/fast/ #223 - Punished Messi Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM)
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg)
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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I can get past the hunger, but how do I get past the flu like symptoms that start after about 48 hrs?

Persist and drink snekjoos. When I first started I'd feel like gutter trash. Took me countless more attempts to get my body used to it because I was too pussy to plow through on my first attempt. It honestly does get much better if you keep at it.

yo is fasting the same shit as cutting

Does anyone else have bloating from water retention during fasting? My belly area looks like one of those starving African children's belly. It got noticeably bigger after I started fasting. I do drink snake juice.

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I'm thinking about doing IF, but I need to eat in the morning and most of the times I see people doing 16:8 or similar they skip breakfast.

Is not eating after bed an important step, or just their preference?

im 12.5% bf atm, have a photoshoot in a little so trying to cut down to 11%. Can I still do this water fasting shit for a couple days? I know fat asses can do it without problems, but since fasting is muscle sparing if I don't eat for a couple days, i should still be all good, right?

should I just skip the gym during it? Can't imagine working out under those conditions

I've lost 20 pounds through fasting
thanks guys

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People skip breakfast because it's the easiest meal to skip since the hunger hormone ghrelin doesn't kick in until later in the day for most people. In theory you could lose more weight skipping dinner since you burn more fat while sleeping and you can't enter a fasted state until 6-8 hours after you last ate at a minimum. So if you eat lunch you should be fasted by bed time and ready to have a full 8 hours of sleep fasting. That's just a theory. Just do whatever schedule you can stick to easily. It's better to fast non-optimally than to not fast at all.


you don't need to eat in the morning at all, it's just conditioned into you. if you don't have energy it's because you've let your natural metabolic energy systems atrophy by stuffing your face.
But eating just in the morning is fine. The time doesn't matter too much but right before sleeping is obviously bad, I prefer one large meal in the middle of the day.

This has probably been asked a billion times, but I should go for an intermittent fast for my first time, right?

IF is a good way to ease into it. I started with 16/8 IF, then 20/3, finally OMAD. Then I did a 48 hour fast, then 72 hour, then 96 hour. With IF between each of the fasts. IF can teach you just how easy it is to ignore hunger signals and wait until they pass.

At 12.5% BF you still have plenty of fat to live off of for a few days or even weeks. You can still do the gym while fasting just realize that you won't have as much power without glycogen in your muscles. You'll have great stamina for cardio but your total output of high energy will be lowered. So don't try for a personal best at lifting or anything like that.

Does smoking fuck up your fast?

I went from eating every day to a 48 hour fast that I'm in the middle of breaking with OMAD until I'm ready to do another 48 or 72 hour

To clarify, I've finished the 48 hours (more like 50 at this point) and I'm in the middle of having my OMAD

end of 3rd day water fast, had a nervous breakdown and started crying like a pussy.

at least i didn't eat

Moments of weakness are okay as long as you don't break entirely. You did good by not eating and ruining your fast

how did you end it then?

My stomach feels like shit when I smoke and fast but it does curb hunger. It wont break ketosis

Start taking a multivitamin

>reading mire threads on fit
tfw in two years that could be us

I meant like at the end of a 3rd day, I'm planing to do at least 10.

Redpill me on ulcers while fasting.
is it a myth? it bothers me a bit for fasting 24h+

I used to have terrible stomach pains from ulcers, fasting actually helped them for me

I don't see how it's even possible to have ulcers during fasting. Ulcers are now known to be caused by bacterial infection of the stomach lining. If you're not eating there is nothing for the bacteria to feed on and they would die. The ulcer would be healed rapidly by the body once the infection was gone.

Thank you, guess it was mostly normies freaking out that made me reconsider multiple day fasts.

Bit sad Messi and CR7 are out Tbh lads... End of an era Tbh...

>tfw starting /if/ with meal prepping

wish me luck bros

>those 30+ year old soccer players
they never had a chance

Will it actually do anything? Does it break your fast?

Can I do IF with my low-cal diet? or it should be an special one? I'm new to this.

IF is merely an eating schedule (when you eat), not a diet (what you eat). A lot of people can and do combine the two

Also, checked.

You can, but I always recommend an actual 3-7 day fast.
Believe it or not IF takes much more willpower than a normal fast.

Assuming you truly haven't taken in calories, after three day days you simply stop being hungry
This is tied up with how your body regulates insulin, which you can read about in the OP.

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That's not bloating from water retention, that's a lack of processing foods in your intestine.
Without slow-digesting material in the upper intestine the lower simply stands out in comparison.

whats the difference between snake juice and just seawater?

if im fat as fatass would i be able to survive by just drinking that?

Well, bacteria and fish feces for starters.

