How can I recover from being a loser?

If I'm 27 and have done NOTHING with women except for having sex with prostitutes, how can I possibly have a normal social life events again if I was a loser nobody talked to throughout my youth, back when people were most honest?

And that's assuming I miraculously ever get a gf or friends, which is really unthinkable and I have no clue how it could happen.

In addition I am blackpilled and know looks are all that matter, ugly people like me have life on hard mode, and women and chads have everything handed to them.

Has any other Jow Forumsizen been here? How did you recover from years of autism and social isolation deteriorating your social skills and dating prospects?

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Other urls found in this thread:

* I'm 22

22 is still young, try being 29 and a loser

tldr; eventhough it seems its late for you its really not 22 is young af youve only an adult for a year

25, soon to be 26 here

since i started lifting almost 2 years ago im getting now female attention but im not going out enough i think, thus i dont get enough interaction with women.

Ive actually rejected one girl basically in meantime, but iwas absolutely not attracted to her what can i say.

also stop posting this girl she looks exactly like my crush that liked me, but i fucked up by being too passive with her


>tldr is longer

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27. lifting for a year. just lost my virginity the other week.

good things happen when you start taking care of yourself.

It helps to not compare your progress with others. Everyone is at different stations in their lives and everyone has different goals in mind.
You're only 22, you have a veritable lifetime ahead of you to keep from becoming a loser.

My wizarding level is so high at this point that if a 10/10 woman were to literally grab me by the dick tell me "lets fuck" I would cast a spell to conjure up a reason why I have to leave the premises right at this very moment

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I don't get you guys. I'm a skinnyfat smartass and even I get the occasional girl to make out with me or fuck once every blue moon.
I always thought that being Jow Forums made it easy.

>I am blackpilled
you're doomed

At least ur not me. I just got drunk and couldnt have sex cuz my dick couldnt get hard. First time this has ever happened to me and holy shit it sucks. She sucked my soft ass dick and i bet she had andiease so im fucked

how do you know whether your lack of success with girls is caused mostly by ugliness or autism?

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Do girls small talk with you and smile at you? If they avoid you immediately you are ugly. If they run away after trying to interact with you you are autistic.

was it very awkward?

how can you be confident when you're skinnyfat? I don't get it

Very deep down I'm not. I just seem to have a knack with other people. Can't explain it myself, but I guess I'm just a likeable dude.

28yo without any non-paid sex here. Started lifting about 2 years ago.
I'd say lifting does not help with women. Just look at how many guys are out there having gfs and do not lift.
You cannot lift away whatever keeps you from being good with women, its mostly a mental thing. But just realize that not everyone of us is meant to be part of this whole relationships/dating/marriage game. Leave it to the people who are made for it. This gives you more time lifting.

I always find it kinda ironic that prostitutes are the only people seeing the results of my gym efforts. While I'm sure they still despise me as a person (nobody hates men who visit prostitutes more than prostitutes themselves), I try to think that they are at least not put off physically if you are a fit guy.

28yo too reporting in
I never received any attention from women till i started lifting (around 1 year ago). But because of social isolation and the missing positive feedback from girls my selfworth is down the cellar, and me beeing slightly autistic is the icing of the cake. Now i need social gains and desu they are way heavier than any weight i've lifted

how much all up have you spent on prostitutes?

> Just look at how many guys are out there having gfs and do not lift.

That doesn't mean it doesn't help you retard.

>You cannot lift away whatever keeps you from being good with women

In 95% of the cases, it's either inexperience or lack of confidence, or both.

You can increase your confidence a lot by lifting, which means you can gain more experience and solve both issues.

LOL I'm 53 and you're still a kid so far as I'm concerned -- and you've learned NOTHING.

Here, read this:

>looks are all that matter
youre fucking autistic and bitter thats why

>That doesn't mean it doesn't help you retard.
That's right, but my answer is specifically directed to someone who hasn't had any luck in 27 years, so the reason is most likely more complex than 'not being fit'. It can help, but don't expect that whatever made you fail until now disappears magically by working out. See this guy , it's a matter of social skills more than a matter of looks.

Started late seeing them (27), so not more than 1k.

*Ralph Wiggum Voice* I’m Blackpilled!

