Need to do more pull ups for a test for military

>can do 10
>have shoulder wide grip
>use major charles Armstrong routine, in addition to a bro split during the week

>Please help, how to do more?
>is the armstrong routine good?
>can I do pull ups every day?
>should I use wrist straps at the test for extra reps? (weak forearms)

Pic unrelated

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goto your nearest onbase thifrtstore and buy a pullup bar for your house or barracks do pullups just everydays all the fucking time

>t. navy nigger

i used to do 500 to 1000 pullups a day youll b fine
dont use straps nigger what the fuck

>500 to 1000 pullups a day
sure you did

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meant for

I thought the military had people do chin ups?

do the military people look happy?


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well I guess they do chinups then

After the Marine corps raised its standards from 20 to 23 I just went back to the drawing board.
My max was 20, so when I went to lift I would start my back day with 5 sets of 12 (I wasn't getting all 12 by the last couple sets), then just do shit like lat pulls, rows, facepulls, backflys, etc. General back day shit, then throw in some weighted pullups.

Realistically the only secret to doing more pullups is doing more pullups.

First you need to learn to greentext you fucking newfag

I did a calisthenics program when I wanted to join police academy (not the normal one, the 4 year police college one) and I got to around 50 pushups in 6 months, got in there easy. (I had to redo the history exam cause I'm a brainlet that forgot that's a thing)
Unironically reddit >

Don't go into the military. That's what. It's a waste of your fucking life. Go be a plumber or get into construction if you wanna hang out with a bunch of dudes all day and tell dirty jokes. There's no war so there's no "noble cause" to join up for, you're just a useless faggot who joined in a non conflict time.
t.did that shit, fucking hated it.

Okay, so I will start doing them more throughout the day, fuck restitution.

Anyways, what is better, gymnasticc grip, wrist straps, olympic strips, or chalc to do more pullups? and use it at the test, at the bar that is over 2 meter over the ground, without being able to spend much time preparing the straps?

>pic related, is why i wanna join the army

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Here's an actual tested and effective routine OP and not just
>lol just do more pull ups phag

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What about someone who can’t do pulls up at all and never has in their entire life.

Can anyone here do 20+ pullups at a heavy bodyweight?

I'm 6'2 220lbs and I'm wondering if it's feasible to get to that number or if I should focus on cutting some weight first.

you are not supposed to do any other routine while doing armstrong, it will work and make you love or hate pull ups

t. chose the wrong service

>he went infantry

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>Inverted Rows
>super slow negative pull ups
>band assisted pull ups

Don't listen to this guy. Just know what you're getting into and be smart about it. If there's a specific job you want make sure it's in the contract. That's what I did and it's worked out wonderfully. I'm in Air Force cyber. Free college, free certifications, networking, training... Best decision of my life.

they're not gonna let you use straps on the test dummy
i can do like 25 at 180lbs

Or you could serve your nation in a way that doesn't compromise your safety, make decent money and benefits and get a cool uniform. Join another branch.