Ghandi fasted for 21 days at 70 years old.
Most people lose willpower far before that.

eating only 400 calories boys how long till i look like an auschwitz survivor?

Anyone know any potassium salt that is available for shipping to Sweden?

45 days keep it up and you can personally meet zyzz

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Not op but this scared me. Im on 300c diet since 7 days.2200 calorie deficit. I drink gallon water per day. Will i die?

What's the difference between like sub 500 calories a day and fasting when it comes to weight loss? Yeah, maybe like 0.8 pounds but will it affect muscle loss, weight rebound, etc.?

What do you have once you get sick /fast/?

Do you keep at fasting, eat like normal, or just have broth etc?

Trying to eat healthy while cramming 2.5k calories into OMAD is a challenge. Eating used to be enjoyable, but now it's a bloody chore. I'm glad it only takes about an hour out of my day.

I’m thinking about trying an extended fast for the first time. I’m shooting for a week or longer if I can. I do have a few questions that I suppose I could just find out for myself.
>am I going to get hangry and verbally abuse my wife and dog the entire time?
>will it affect my work performance? It’s not very demanding physically. I typically walk ~7 miles a day with some lifting here and there.
>Will it make my heartburn go away? I get heartburn no matter what I eat so I’m on an omeprazole prescription but it requires that I take one before a meal so I won’t be taking it if I won’t be eating.
>am I going to lose muscle mass?

If it’s means anything, I’m currently around 181lbs, 15.6% body fat, if my 1by1 scale is to be trusted. I’ve been doing IF the past couple months and fasting 24 hours the past couple weeks. Started out the year at 205lbs 20.3% body fat.
Sorry about the blog post but any answers would be appreciated.

Why exactly do you OMAD people have to eat masses of calories (maintenance I assume) on your meal? Why don't you just eat what you want?

>am I going to get hangry and verbally abuse my wife and dog the entire time?
You will be hungry for the first few days.
Any autism rage is up to you, I personally felt great and was probably nicer during my first fast.
>will it affect my work performance? It’s not very demanding physically. I typically walk ~7 miles a day with some lifting here and there.
For the first few days you will be distracted, afterwards your "energy maximum" will be lower, basically you will feel normal until you do something mildly strenuous, and then you will feel much more tired for much longer.
>Will it make my heartburn go away? I get heartburn no matter what I eat so I’m on an omeprazole prescription but it requires that I take one before a meal so I won’t be taking it if I won’t be eating.
I don't know the answer to this.
>am I going to lose muscle mass?
A very small amount.
If you actually stick to your fast, your body will primarily burn fat after two days.
If you break it even slightly your body will return to somewhat normal function and will consume more nutrients for another day or so. This will effect muscle recovery.

drink more salt

keto flu is just salt deficiency

*sprints your path*

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eat high carb for your photo shoot though

Depends on the type of fasting. A daily 500-calorie deficit will let you lose a pound every seven days approximately (1 pound of fat = 3500 calories iirc). It will slightly decrease your metabolism and you'll lose a bit of muscle mass as well.

Something like alternate day fasting combined with OMAD on the other hand might allow you to lose almost a pound every other day. It will slightly increase your metabolism instead of lowering it. You'd be getting protons every other day, but there might still be some muscle loss. However, the increased test and GH could mitigate that somewhat and you'd have to spent less time cutting bodyfat than on a deficit overall.

IF means you eat at maintenance (or slightly above/below) in a restricted time window and fast the rest of the day like 16:8 or 20:4. OMAD is 23:1. You can't just eat a normal meal on OMAD, since that would be a massive calorie deficit and fuck your metabolism. You have to cram all of your daily calories into one hour of eating.

It's very time efficient and the best form of IF (not counting ADF), but stretching out your stomach to accomodate a meal like that takes some time. That's actually what amazes me the most about that nigger Cole. Fucker ate 7k calories worth of mcdonald's in one hour.

nigga cut out the calories and just fast. eating calories (unless keto) will just make it so much harder
stop being a pussy and do snek juice

Am I dying? I’m in the middle of day 3 of an extended water fast and I went to the gym an hour ago. Did some squats some presses and curls and biking. Pretty easy the. I payed down for about 5 at the pool before running, or trying to run home. After about a half mile my heart started going faster than I’d ever fucking felt and I literally had to take a knee. Typing this while finishing the walk back. I was getting around 160 bpm in the bike but this just now was worse. What did my body mean by this??

alright /fast/ im down from 220 to 205 and starting another fast rn. Going to see how many days I can go, max so far is five but I want to get down to ~150 lbs by september so lets fucking go /blog

electrolytes? did you have none? did you take too much?