>Just look at how many guys are out there having gfs and do not lift.
They generally have something to compensate it with - for most of us, the confidence boost from lifting is crucial, let alone improving looks as much as we can

>it's a matter of social skills more than a matter of looks.
I'm currently doing my masters at university and there are so many skinnyfat nerdy guys with gfs it's insane.

>Started late seeing them (27), so not more than 1k.
Did somehow help with interacting with women? There are girls now attracted to me, but because of my inexperience i always spill my spaghetti and cockblock myself on a regular basis. My inexperience (especially sexually) really puts a mental block on me.

I would not say it changed anything, but I have never really had a problem interacting with women in general. I have female friends and get along very well with them. I treat them as normal human beings just like male friends. In my case it is just that none of the women I have been interested in were into me, neither has any woman shown interest in me. But a normal friendly interaction with women has never been a problem. Everything beyond that hasn't changed.

But, if there are girls attracted to you, then do not see a prostitute, really just don't. It is somewhat of a dead end and kinda means you have given up. Just take one of the opportunities given and expect and most importantly accept to fuck it up due to your inexperience. You need some practice in that regard. Most people mess up their first experience with a girl. This does not matter a lot to them because they are like 4 (and she is as well), but for some reasons we missed that phase, so just take on the chances now and try to think of it as a practice thing rather than your final long term relationship. You have absolutely nothing to lose, at worst you mess it up and you are where you left off with some more experience for the next time.

This is how I recovered from like 5 years of social isolation.

I started telling myself I liked some girl, even if I didn't. Then I would talk to her, text her, ask her out and all that crap but because
I was so socially inept I would fuck it up real fast and she would realize "oh wait he's weird/creepy". I did many times until I finally
started to understand how to actually talk to women like normal people. I'm obviously not a complete Chad or anything but I can get
a date if I go for 5-6/10s.
The thing is, you have to try and don't worry about some girls thinking you're autistic at first. Just keep trying. Social interaction is a skill
and you have to practice it. Even if it's online, text them to see how they react to your messages. Start small. You can't go from being a
manchild weeb to dating supermodels overnight. Texting, then talk to some fat ugly girl then go for more decent looking ones.

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*meant 14, not 4, not even normal people start that young

Honestly, if it's a problem you can't fix, ignore it. If you can fix it, fix it.
Be confident. Nobody really gives a fuck what anyone else is doing unless it concerns them, and they won't react really badly unless you offend them in some way. Social stuff is easy to overcome. Money isn't.

You're just lucky you aren't a loser at 30 with no career, no friends, no money, no possessions, and mental issues.

>If they avoid you immediately you are ugly

game over for me brehs

Looking people in the eyes is a big thing, you don't have to smile or worry about what they think of you in that moment, just look people in the eye as you pass them, briefly for only a full second, and you will see a lot of people look wounded, scared and sad, this made me more empathetic to humanity in general and i realized i'm far from the only one who is hurting.

Another thing is humbling yourself, like when i started to run out in broad daylight at 110kg's, children and even young adults, especially in groups would laugh out loud at me, and why shouldn't they? i probably looked hilarious. Now i'm shred city and people don't laugh anymore.

Accept that you're at the bottom of society, that you are a lazy fuckwit scoundrel but that you deserve love, and that after all you've not suicided yet so there is hope. Start climbing the ladder of success slowly but surely brother, be friendly, help everyone you can and pet animals.

>Social stuff is easy to overcome.
But how
>You're just lucky you aren't a loser at 30 with no career, no friends, no money, no possessions, and mental issues
Sorry to hear that user :(

OP I know exactly what you mean but I think I'm worse off than you. I'm 26 and kissless virgin, never even been on a date or even asked a girl out in my life, but I have zero interest in going to a prostitute, have literally never even considered it. But along with that I pretty much haven't had real friends since before high school when I was 13 even going through college.

Not only am I ugly and skinny so looks are bad, but the worst thing by far is my personality. I can make people laugh easily but I'm very weird and kinda loud I guess angry and kinda mean from the years of social isolation. I also share no details about my life with anyone because I don't want to expose how much of a shut in loser I am, specifically with my coworkers. I'm honestly afraid to even try to meet girls to not expose my lack of experience and shut-in ness, and even trying to meet friends due to this as well.

