Keep lifting weights, it’s even funnier when I KO you with a leg kick

keep lifting weights, it’s even funnier when I KO you with a leg kick

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Top notch thread you have here boy, bump

>trains for hours and hours a week to get a body that looks normal under clothes
>"b-b-but I could KO you with an elbow in a fight!"

you're not saenchai, you're some 130lb geek who would get stomped out by any moderately athletic 200+ man

real life is not a muay thai fight

How much should a decent MT place cost? I found one around me for 400 dollars for 3 months

>train fighting for years, 15 hours a week between cardio sparring and drills
>spend tens of thousands on dojo subscriptions
>permanent 20 IQ loss from repeated brain damage and early dementia
>dozens of injuries on every joint in your body, can't feel anything on several parts of his body, needed hip and knee replacement surgeries. Has to use a cane before 40, on a wheelchair by 60
>NEVER needed to use his martial arts skills IRL, not even once
>NEVER made a dime fighting professionally

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>thinking a kick could protect you from Ultimate Gains Blast

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If the place lets you train more than 3x a week, then that's not a bad rate.

And literally any highschool wrestler could take even the greatest muay thai champion down at will and smash his face into the pavement.

how often do you get in a fight? like seriously. these threads are so pathetic. no one that's well adjusted partakes in street fights lmao.
btw, i did a lot of kickboxing because sparring is really enjoyable, but your mindset is laughable

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well, you obviusly dont know what you're talking about lol

You don't even need to know much to be able to defend yourself. Throwing a punch is an easily learned move that anyone could nail in a few hours. Martial autists think they need to fight off an army of batmen every time they go outside.

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I believe it's as much training as you want per week. Thanks for the input

I pay $99 a month for unlimited access but it's also a 12 month contract, I think they charge $130 for smaller contracts or month to month, so that sounds about right. Just make sure the place is legit, as in they're focused on the sport and technique of MT/Striking and not just for the cardio and non-MT related shit

That guy is a fucking lad.



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Who is this dyel looking twink

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>unzip concealed carry
>kill you

keep training leg kicks, it's even funnier when I kill you with one bullet

do you think these guys hit hard for 140 pounds. Think they can beat up kids at the park? Or the better question to ask. Do you think they can beat up the kids mom?

Muay Thai is so much more fun to train than just mindless lifting I'm

Although it's more expensive and probably takes more of a toll on the body

>This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face.