Should I cut oud soda completely or is it ok if i drink moderate amounts of light sodas?
Should I cut oud soda completely or is it ok if i drink moderate amounts of light sodas?
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Do you want to make it or not
I make it, but does that mean I cant enjoy a light soda from time to time?
I just treat soda like a dessert
It might as well be a liquid bag of candy
You're better off not drinking soda at all. Whether it's worth it to you to drink it is a personal question. Same with beer
coke zero is the methadone of soda- you're still an addict with the mindset and and habits of an addict, but your drug is itself less harmful.
you're not doing yourself any favors by desperately clinging to your old bad habits
Drink smoothies. Fructose is better than gluclose or sucralose.
If someone asks if diet sodas are bad for you, I'd say.. compared to what? Non diet sodas?
If diet/sugar free sodas are stopping you from drinking grams upon grams of sugars then I'd advocate for keeping to zero sugar sodas, but ultimately, you'll wanna work towards not needing either.
I mean, you can have soda, just dont make it an everyday thing
Decided to cut out regular soda and stick to light soda, just dont gonna drink it like a fucking hippo everyday. Thanks for answers anons.
only in form of fruit though.
HFCS or any isolated fructose is terrible
Another faggot from reddit who is never gonna make it.
People say cut out diet sodas, but I’ve never heard any actual reasoning for it. Have y’all seen the nutrition facts for Diet Coke? It’s basically water.
You clearly do not want to make it if you’re coming to a Bavarian cream pie eating forum to ask if liquid sugar in a can is bad for you. You already know the answer. Quit falling for the sugar Jew. Quit being a Faggot. Getting fit is a lifestyle. You have not embraced that lifestyle.
post the ingredients
>Zero sugar
>Liquid sugar
>falling for the “all chemicals are bad for you” meme
Do you also want the astrological sign of the inventor?
>not cancerous
bitch pls pick one
>Aside from the effects in people with phenylketonuria, no health problems have been consistently linked to aspartame use.
Thanks, try again.
wew lad
Aspartame when given to rats grow cancer like like wildfire, do your own research instead of listening to official kike cancer websites. If they released everything they knew about cancer, cancer wouldn't be such a big problem
Honestly agree here, the elite doesn't reveal its hand totally
I haven't had vanilla coke in weeks. VC was my poison, I was drinking a bottle every day.
Since then I have had a can and I think 2-3 bottles of other sodas, with fast food, but I don't like those as much as VC and I don't think I'm pulled back in.
What do yall think about Pepsi Max? Personally i think way better than Diet coke
>conspiracy theorists believe it gives you cancer
Honestly that's proof enough right there that it's perfectly safe
Artificial sweeteners are worse than sugar.
It's only a theory if there is no conspiracy
>Perfectly safe
Everyone on fit that's worth their two cents knows that diet soda has negative things
Diet soda and it’s fake sugars still fuck with your glucose and insulin levels
The American Cancer Society choosing to not release a known link to an incredibly common carcinogen isn't a conspiracy?
Thankfully science doesn't work on appeals to the authority of random users of a Bhutanese knitting board. You need studies for that
How could one enjoy that, which is utterly distructive to the human body? You must avoid jewish traps, young one.
Yes that is my point, therefore there is no theory, only truth
Well there is almost no studies on that is there?
So how can one conclude anything based on that academic coverage? You cant, And ONE (1) study is not viable proof
When you're not addicted it's not enjoyable
There have been tons of studies. The reason you can't find the ones supporting your side is because they all found that there were no ill effects.
I don't believe a word of that wretched organization, they profit of people's suffering, remember what they said about smoking tobacco? What a fucking joke
>wasting money on soda
Oh, so you don't know what the word theory means then.
Good goy
What are talking about? That is not his point...
A theory isn't somehow less legitimate than "truth." A theory is the closest an idea can get to being considered true. An idea only graduates to being a theory when it has overwhelming evidence supporting it on all accounts, i.e. the theory of general relativity.
Yeah but theory as in conspiracy theory is used not in the academic sense, but more as in ghost are only theory, Santa claus is a theory. It Devaluates the legitimacy of the word you know?
What i mean is that there i a differenc between Theory of Relativity / Theory of evolution and that there is a theory that sasquatch is real/Loch ness
that's a false statement
Right, the difference is that in once case the word is being used correctly, and in the other it's being confused with hypotheses.
I guess you can't expect much though from people who believe in things like bigfoot or (((globalists))) trying to keep the goys down via sneaking weak carcinogens in random products.
What i think is that, of course the body has extremely potent homeostasis and equlibrium systems. So it is harmless and harmful at the same time, since if you do it all the time it's dangerous
Wow do you realize that the religious people you despise is literally the same as you? Science is your blind religion. Not everything is physical / provable.
You should limit sodas completely as you should also do with all foods.
>light sodas
Worse for your body by far.
How about instead, you go for a short walk on saturday and that night you enjoy a soda as a reward.
It really is that simple to be healthy and enjoy things user.
Open your mind you ignorant, closed minded person, expand your conciousness
stop drinking soda entirely
its not hard
Oof, touchy subject. I guess your right, instead of believing in evidence and experiments I should just accept whatever I read on Jow Forums. Happy merchant memes really are a lot more reliable than double blind studies.
Seems we have reached an impasse. Goodspeed man
Balance is the only real worth, you do whatever you do and whatever you believe, i don't want to argue anymore, someone must be the bigger man
Someone must be the bigger man, do whatever you want, believe whatever you believe, i wish you luck and happiness onward regardless, and if you insist on diet soda, at least drink pepsi max ;)
Stop drinking (((soda)))
literally no reason to drink soda for the same reason you don't have candy in your diet.
>but muh flayburliss
You need to be 18 to post here, and I hope you have fun in kindergarden this fall
Why do rats post on this website?
What about sugar alcohols?
>implying I don’t
I eat honey almost daily and I’m willing to bet I’m leaner than you
Don't listen to these faggots. True Chads drink soda and beer and gain muscles with no problem. And, besides, why live if you can't enjoy some small can of a coke? Chads don't care.
t. not a chad
>tfw elimated soda from diet when I was in middle school
I don’t know how anyone can drink soda like this. Just fucking cut that shit out of your diet. The only appropriate time to drink soda is if you ever need chase with your liquor
You come to this thread asking if you should stop drinking soda, then you argue this shit? Shut the fuck up fatass. Keep drinking your soda
Why the fuck are you shilling diet soda so hard?
Pickle or beer backs. Never use soda.
half of Jow Forums are turbospergs who started lifting 6 months ago and are all about """""that healthy lifestyle"""""
yeah drinking coke zero or diet whatever is shitty for your teeth, but it's not gonna affect your gains, plenty of healthy Jow Forums people drink diet soda