Literally no motivation for anything in my life and I don't see where motivation can come from when my life is over.

Hate to break it to you looksmax memelords, but looks doesnt matter. It's useful for getting laid, but it doesnt help you find your soulmate, your work or makes you better at anything that matters.

Once you start getting laid or get a GF, you will come to realize that looks really are not that important. This is why the average man IS a pudgy sack of shit that cant be bothered to find a shirt that fits or even get a proper haircut. Because it does not affect the vast majority of your life. Your perception of "life being hard" is because you are stuck at a highscool mentality, and those peddling the "black pill" are just bitter incels in their 20's who have not even begun living their life.

You'll see what I'm talking about when you are an oldfag, and you'll fucking laugh at yourself and this place for all this shallow bullshit you were made to believe.

just kill yourself, the planet doesn't need another egotistic depressed shitcunt like you. thanks

31 here. Virgin, no job, complete fuck up etc.
I dunno, the idea of being a woman just seems bizarre. I think looking at dating sites has fucked with my head because the way I see it there's 5% of girls that are all right and the rest are completely ruined and horrible.
I don't mean ugly, my standards that way aren't that high. It just seems like everyone is shit. I'm shit too but that doesn't mean it's worth approaching these people.

Dating sites is the cesspool of dating. That's where the 10% of society who can't find a partner goes in a desperate attempt to procreate before time runs out. If you want to find good women, you will have to be in the circles of sucessful people, not fucking dating sites.

Youre 22 with the mentality of a teenager. I had similar problem when depression hit, I dropped out and isolated myself.
The single most important thing is to quit Jow Forums and the internet. Its crab-bucket mentality, schizos, autists, people trying to brainwash you and completely change the way you think even though youre just trying to talk about a video game.

For me what helped was movies. The cliches, Transpotting, Lost in translation, Blade Runner. helped me to look at differenf perspectives. when youre isolated irl and hang out in echo chambers, your entire world view is fucked. movies are great to get different perspectives and forgot about your self-centered victim mindset.
Get back into education and improve yourself. forget internet memes

This. sane people go /sci/, get a job, improve, have a hobby and maybe hit the gym. Fitizens are autits who dont have anything in their life othet than the gym. Jow Forums is the absolute bottom where they dont even have the gym part, they just talk about stuff but do nothing

I think the only way quitting this would be helpful is to get rid of the time sink and make one's self bored enough to get out of the house and find healthy alternatives.
I don't think the echo cahmber thing holds weight. On Jow Forums you get introduced to truths you won't get elsewhere. You can know that they're true because you will get predictive power. Meaning your model for how things work is more true than normies that you prove wrong.

I fixed my autism by getting a job that had a lot of extroverted females working. Ended up learning a lot about how to interact with them within 9 months.

I think have a "reverse high school mentality." Man, it would have been so easy for me to do well back then.
I basically had to chase three grills that came to me away with deranged autism and in retrospect there were others I *probably* could have got if I'd had a lick of sense.

Found this in another thread

Quite useful and up to date thing to deal with our conditions. And a lot of them made sense, especially the dopamine and "getting adjusted to the slowish real life" are very true. It just gave me moral reasoning to just go outside and to do nothing, to maybe just read a book outside, or just stare blankly at things...because the alternative is this place where the pace and the adaptation to it...are quite horrible and bring us misery.

Not sure why I didnt do that before but it is as if mostly my autism was blocking me, or perhaps a blind spot in my own ideology.

Even normies are fucked this way. Every person you see is craned over a phone.
I need richer content than they do but I think I'm less dependent. I can function without the connection.

its all of us man, all of us are like this. The normies are on a different brand of information addictiveness than us, but its somewhat similar. I have seen their generations lose the ability to socialize somewhat...well at least in some ways. Not so much in others still. If I had the ability I would leave to live innawoods for a couple of months...but I am in the giant urbanized shithole that is europe. Maybe I can find a job that is farther away from this addictive, alternative reality.

Problem is that it feels like this reality NEEDS us, other people often depend on us, on our many learned things, and navigation of the internet. I have seen it too often on halfcuck for example, whole fucking threads of basic garbage and not one senior user among them. I am often the only one. Quite a sad state. The people demand more of us, but our own sanity demands that we give less to them.

