Do you have to be Jow Forums to pull off the long hair style?
Do you have to be Jow Forums to pull off the long hair style?
That's just a woman bro
No, but your hair has to be fairly straight and manageable. Nothing looks worse than when guys have long frizzy hair and have stray pubes sticking out from their neck
You have to be a woman to pull it off
Dreadlocks make you look like an absolute monster if you're big
You're probably jealous that you will never look that good.
You forgot to say n-no homo. Mirin them facial aesthetics.
You have to be a faggot lmao
You dont need to be fit but you do need to maintain it properly. Greasy, unkempt hair looks like shit on anyone.
Women have loved my long hair since I was a skinny twink and they still love it now.
you don't need to be fit, mainly just be handsome, I did it in highschool and received tons of compliments, but it was highschool, so take it as you want
dreads only look good if you're black, looks hipster tryhard otherwise
You need stronger facial features. Sharp jawline, brow, etc. Otherwise you will look like a cartoon.
I tried it and it looked silly on me. I tried hard to make it work. It did not.
not sure if attractive female or attractive male
what is this wizardry?
If you can't tell that ops pic is a man than your pretty gay desu
If you’re skinny, you look like a bitch, if you’re fat, you look unhygienic and gross. It’s not too different from trying to pull off the bald look. With that one, if you’re skinny, you look like a cancer patient and if you’re fat, you look like an old man.
That’s pretty obviously a man. How much have you been fapping to trap porn to be unable to tell the difference?
I think so. Otherwise you look like a basedboy
Yes. Otherwise you end up looking like a chick if you're skinny.
t. had long hair in high school and got mistaken for a girl too many times
you need to have a very masculine frame and square jaw, unless you are going for the androgynous look and don't mind little kids calling you miss.
t. boyish looking man that had long hair once
>fairly straight
to a degree, straight and thin hair looks absolutely terrible
What if you're short (5'6")?
...asking for a friend.
Yes, if you're jacked, go for it. Or you can have a good frame and not be jacked, but just realtively fit. And only do it if you have your hair looking like a god's like OP's pic
no you just need a beard. beard is mandatory with long hair
>you will never look like OP's pic
It's so goddamn unfair. He looks like an elf in the best possible way. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful man. Fuck, maybe person in general.
Fucking hold me bros.
wear a skirt lol
This. He looks like what I imagine Glorfindel would look like irl.
Oh yay another whiny faggot on Jow Forums
He's perfectly walking the line between being pretty but not looking like a fag, still masculine looking.
Reminds me of either a LOTR Chad elf like you mentioned or Alucard from Castlevania. Quite glorious
the kid from stranger things looks like THAT? i feel so old
>That jawline
life is unfair
looks like a girl
You have to be extremely attractive/handsome or else you'll look like a weird nerdfaggot. Basically you need good facial aesthetics. Any guy that looks good with long hair would also look good with short hair, objectively speaking.
I wouldn't necessarily say you need to be Jow Forums though it helps. Think about all the long-haired rock star type dudes that still managed to be sex symbols.
I'm getting the urge to cut my hair again after a year of growing it out.
I know that short hair sucks maintenance wise and I want to avoid dealing with that but damn I noticed I looked good with short hair when I was cleaning up some folders of photos.
I still wonder how handsome people can be.
Unfortunately I was not born attractive.
But Going to work with what I have.
It is not something I can change radically so there is no point to worry about it.
I am sure people with born deformities envy people who may not attractive but at least normal looking. Feeling bad after this is wrong.
We all are going to make it bros
>short hair sucks maintenance wise
Short hair is way easier.
Not if you're styling it
Me too I look like a proper heir of a baron when I'm shorthaired but now people look at me weird for my long hair, but lefty girls like my long hair at least
It's tempting to cut it down because I do think short hair suits my face better and I look rich instead of bummy
checked amigo
It doesn't have to be straight, all you really have to do is condition it
Who is this op? He can play Alucard if there was a movie for castlevania or cosplay at least.
>pic related
do the hair in op's pic looks terrible? kys
coping baldcuck detected
This looks pathetic. This dude would look way better with short hair
git gud
t. cue ball
Nice cocksucking lips, my dick is diamond now
After cutting my hair, I have at least a few weeks to go before it starts looking natural, then a month in I start worrying about when to cut it.
When my hair is long I just do nothing, not even comb it out of the 2 showers I take a day.
>tfw no 6ft 6 frame
>tfw no pure long blonde hair
>tfw no pure blue green eyes
>tfw no 200+ IQ
>tfw no mansion with qt aryans who love me
>tfw no family who are similar
>tfw no White Nation so I can enjoy life
Real-life Sigvald the Magnificent
You have to be somewhat fit and somewhat handsome. If you’re fat you look like a fat slob if you’re skinny you look like a skinny twink trying to get your butt fucked. Gotta have the right attitude also people are going to hate and there will be bantz and you may get in a fight or get your feelings hurt if you’re a bitch boy.
That hair belongs on a woman, lmao.
If anyone does have these genes fucking breed and do it now.
>that crotch
no homo right?
It makes it easier to slay Reiklander pussy.
That's basically how I imagine Feanor, only with black hair
>the 2 showers I take a day
Seriously. I think my hair is pretty nice looking but it doesn't suit my face. I made a commitment to myself to grow it until it's pretty long tho, just to see how it looks once in my life
I have curly hair just down to my neck and women absolutely love it. I will keep growing it out for sure.
Yes and if you have long hair don't keep a big beard with it.
I have this too, but it is a pain in the ass to keep it looking nice. It'll get flat and frizzy unless I condition it (which will get me pretty close to your pic). But if I condition it too often then it'll start to look greasy and lose volume. So I've sorta resigned to it looking crappy most of the time.
I wash with deva curl lowpoo when it gets like that. Then i flip it foward use the b&b conditioner, rinse it out, then scrunch in a little more then flip it back and get out of the shower. After i scrunch a bunch of water with a microfiber, flipped foward, then scrunch in a palm of deva curl gel. I flip it back and wait a few hours till its completely dry, then scrunchthe hair till its no longer crunchy. It comes out like this.
Its a lot of effort, but the results are pretty sweet.
Nice. How often can you use the b&b conditioner though?
I use Pantene Curl Perfection which has great results as long as I only use it once or twice a week. Too often and I get no bounce, and after a month of so of "too often" it'll get greasy.
you have to take care of it, but more importantly, you have to have a sense of style. long hair without style is awful. I don't remember where I read this, but at some point I read that "you can tell whether a man with long hair is sexy or creepy by looking at his shoes." If you want long hair but don't want to put in the effort to learn to dress yourself, you're resigning yourself to neckbeard territory forever.
Dreadlocks make you look like a gross unwashed hippy if you're big or small
Dude you look awful. Everything about you screams manchild but the hair puts you over the top.
Seriously this is the second time I see your picture here, the other time you were saying something about how women love your hair etc.
Please stop, you're lucky you're not already part of some cringe compilation.
I'm kinda that but shitty brown hair and brown eyes
>will never be a tall blonde nordic
I just want to achieve legolas mode
you got it boss
m8 I grew up wanting to be gimli for the beard and solid slabs of muscle but now I'm trying to escape legolas mode. lankletism is real
Nice quints, threadhopped just to find you
Glad it wasn't wasted on a shit post for once
>Please stop, you're lucky you're not already part of some cringe compilation.
this a 18+ board