How is your neck training going?
How is your neck training going?
Damn, now that's a Chad.
What neck?
It's photoshopped.
not great. I feel like I've been doing forward and reverse neck curls for half a year and barely added a half inch to my neck
how many reps do you do?
2 sets of 25 front and back. I use a 25 pound plate.
I think I'm becoming more intimidating with neck gains.
>in traffic
>my turn to get in the lane
>some asshole keeps trying to cut me off
>decide to just look at him dead in the eye and see if that might do anything
>stare at him
>feel awkward as hell and want to look away but keep telling myself to look
>he looks away
>lets me in
I was surprised desu. Never thought I was intimidating until I started training neck.
I was doing like 100 reps fucking 3 times a week with pretty damn good weight. I got so tired of doing that dumb ass shit that did nothing.
Honestly, if you are doing heavy deadlifts, shrugs, etc. Your fine
>25 lbs
What the fuck man, I do 3 set of 12 with 45 lbs
Post em bois
Does a thicc neck limit ROM of the neck?
Post the original.
Pencil-neck here: which exercises provide neck gains?
Heavy deadlifts.
Besides deadlifts?
no point posting a pic from this angle, you gotta be looking forward unless you're trying to hide a pencil neck
power cleans
do at least 100 reps for each area
that means 100 reps for back of the neck, front of the neck and sides of the neck
at least 2 times a week with progressive overload
deadlifts if you're maintaining a neutral spine
if you walk aroudn with a forward head posture, you need to pay a lot more attention to your neck duiring the setup
necklet cope