Our own volkishness and good will is actually killing us...well at least me.

lol there are no hidden truths on this site just a bunch of autists sperging out

I'm 24 and in a slightly better situation. Kissed girls, spent time alone with them but only fucked hookers so far...

I actually look pretty good (symmetrical face, very nice eyes) but I have a very agressive face so I think that scares some girls away when I approach them whilist going out. But judging from the quality of matches on tinder I'm pretty sure I am above average. I definetely have to potential to make it but laziness and porn addiction are holding me back. I should beat those two to get good with girls

Kek, you're talking to a guy who's holding up his own confirmation bias as a proof of "predictive power". He doesn't have the tools to find the truth.

Have you seen what people are like irl? Most of them are just NPCs.
Jow Forums is not the echo chamber you make it out to be.

Oh, not gonna lie, everyone does like a good bias confirmation, right?
I am saying we are comparatively "woke" here. I'm not saying this is the peak, just that it's not the base and the base is where you find most people.

how so?

>statistics and data of all sorts about people (obesity rates, poverty rates, addiction, crime rates etc.)
is often shared here, it allows you to get your accuracy to a higher degree than most other people have. Prediction rates, successful ones go up. It is often no joke that we end up just going "when we are constantly proven right". Some patterns in reality do hold true, especially many patterns around people. Though the thing that you are looking for, which is ACTUALLY THE BIGGEST PROBLEM OF THEM ALL IS FUCKING TUNNEL VISION.

ALL OF THESE THINGS ARE CORRECT. BUT BECAUSE WE ARE BUSY CONSTANTLY CONFIRMING THEM. WE ARE FORCING OURSELVES TO ACT A CERTAIN WAY. Like to avoid people for example...but another problem of ours is that we do not fucking realize that reality constantly changes. The datasets that we have often do not have enough detail. Some people may change, some trends may change. As much as I hate to say it...I think reality must be given a second chance to prove itself perhaps.

>Building an identity about how you're an elite internet shitposter and sneering at normies like they're cattle for not using the internet 'correctly'

That's good for inflating your ego; terrible if you want to actually leave for greener pastures.

to add to it: not sure if we are retarded or not but a lot of normies actually factor in racial purity, and hatred of niggers into their daily lives...its just that its less apparent that they do so because unlike us...they juggle 30 more additional data sets...the whole time. While we are just at a meager 20 or so.

user was talking about how quitting Jow Forums and going outside is leads you out of the cave. Was he sneering at us?
My claim is that is bullshit. There is an incredible amount of information that goes through this site, give it some credit.

there is nothing wrong with this idea. I got even commented by a learned leftist that I have a "hidden library of sorts" since what a lot of us have been doing is exactly that. We are constantly reading data, and information of all sorts. Well at least I am. In conversation, if its civil I find myself constantly outmaneuvering pretty much EVERYONE. It is very hard to prove or to see how a person acts with this dynamic library of ours...but many of us deserve recognition, even badges for all of this effort. We have a communal obligation of sorts, which is now turning into a huge burden as well. Frankly, at this point I would wish to bring more people into the fold so that a lot of us can alleviate our burden somewhat. AI bots are still much too stupid for all of this horseshit.

This is true. I realized it was my autismo who was fucking up my success, the only way to overcome it is to keep talking with all type of people included hot grills and just gitgud at it by trial and error.

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yea, the normies arent actually that bad often, maybe our data is right about most of them...but I have encountered a rate of uncertainty in about 1 out of 10 of them. Which can make them valuable in ways that I have not imagined yet...though obviously the data still is pushing towards stereotypes quite often. These people...they are only npc's because we see certain major behaviors from our datasets in them...which they actively pursue and label them as NPC's...stuck in loops that seem obvious to many of us. But sometimes one of them breaks the conditioning, the loop and becomes something else. Even without the proper data that we have access yea. Lets be a little bit less judgmental with them...just a little bit. The thing is that advanced data, to perhaps that of talebs mandelbrot model as to how to view the world (as explained in his book on black swan events) is actually EXTREMELY accurate in this regard. Opened my mind quite a lot to the normies. Basically cured my autism somewhat.

