ITT: post images of foods you would eat all the time if you weren't so poor / if they weren't so expensive

>ITT: post images of foods you would eat all the time if you weren't so poor / if they weren't so expensive

i'll start

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Mmmmmm delicious onions

My local grocery store sells them at $4 , absolute bullshit.

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Haha onion isn't in milk. Fairlife milk is the best shit ever.

i think it's 4.99 at my store, and it's not even a full gallon (compared to a full galleon of regular milk which is like $3.30). they used to do 2/$6 deals everyone and a while but they haven't done that in a while

all milk should be like this though

beef jerky
the good canned sardines

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ALL CHEAP FOOD, user get a job jesus

Beef jerky isn't cheap
Wtf, it's like $5 for 100g

>Lol, let's eat have raw fish
>Tastes like shit better rub it with wasabi and dip it in onions
>We'll call it a delicacy and charge 100x cost for it

WTF is ultra filtered milk?

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Milk that doesn't hurt my sensitive tummy


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like $50 a lb for beef jerky
15/lb for shrimp
I can eat like 2-3 cans of $3 canned sardines a day
gtfo faggot

>reduced fat

Nigga why

>tastes like shit

ok user go back to your chicken tendies

You just think it doesn't because it's expensive
Pathetic really

i don't know how to respond to such a baseless conjecture so i'm just going to say whatever floats your boat friendo

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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that have not tried fairlife milk

g fucking g

i wish I got paid to shill this stuff


this salty fresh ocean buble that you get after you take a bite...

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The best chocolate milk I've ever had was some local farm brand at the local shit mart. Fairlife is good but it's def. not the best ever like broswags think.

>get home after workout
>chug a glass
It's better than I expected.

A gallon of organic milk is like 5$ and tastes pretty damn similar

It cost 10x the price of cow milk here in my country.
Fucking hell.

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>when your country still hasn't activated their almonds

Where are you from bro?

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yeah. even the store brand lactose free whole milk is twice as much as a regular gallon
adds up over time


Failife has some new ultra filtered milk with 42g of protein per serving. No added whey, just straight milk. Its good shit, but I can't find it on the East coast. Only saw it around the Mid West.


Greek yogurt of milk

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Pistachio nuts and Brazil nuts

Wait, are all of you actually falling for a marketing shill thread

The actual amount of samefagging by some lowlife marketing intern at Failmilk

Did you try making it at home?

A gallon for food is the same amount that a gallon for petrol? If so that's a lot of milk. Do you manage to drink it all before spoilage? Or there are smaller containers? Sorry for the dumb questions I'm not good with american measurements.

I can buy a gallon of raw milk at my local farmer's market for like 3.50 though

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Learn to make your own. All you need is a box fan and some air filters.

Supplements, I get my protein from low-fat beef and milk. I would love to have some nice prework out and protein powder, being a student sucks but at least I'll earn min. 5 k per month at the start.

this so much


Adding to that, I would buy proper eggs, milk, meat etc. basically things that I already buy but at a higher quality.
High-quality broccoli does taste a 1000 times better than cheap frozen shit.

oops meant for

>Being this much of a foodlet

I feel sorry for anyone that you have to eat with user

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Look for eggs from local farmers. Not just chicken eggs either. I rented a room from a free range wild turkey farmer I found on craigslist. Eggs were almost the size of my fist and the yolk was thick and dark orange. Tasted like heaven. Ate 5/day for several months and made sick gains

Pistachios and smoked salmon, unironically.

Smoked salmon is the shit but it's so expensive

These shits are like 12 dollars and they're amazing.

But I can buy 5 pounds of meatballs for that price.

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I would eat ribeye every single day for the rest of my life if possible

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>That marbling

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I’d eat that shit 3 times a day if I could. I’m addicted and it’s so fucking good. You hit your macros easy as shit too.

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Why isn't it possible

I love garlic kievs


>uses artifical flavors
Fag taste.

>That boomer from flyover country who's never eaten anything except hamburgers


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Find a local butcher and get the high fat steaks, usually like 2-4$/lb
Take a trip to Oregon, Washington, Montana or Alaska, get a fishing permit (pay a little extra for more), and you can stock up on a years worth of salmon in a week.
>inb4 hurrr but the cost of the trip
It's gas, permit, and food for less than 2 weeks, for hundreds of dollars worth of salmon. It's worth it.

Burger here. Salmon is pretty pricey. I'd have lox (unironically, oi vey) every day if smoked salmon was as cheap per lbs as beef.

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A good steak as that costs upwards of 20 a lb and I need two lbs to get full, takes a while to prepare them as well.

I honestly dont know anyone who dislikes the stuff.

> ITT: shills for some shitty fakelife milk

Chef fag here
>preheat oven to 350F
>buy chicken breast
>slice horizontally, leaving an inch uncut
>lay open
>put 3 slices of raw bacon lengthwise
>either cream cheese or kneaded swiss in a 2 inch roll widthwise
>starting with the thinnest edge, roll it all up and tuck the edges to keep the cheese in
>fill a small bowl with whisked eggs
>fill another with panko breading
>dip chicken in eggs with one hand, and flip in panko with dry hand
>put on a dark sheet tray for 15-25 minutes, until clear liquid runs out when pressed
>can be frozen for up to 5 days, so you don't waste eggs or panko

I dislike it for the sole fact that they use artificial flavors while claiming to be super clean and healthy.

Are you in the states? Walmart in NJ has fairlife for like 3.20 . It's about a dollar cheaper than in other stores.

if they had this at my grocery store, i would shoplift it

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>shopping at Walmart
You're contributing to the problem. Your local butcher sells milk.

not gonna lie this has become my breakfast as i get to work

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>sugar for breakfast
Unironically not making it.

Fair life whole milk tastes awesome and is higher protein than normal milk. I have 100% switched over. But yeah, it’s like 4 bucks for slightly less than half a gallon. I’m rich but I imagine most people on Jow Forums are fairly poor.


Wait do people actually *not* buy a certain food item because it's "too expensive"? Never in my life have I not bought something I wanted food-wise because it's too expensive. How fucking poor are you all?

I did this for a brief period when I had more money than time. i had ribeye for dinner maybe 5 out of 7 nights a week. I did this for about 3 months before burning out on it.

I won an office bet when my blood work came in and I had lower than average cholesterol.

Bruh I come from an upperclass family and still budget myself when it comes to groceries. If you're that much of a faggot that you buy expensive shit just for the sake of your urges, your input is worthless.
>100% switched over
>more protein
>tastes awesome
Normal milk is unfiltered, tastes better, and has more protein that Fairlife, without using artifical flavoring. The milk you consider normal is the shitty stuff, and Fairlife is still on that scale. You can be a milk snob when you stop drinking shit with plastic flavors.

>you buy expensive shit just for the sake of your urges
I look at the grocery isle and buy whatever the fuck brand I want. I don't look at the price, and I thought that's how most people did it? If I want Ben and Jerry's, I buy it, I don't look for some cheap ass off brand ice cream. Doesn't everyone do this?

No, most of us are more conscious of basic skills like money management, budgeting, and rational eating.
Fun fact: Ben and Jerry's are pro-cop killers. They named an ice cream after Jerry Garcia and have been very vocal about their anti-police opinions.

They are also pro-refugee. lol

Fair life milk is less carbs and consequently of course it’s more proteiy-y. It isn’t artificially flavored. Why are you writing like you have some idea of what you’re talking about when you are clearly just pulling shit out of your ass.

Don’t you also need a smoker though? Or have you smoked it in your oven before?

>reduced fat
increased sugar

Nice b8 m8. Almost got me lol

He'll yea- Never buying B&J again