Why can't niggas swim?

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the virgin nigger compared to the chad abbo

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Because for a long time they were not allowed into public swimming pools (and even beaches), many of them simply never got the opportunity to swim. You usually learn swimming with your parents but if they don't know how to swim then you're fucked.

Black people have denser muscles which makes it harder for them to swim.


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Because they don't have fathers to teach them.

I'm still pretty ehhhhhh about getting into water with blacks in it desu

Make sure if you ever see a black person drowning that you never EVER jump in to save them or let family members/friends do it

Not for racial reasons. But if you go to save you they will take you down with them.

Video extremely related. Ur life could end in the span of a minute from just trying to help somebody


wouldnt want my daughter swim in the same pool with the negroes

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the guy jumping in cant really swim either

thats why it got fucked up

They have trouble with anything you have to learn. They kind of just use the factory software

There's no water in Africa

This, plus since blacks have higher boner density on average makes it harder to float.

I never understood this yank meme. When I lived in Africa most rural folks have been swimming since childhood.

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He swam fine. Ask any lifeguard about saving drowning people without a floating device and they will give you the thousand yard stare

move back to africa where you belong

Everyone belongs in Africa lad

He didn't swim fine. Just look at his stroke when he comes into the frame and pay attention to what he does with the black guy




Felt like a bit of cheeky reddit spacing, eh?


jesus just watching this gives me anxiety

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Wrong. Blacks historically lived in the rural areas of the south because of slavery. Country blacks fish and swim all the time. Think Huckleberry Finn type Alabama and Louisiana Niggers.

It's the ones that moved to the cities looking for work during white flight and turned sprawling urban areas into ghettos and have been there ever since. They live in a concrete jungle where nobody has pools. They never leave the hood so they never go to the beach or any bodies of water. They aren't just able to swim they are completely isolated from the outdoors and never develop survival skills or how to interact with nature.

Whites teach their kids how to swim if they don't learn naturally just because it's a normal activity to go to the beach or go to the pool.

He didn't swim so good

culture and socio economics

didn't watch but I always heard that the first thing a lifeguard do when he reach a drowning person is knock the out. As bad as possible.
A funny variant is to watch the drowner lose consciousness.
Drowning is panicking and no one can swim and handle a panicked person.

*knock him the fuck out

Perhaps he was wondering why someone would try to save a man before drowning in the water himself

Unironically, my Dad told me when I was a kid "don't get into a pool with niggers because all that shit in their hair floats on the water and gets into your eyes."

If I took your floaties off, would you drown?

how do you knock somebody out underwater

It would be extremely hypoxic

hold them underwater until they lose consciousness because of lack of oxygen

A small wooden club disguised as a flotation device works too

This was sad. The white guy was pretty dumb too.

Lol that shit was the most cringy way to die ever. At a certain point I would just pop him in the nose and swim back myself lol I'm not going out like that

But I probably would get accused of murdering a black and get charged with a hate crime lol

"White Man Jumps in Water with Drowing Black Man just to Knock Him out and make sure He Drowns"

Jesus Christ those creatures are hideous

>based black man calmy bringing the wisdom
Why the fuck did they even "need" that particular log though?

>All this Jow Forums in this board

I can't swim very well and I'm a halfa

Imagine being such a pathetic loser that you try to put other people down for their apparent inability to swim. That’s the average american. Who is most likely obese.

They don't have webbed digits like us caucasoids

not him and not american, but I think every non-disabled adult should be able to swim at least 1KM without stopping, not beeing able to swim at all is more than pathetic

I’m not american either but this is so arbitrary it’s stupid. I can skate, rollerblade and ride bikes but I’m not a smug faggot about it. Oh and I can swim and skip rope also. Guess I should go around trying to boost my ego, right?

holy Molly this is the perfect metaphor for western civilisation.

noone does it to boost their ego

Imagine if there were people who can't run at all, not because they are physically unable to, but they are either too stupid to or never learned to

Now tell me you wouldn't pick on someone who can't do something as basic as running or swimming

Would have saved us a lot in shipping costs to America...

Even with running, just because most people can run 50 meters before having a heart attack doesn’t mean they can run. And no, I don’t pick on them. Being a bit humble in real life opens a lot more doors for you.

ain't tryna swim freal freal

Endurance is not what I mean. People that can't swim can't swim. Not for 50m, not for 10m, not for any distance

That's got to be Miami.

Swimming out to someone drowning is a good way to get drowned. Lifeguards are taught to deal with this...

Hes not wrong. That shit leaves a film over the water after everyone leaves.
t. Lifeguard

No access to public pools due to poverty living status, no money for swimming lessons, no relatives that know how to swim to teach them. The only reason I know how to swim is because we had the money to get swimming lessons.

its the lucky log user

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My fucking face when I realise that there are "people" in the fucking 1st world that genuinely do not know how to swim

what the actual fuck

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> out of africa meme

Was born in Arizona, still dont know how to swim kek.

Quick question, why didn't they just have the guy hold on to the piece of wood/rope and call a rescue team?


It’s true. The only stroke with which you ever see a black person excel is breaststroke because so much of it is underwater.

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The only reason I know how to swim is because my middle class white parents had enough money to spend on swimming lessons. I had a serious fear of water growing up. I can see why poor people, blacks included, don't know how to swim.

US blacks avoid water like it’s gainful employment.

They also tend not to know how to swim (similar to keeping gainful employment.)

It’s very very odd when you see it in real life.

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>coping this much kek.

They just scared to swim fag. No amount of "bone density" on a kid is going to make it that much harder to swim. I took my floaties off when I was a dumbass 5-6 year old and jumped in the deep end with no problems. Iv'e seen blacks, yellows, browns do the same shit with no issues. Some peoples are just better in the water.

I heard it was higher muscle fiber density. I'm black and I learned how to swim at the Y when I was like 6, before then I would just doggy paddle. I don't understand how it's such a difficult concept for some people.

one race the HUMAN race

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Swimming is something instinctual, when i was 3 years old i was thrown in the ocean by my mother in order to learn how to swim

Because he's a fucking nigger.

You don't have to know how to swim to teach someone... you just have to get them to do lessons at an early age.

Niggers are too dumb to teach their kids to swim. (Pay for lessons)

I'm black and went I went to the Y I did all of the motions and sank as I was doing them. Never once got to the deep end.

I don't think it's purely bone density though, that's just blatant propaganda. I've known tons of Caribbean blacks who could swim just fine.

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On average, blacks have a higher center of mass(due to longer extremities), which is a hindrance in swimming.

but you're fucking horizontal when you swim

Wtf did i just watch? I really cant even understand how someone doesnt figure out how to doggy paddle i did it when i was 3. If that nigger was trying to drown me like that i would just swim under him and let him sink like a rock.

real talk Jow Forums and i'm not talking about blacks here
did any of you actually need to LEARN to swim? I kinda just did it

Jokes on you, I learned how to swim by copying link in OoT

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I needed to take lessons desu. I had a fear of water at young age

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what the actual fuck was he even trying to do in the first place. get a long stick and pull the log in, or find a different log. why would you jump in lake ontario to grab a fucking piece of driftwood


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Is this troo?


I did 2 semester on an exchange in SA and lots of the kids i saw routinely swim be it pools or rivers


they aren't smart, and there's a saying "being dumb as a rock" and rocks sink

I really want to knock out a cracker just from reading this post.

American wakanda when? The race war can't come soon enough.

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>blackie getting violent because he needs to read

what a surprise

>The race war can't come soon enough
True, the black extermination is long overdue.

They told him to but he didn't listen