Yea it’s just been water bottles. That might be the problem

holy shit drink something user your gonna kick the bucket like that

look up snake juice, make snake juice, feel better

I experienced the same during my attempt at a snek fast. I cycled two hours a day and then did six hours of manual labour on top of that. After about 52 hours while cycling home I got dizzy, weak and high heart rate just like you described. Had to push my bicycle up a hill for the first time. When I got home I broke my fast with a big meal. Now I just do OMAD with an occasional fasting day in between.


I love how willing Cole is to laugh in the face of conventional medicine, has literally told people with mental illness to get off their meds

No, I meant like eating 300 cals a day vs fasting

Thanks, I appreciate the help.


Lmao at him talking about psychiatric medicine

Does anyone want to play devils advocate here? Cite any materials or tell me why I shouldn’t fast and how it’s bad for me? I’m going to keep doing it regardless but I also don’t believe that anything is 100% good for you.

mental illness is fake anyway

300 calories a day will rape your metabolism, user.

So you believe any organ in the body can be diseased except the brain? What makes the brain so perfect and immune from disease?

I actually believe all diseases are fake.

Anyone here run on a multiday fast? Like keeping a 7 min mile pace?

Feel like it might be more than the lipolysis can handle and itll dip more into LBM

How? The human body can malfunction

Disease is just sin made corporeal.

Is that you Cole? Are you drinking piss to cure AIDS?

How effective is using your urine as a substitute for snake juice? Seems way more convenient than having to buy supplies

He's literally gonna have HIV+ injected into him

At least that's his cover, probably gonna just camp in a bath house ass up for a few days

>whats the difference between snake juice and just seawater?
sodium quantity

>if im fat as fatass would i be able to survive by just drinking that?
you'd die

Fuck. This was really enlightening what makes Cole tick. Actually does make me want to quit my psych meds. Is this why my ketostix have only once hit the darkest color?

I don't want to fall back into the deep hole of depression though, lose my job, and have to live with my parents for even longer.

>Will it actually do anything?
Yes, the distended stomach is a result of vitamin deficiency. It won't break your fast

One day

>Cite any materials or tell me why I shouldn’t fast and how it’s bad for me?
Any studies on this are likely done by Jews working for General Mills or Kraft

this nigga genius. do what he says. just fast. drink snek. SNEK. SNEK IN YO BODY NOW. (no super snek though. dont wanna hear bout no niggas drinking they penis water)

>stare at cat. get the gud vibes

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Not true. Cite Krista Varady. Do whatevez. 300 calorie/day just as good as fasting according to krista varady. check pubmed and her other other publications. so tired of this "you drank one molecule of calorie whatever? enjoy your death!" bullshit. lo-cal life ~= fasting life. cite something or stfu&die

When I first saw the snake diet, I just assumed it was just another scheme to rob fatshits out of their hard earned shekels selling snake juice. But seeing as how Cole literally tells you how to make snake juice, I wonder what his motivation is.

Have we discovered what causes the white tongue during fast?

He just wanted to make a brand for himself and promote it online to get more referrals for his personal training gig. But I think that went to shit when he went fucking coocoo in the coconut and started drinking piss and talking about injecting himself with HIV blood. That kinda thing will taint a brand.

Dead cells. Normally they shed and you swallow them with food. Kinda rubs off on the food. If you're not eating and rubbing with food it just piles up. People who say it's bacteria or thrush are flat out wrong. What would the energy source for the bacteria be if you're not eating?

Everyone said me that a 500c diet is not good and fucks tour metabolism but thimk OMAD is good. So if i eat 500c in one sitting instead of spreading out whole is it better?

Anyone made some easy money on the last 2 matches? It was obvious these 2 boomers wouldn't make it.

legit laddie, I drink some coffee latte or iced tea daily, maybe a chocolate every other day. Nothing else at all. Works like a charm.

sips on a fast; Yay or nay?

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Don't break your fast with lots of sugar you will shit black tar.

Sips are 2g carbs right? You should try keep under 5g if you can, so keep that in mind. There are some other brands of sips that are 0 carbs, I drink those or a zero carb sports drink.

Anyone else lift while fasting for more than a few days?

Planned on doing a 96 to jump start my OMAD keto

Only reason I am eating at all is because I just starting lifting and don’t want to lose progress

Bro why don’t you just try it... you pretty much just have to skip one meal for an intermittent fast

I would stay on the safe side and not have any until you in ketosis

almost 48h, i dont feel hungry just super tired and weak. did like 1.5hr brisk walk with doggy and now i feel absolutely zoinked

anything i can do to feel a bit better? or should i just go to sleep early

*Spritz your path*

If I do a low-cal diet and IF, regular exercise like 30min a day.

More or less how much weight can I lose per week? Thanks bros.

Messi crying

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Should I still be doing intermittent fasting if I am attempting to gain weight/muscle mass?