>i'm bulkin' bruh
I'm bulkin' bruh
Serious tho any sugar during bulk directly contradcits your bodies ability to use protein. If you wanna bulk "dirty" eat sausage by the pound and shredded cheese you'll be much better off long run.
>any sugar during bulk directly contradcits your bodies ability to use protein
how is this even allowed to exist
Yeah man it's called insulin resistance
It's depressing knowing people actually consume this shit
Ummm do you want everybody eating healthy and exercising??? That would be more competition for us
>if it fits my calories brother
>I´m doing intermittent fasting bruv
>After 4pm I´m allowed to eat like a king
>Protein 38g
>Fat 135g
>263g of sugar
>1770mg Sodium
Sodium is good for you but yeah not sugar
Yeah but your whole daily intake in one shake.
You get insulin resistance from being overweight, not from having a lot of sugar, brainlet.
Holy fucking beetus why is this allowed? Isn't the recommended sugar intake per day like 50g?
>Holy fucking beetus why is this allowed?
Because fascism is apparently evil
>1770mg Sodium
>daily intake
Yeah, if you eat 1,200 calories a day
T.you ameritard sipping soda
Russian Bear 5000 got needed to only 660 calories
>Oh my gosh that's so unhealthy!
>Please excuse me while I get my morning coffee
>Bleached Enriched Wheat Flour
>no crustaceans
America was a mistake, what the fuck is thus, who came up with this, this is worst than nuclear weapons.
sounds to me like you're pretty resistant to the insulin already
>263g of sugar
jesus christ I got fucking diabetes just looking at this photo
i feel sick to my stomache even thinking about what that tastes like
>1770mg Sodium
>whole daily intake
You should try to get 5 grams a day.
how the fuck is that even possible? how big must the cup be?
>Try to explain to normies that this shit is literally poison
>Stop being such a nutrional nazi, user! Live once in a while! Have some fun already!
Are we talking added sugar or veggies/fruits sugar too?
This is the part where you eat your words, you absolute fucking retards. It's the 21st Century, we don't live by caveman science anymore.
glucose is fine, fructose definitely causes diabetes though.
Wait.... I'm on a 2500 calorie diet to gain one pound per week. Can I just drink that every day and be good?
Glad at least someone has a clue on this board.
Did you even read the article? Sugar doesn't affect diabetes contraction. You're only warned about sugar because we have an abundance of it thus we are more likely to gain weight. Fructose, glucose - doesn't mean a shit. As long as you're not heavy, you won't be at risk of insulin resistance.
fructose has been found to increase insulin resistance even when controlling for body weight.
You'd have 10 times the max recommended amount of sugar every day