Give me a min Jow Forums

give me a min Jow Forums

Attached: 349ac6119a467aaae82aed883275ac457c863cbc39c9ef0819286b8022e522e0.png (300x250, 30K)

user I need y-


I don't understand this meme, is it making fun of wagies or neets?
so the frog is smug but also a wagie since he's drinking coffee and is asking for no one to speak to him
how does that make any sense or have hold consistency at all?



umm sweetie *taps mug*

Attached: 1523989039549.png (512x433, 40K)


because it's the wagies who work 14 hours a day on 6 hours of sleep and there's an office meme where you need coffee to function

yeah but then why is the frog smug looking? shouldn't he look like this?

Attached: 1530223934136.png (320x240, 7K)

>tfw comfy 401k and my mortgage is almost payed off

Attached: 1530118769837.png (434x341, 34K)

alright Jow Forums now I'm good

what are we talking about today?

Attached: 908.png (402x344, 72K)

>tfw 70k a year + equity and I leave work around 3pm every day


not yet

Attached: 1524136922041.png (1440x1421, 1.26M)

ahhhhhhh first cup of the day

not yet boss

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These are my favorite threads

finish the fucking cup already!!!

What's with the hurry?

Attached: 1525247582672.png (301x250, 24K)

Dumping my cuppas

Attached: 1526996640040.png (300x250, 26K)

this is the best one.

excellent post OP

Attached: download (2).jpg (250x201, 11K)

Oc pls no booli

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>Shhh seƱor cayese

Attached: 1527287305962.png (512x512, 25K)

I have like 30 left

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Post faster

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Pls no shootie before I finish my coffee

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If you have anxiety cut caffeine now.

I love coffee so much but I feel much better as a person without it.

Requesting frog dumping the coffee image

Attached: 1526907583283.png (1029x597, 22K)

I can't understand coffee addiction it only makes me sleepy

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Based shhh poster

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Only 3 left

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Thats the end of it

Did you finished? May we speak now?

top kek

Yes now you may speak

can I save this?

Limey bastard

Laughed way to fucking hard at this

Words cannot describe how based the coffee poster is

why is r9k raiding fit today


also this meme is unrelated to r9k, do you even know what r9k is or are you parroting?