There's dozens of better resources if you want to become educated on something; and they don't have 2% of the problems that this site does. Treating Jow Forums like it's a hidden library of amazing information is pure ego, so you can tell yourself you're a learned, underdog intellectual instead of a maligned, self-isolating internet addict.

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This post is exactly why women don't want to be with you.

>Jow Forums /double the best chan
>old reddit/new

promotes people of all everywhere, from blogs to youtube natural sciences dudes, on Jow Forums I often read new research that is relevant to us. Now we have bitchute and all sorts of obscure and banned material as well. There are book threads, self improvement threads, threads about can see somewhat in real time what is popular and what is not...the whole ecosystem here is a thousand fold more potent than in most other sites (though from what I heard, reddit's Jow Forums is also not a bad thing these days)

Yes it a great place. No doubt about it. And thats also its problem. You can hardly find similar levels of quality anywhere else on this planet.

I am a modern equivalent of a nerd who sits in a library...of course most wouldnt want me for these reasons. Overspecialized and nearly useless in most other endeavors.

>you can hardly find similar levels of quality anywhere else on this planet

This is the lie you keep telling yourself to justify all the time you've sunk in here. And you'll never let yourself consider otherwise.

No its not, I followed the path when the internet was still developing like most others the what was cool and happening all the time here. I was on other sites before...before they grew stale, got corporate, got new (((masters))). I followed my natural instincts to be with the "cool" people and ended up here. The cool people are not on facebook, they are not really on twitter or anywhere else. The meat of most good stuff happens here. And if it doesnt, it still gets often posted here. I wish I could be in that bilderberg meeting about AI, now that would be probably cool. But comon. What other closed door horseshit is out there that is actually interesting and not just garbage is out there? Can you name a few things?

>sincerely engaging him

Anons no. He's never going to admit that any of his worldview or approach is wrong; this whole thread is just a chance for him to insist of how 'right' he is about everything. There's no getting through to entrenched robots.

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Wich work?

give us examples then to places with better quality and quantity content


Yeah i get it and it's real cute you have this little narrative in your head. You don't have a lot so you hold on to the quirky little details that "make you who you are." Well maybe who you are isn't that great? You can literally do whatever the fuck you want to do on this planet and you choose to be this wordy about the most inane bullshit. You don't have to fake it and be a pure jock but you also don't need to be so self involved like you are.
Go read r/iamverysmart on reddit
That's you. That is the way you talk. It's embarrassing. You can be a nerd and not be so pretentious at the same time.
I know you don't have a lot of friends or brothers to bounce this off of because if you had they would have kicked your ass for being so up your own asshole. Just stop dude. It is the easist thing in the world to change. You are making your own life much worse than it has to be. That little narrative you cherish in your head is going to ruin your life.
You aren't right. You aren't smart. You aren't special. You could be, but this is not what that looks like.

give us examples then to better places.

You sound like a massive aspie and you really don't deserve a fucking medal for saving some infographics from Jow Forums. You're incredibly entitled with a fucked up perspective on life and others (blackpilled K E K), which is why you'll always be alone.

Feel free to spend your life calling girls whores for not sleeping with you, like that somehow makes sense, and assuming that everyone who's at least semi competent at holding a conversation is a chad/stacy who has everything given to him/her purely because of their looks.

You're literally a meme

>Feel free to spend your life calling girls whores for not sleeping with you, like that somehow makes sense, and assuming that everyone who's at least semi competent at holding a conversation is a chad/stacy who has everything given to him/her purely because of their looks.

thats bullshit, I do neither of these things. Christ. Again tell me, where can I find other places that are better than the chans?

No, im fucking sick of cunts like this even existing. If we don't help them change they're literally just going to end up hurting some innocent person. This is exactly the kind of mental illness that leads to stalking and sexual violence and shooting up soft targets. And you know it.

Make a better place somewhere else, preferably in real life

what I am literally this user too Why are you filling this thread up with nonconstructive garbage? Its true, we have a great amount of value here, and it also has left us crippled somewhat. These two realities dont have to collide with one another. They are both true. Your narrative is shit and outdated.

