What makes someone special genetically?

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Bones and tendons

It is literally entirely about resilience.

>posting a nigger
Jews are posting niggers fucking EVERYWHERE on Jow Forums.

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having good genes, you stupid fucking nigger. NOW go pick some cotton, fucking porch monkey........

You jelly wh*te boy?

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Being above average in a certain things, being taller, smarter, more testosterone, better looks, better ability to put on muscle, naturally good endurance etc. The more you have the more genetically gifted you are.

This bullshit of "genetically gifted" is the most stupid thing I've ever seen. People only say that to claim natty while abusing steroids.
Theres no such thing as "special genecally".

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not as jelly as your race gonna be in next 10 years, when white people stop giving free stuff to you. Literally most useless race, even asians are better. You niggers would not have civilization, if white people were not so kind.

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Bait or literally retarded

taller is not better after a certain point. Think about what is more optimal, a 6'5" guy or a 7'11" guy (who dies at ~50 due to height-related disadvantages)

He's making millions playing a sport and just had a baby with his white girlfriend, stay mad ;)

You just got BTFO by me you fucking nigger roid addicted.

>He's making millions playing a sport and just had a baby with his white girlfriend, stay mad ;)
not for long.

Muscle insertions, muscle shape, bone structure is all genetics. All that determines how you look physically. If you have shitty insertions, no amount of roids, insulin or hgh will fix that.

Good, you'll finally learn to accept people by who they are

Is it possible to selectively breed someone like Joseph G. Newton into existence?

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Extra chromosomes

How come mudsharks are an almost universal split of either fat women, or plain jane whores with tanned skin and dyed hair? Is it because legitimately beautiful women with good genetics don't want mongrel children?

>ib4 shills post the .01% pics of good looking white women with negros, most of which are models who are paid to poise for jewish propaganda

Probably not, you could probably get someone with amazing intelligence and someone with great endurance but nothing establishes they'll 100% get the traits you want them to get, it would take way too long.

Also another problem with genetically gifted people Is they're bound todo become narcissists, it's funny because in the manga Michelle hates Joseph for this, but you know IRL she would be wet for jim.

>genetically gifted
>likely to be narcissistic
They kind of have the right to be, don't they?

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in the context of lifting weights


satellite cell count, joint size, frame size, resistance to injury, segmentation, insertions/origins, response to training in general and this is just to name a few

anyone who thinks genetics don't matter is either a total retard or hasn't been lifting very long, just as an example of genetic freakiness Ed Coan squatted 500 in a few months of lifting as a skinny teenager and deadlifted 435 the first time he touched a barbell

Always makes me laugh when someone brags about their deadlift and then when they do it, their locking the weight out below their knee cap.

Yeah, fucking good job you deadlifted 600. Your genetics make it easy for you. Your deadlift ROM is less than a rackpull

>their locking the weight out below their knee cap.
literally nobody has leverages that good for the deadlift, not even Cailer Woolam or Lamar Gant

segmentation is nowhere near the most important factor, it just redistributes your total really since whatever you gain on the deadlift with long limbs you end up losing in the bench press and squat

What do if still can't deadlift, 315 after 2 years of training? I blame it on my small hands, but I tried rack pulling 325 and my shoulders and back felt horrible. Maybe my body just isn't menat to ho past that load? I'm 18 by the way and use double overhand grip.

>look one person did okay playing monkey tackle
>we iz kangs and shit

your diet and training may be holding you back, but it's already pretty clear that you are not genetically gifted for lifting weights since plenty of people just fuck around with shitty diet/programming and deadlift 315 very easily in a few months

Actually the NFL and NBA produce the most black multi-millionaires in America. I think your just mad you can't into athletics as well as black people.

>standard sports/lifting body
>what makes someone special genetically

and look at how many of them end up being broke again because they spend too much and live well outside their means.

>can't into
speaking in memes really makes you right bud, how about trying a real sport like soccer

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I'm 5'6 180lbs. People have always called my hands small. I was doing 275x5 yesterday and the bar ripped out of my hands as I was lowering it after the 5th rep. I really think it's just my hands holding me back.

not really
who would you think higher of:
a guy who inherited billions of cash from his parents or a guy who started from zero and got rich?
i know you cant change genetics but many people undermine the hand they're dealt and blame genetics for their laziness

He could probably be an Olympic gold medalist in weightlifting if that's what he trained for though. He can clean 400lbs and Squat 600lbs. He's definitely not 'regular'.

you better be using chalk and a mixed grip or hook grip

>real sport
LMFAO, if you had said rugby you'd be onto something.

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I hate mixed grip and my gym doesn't let you use chalk. I'll just have to keep doing rack holds till I get my own home gym.

your biggest issue is lack of chalk, that is going to absolutely kill your deadlift progress as you've learned by now

if you don't like mixed, use hook grip or just use straps (do your warmup sets DOH)

actually just get straps now since those will work without chalk (mixed or hook grip still will be held back without chalk), it's retarded to let your gym's shitty policies and your hands being sweaty hold back your deadlift progress

>hey guys i cant run for 90 mins

cope: the post

Running is hard and makes my cock get sore desu. :(

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Get a jockstrap, it's what they were made for (the athletic kind, not the gay fetish wear)

>600lb squat
Pick 2

I literally said he's not regular.

It depends on the purpose. Being able to grow muscle quickly means you'll be great at bodybuilding, but probably bad at several sports that require lean physiques with little to no extra weight. One type of bone structure is good for fighting but bad for swimming. One hormonal arrangement will make you stronger but more likely to develop some unwanted traits, etc. It's not a linear progression between "good" and "bad" genetics, it's what tasks they're suitable for, with "special" imo being someone who can attend more than a few of those tasks well.

What kind of genes help with raw strength?

Above average intelligence, beauty or a athletism. More specifically certain people are just more 'explosive' than others so that plays a big role in sports like football and rugby also just being big is an advantage in a lot of sports.

>responding to obvious cuck bait
Let go of your jimmies friend , the paid shills will keep shilling , you just have to accept it and move on.

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I'm not being paid, I just knew that he was a dumbass and would get mad lol. You guys should meet more black people, not all are hoodrats.

Mate get a paper towel from the bathroom, tear it in half, and wrap it around your hands.
Makes your grip x10 stronger

White ectomorph here. Gaining weight nearly impossible. Metabolism hasn't slowed down at all (even at age 28). Gaining muscle very hard as a result. Arms look crazy small despite being able to curl a ton.

In terms of strength, I'm extremely weak genetically. But I was a D1 distance runner. Cousin a D1 high jumper. Both on scholarships. Both 6-foot and 155 lbs. Our mutual grandfather was a D1 wrestler. Neither of us have ever had an injury.

I'd say I'm special genetically despite having what would be a twinkbod if I never lifted.

FWIW, for the past 200K years over whatever. Distance running was considered the most valuable trait among hunter-gatherer societies.

Too bad you skinnyfags are worthless now.

Get on that 4000 calorie bulk and go JJ Watt mode faggit.

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I relate to this. Never had braces, glasses, or a cavity. I would have been the belle of the ball 200 years ago.