoned chalice. Vidya and porn are shallow illusions. You play as being Chad Thundercock in the games and porn movies, but then you pull your frail body out of bed and realise you are nothing.

To throw away easy pleasures and demand more of yourself takes superhuman mental fitness. Its a miracle really. And once porn becomes so real that you cant tell the difference, I wonder who will be strong enough.


OP is full of himself

probably has a shit personality lmao

body is a tool, exactly
as long as you don't have health problems and you're able to work, make money, do what you want to do, have a family, maintain relationships etc you're good
like it or not but for some people their body is good enough as long as it carries their brain and doesn't cause physical discomfort

well, i guess it's summer guys

>stilll believing that gymceling is healthy
facking illoominati NWO sheep hehehe

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im an incel and I lift weights

Lifting is just a hobby

If I didn't enjoy it I wouldn't do it

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Hehe, ags pking when?

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>Uneducated degenerate who doesn't know how to use a colon nor the difference between 'to' and 'too'

the realization that we are soulless beasts, that have requirements in us to behave in our peaks, which are far away from spiritual and philosophical pursuits...our "souls" which rest on a bed of hormones and genes...behaviors around strength...I think the neo paleo approach indeed is a very good basis to be at.

But dont kid yourself. We are also social and many of us are deprived of those things. So while the biological basis is right. Our mental state often is a bit "unhinged". There are a few, though not many who have a stable family, and group of friends who come here. Those I would say are the peak of both worlds. Humanities alpha's as they surpass both us and the best of the normies.


bruh i gained more mental disorders after browsing Jow Forums and getting fit then when i was obese and not browsing here. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT FEEL LIKE BEING A MANLET? EVERYONE STARES AT YOU AND ALL WOMEN SUBCONSCIOUSLY DESPISE YOU. IM FUCKING GOING TO KILL MYSELF

i am a manlet too, but i've gotten so confident over the past two years that it really doesn’t bother me anymore - in fact there is no better feeling than to stand besides a weak dyel manlet


you made this thread on Jow Forums

this, get over yourself

lifting is not that hard

Jow Forums is cancer for the mind. having a strong powerful body is essential but this place is one of the most toxic places you can hang out if you want to approach it with a positive mindset


But that's literally all manlets

lmao ur doing the same job as the typica lreddit bot, good job bro.

So salty btw ahaha

OP here, I still haven't even heard a single argument that would make me think of changing my mind

>Are we the only people without mental disorders

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I probably have a variety of mental disorders

There was really no need for dedicated exercise before because people didn't have access to engineer'd food to make u a fat fuck.