My god who is that

They don't want to change; that's the problem. They want to be right; they want to feel important and superior in some way. Yelling at them is going to do is convince them how unassailable their "argument" is, and bloom their victim complex. Just directly engaging them is going to give them the sense of validation they crave.

Most of his type just end up living quiet, unremarkable lives accomplishing nothing but convincing themselves of their own grandiosity. He hasn't really thrown around the violent rhetoric that Rodgers' and the like did.

Look at what you're defending lmao. Why wouldn't you just ask for help? Are you really that proud you can't admit you're fucked up? You don't have to live like this user. Winning arguments on four chins isn't going to change a single thing in your life, you just want the fake little confidence boost because it comes from nowhere else for you. Change

>They don't want to change; that's the problem

I posted this too How is this "not wanting to change" lol. I think you should be banned for disrupting the thread.

>Disrupting the thread
Actual, clinical autism. Jesus Christ


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This is just a desperate attemp to make yourself feel better, in reality normal people are more successful, more social, less mental problems.
and Jow Forums is an echo chamber, exact same threads, exact same replies, exact same conclusions, exact same topics written by people who have the exact same mindset.
You judge people based on an outer first glance look but you dont realise most people dont have the need to impress random nerds on an anime forum.
guy nailed it exactly

>look at what you're defending lmao

A collective which now has influence in about 30% of all youths, which has helped people to move away from fake news, mentioned in presidential twitter feeds, mentioned by quite a lot of people for the influence here. All because of simple "shitposting" or just "posting infographics"

Its a demotivational attack of sorts you are doing. Trying to prevent actual application of usable methods to return to society for other anons.

Attached: ay yo look at this shit lmao.png (714x862, 619K)

Which to add isnt just "simple quitting because this place is horrible beyond relief". This place great, has great value and great influence upon this world. But it also takes a heavy toll on the psyche.

here is a small example as to what I have mostly only received from the chans, which I saved up (not counted are the ones I didnt save)

Now where else can I find such diversity of sorts?

Attached: smallslice.jpg (391x917, 179K)

I get why he thinks that way. He's a turbo autist and hilariously off the mark, but I get it. He doesn't want to challenge any of his deeply held assumptions or perspectives on life; he just wants advice in the very narrow and flawed parameters he's established. Like a fatass posting a thread about how many sets they have to do on the hip adduction machine to lose weight.

here is another thing that I saved up, which was of significance.

Tell me again anons, is this not a library?

Attached: fitslice.jpg (375x731, 135K)

here is a very, very small slice of things I half read for example.

Attached: sliceofstalebooks.jpg (674x200, 34K)

here is a small example of the things I read daily. How is this different from "intellectuals" reading news articles, or books?

Attached: sliceofvoat.jpg (837x795, 245K)

lmao youre a textbook permavirgin. congratulations user

so to add: can any demotivational poster point me to a site where I can get similar levels of great information? Srsly, point me there. I would love to read more :)

what do your friends/girls you have sex with say when you show them these vast reserves of great information you read

apparently the leftists dont think so. Only just the lower to middle class who pursue hedonism. Maybe I should just go left wing and hang out with them, sip coffee at "intellectual" places and just pretend to be one of them so I can just escape dregs like you in reality. Fucking scum.

hahaha, holy shit, he's like the intellectual version of Mac from Always Sunny.

Reminded me of pic related; malignant egoism is both incredibly funny and incredibly scary. More of the first with these types.

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thats the fucking point, I am trying to find something. But to assume that we have no value here, is extremely retarded. There are others in civilization, men of sorts who do not look down upon us. Why should we 100% focus on getting approval from women?

WE GET FUCKNIG APPROVAL FROM TRUMP. From a great deal of parties, even on the shitty /tv/ we get fucknig actors now giving us approval. The youth has a VERY large swath of approval towards us and they are on our words themselves. Trying to better themselves. It is not a question of demotivating and demonizing ourselves. But rather of trying to adapt to reality. Why would you try to smear us down when there is no reason to?

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nigger intellectual people pursue a career at a great university. biology, chemistry, math, medschool, chemistry, engineering, bsc, msc, phd. pick your poison. you arent intellectual for reading a pastebin written by some 30 year old neet.
holy autism. you think you won some race but in reality no one is even racing with you. honestly sad