Give me one good reason why you aren't on creatine right now

Give me one good reason why you aren't on creatine right now

protip: you can't.

I have been cycling it for a week and my lifts have shit up like crazy. I just lifted a new record and it felt like I wasn't even trying.

seriously wtf is this stuff?

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hand over that natty card, bud.

It makes my face puffy and more prone to breakouts.

You don't have to cycle it dumbass, it isn't roids. Just take 5gm everyday.

Are you a non responder? I take 2.5g with my pre workout shake and 2.5g after with my post workout shake.

I'm a fat piece of shit. Exactly how much water weight will it add? I have that exact 600g container sitting in my desk drawer. I would love to improve my lifts, but I can't look any fatter than I already do. I was gonna wait to use it until I'm skinny

It will make your muscles bigger, your fat will remain the same. Don't worry, take it.

Afraid of hairloss. Used to take it and damage is probably already done.

There is not a single study that confirmed hair loss other than one shitty paper from Africa.

>massive DHT boost doesn't cause hairloss

creatine is in meat. it's not some weird, unnatural chemical they pull out of a frog's ass.

I have amazing hair. I'm not sure if I should risk it. My hair is like the only thing I have going for me at 33.

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Not worth the risk.

It gives me migraines

but muh one (1) study linking creatine to baldness (which has never)

if they would pull it out of a frogs ass it would be natural though...

How is this paper shitty?

give me one (1) reason for why should someone make an unbiased meta analysis study linking creatine to baldness

i think its ebin as a skinny guy. i could see how the water retention could be a problem for something trying to cut though.

Drink a gallon of water a day when on creatine you fucktard. Your head hurts from the dehydration.

Fuck, read labels before putting shit in your body.

idk if others have had the same experience but I learned the other day that expired creatine is no good. I switched from my ~2 months expired ctreatine to a new bottle I bought and my bench and row went up by 10 pounds immeditately on slightly less sleep than normal. gonna test again tomorrow just to be sure

>Vegans don't have more hair on avera-
Not even defending them but red meat =creatine =accelerated hair loss. Period.

makes me feel really gross

Surely there is more than hair going for you

does the brand of creatine matter as long as its monohydrate?

Been on it for almost two years. I don't know how much of my gains are thanks to creatine but just out of curiosity I'm gonna stop taking it and see what happens.

>I have been cycling it for a week and my lifts have shit up like crazy
ask me how I know you're new to lifting and your "new records"are due to noob gains and cns adaptation

Whatever you get from creatine you lose the second you stop taking it. Pointless as fuck

you could use the same argument for nearly anything

>give me one (1) reason for why should someone make an unbiased meta analysis study linking whey to strength gains

I've taken it for a week and a half now. Not sure if there are any changes. I think I look a bit bigger. It's cheap enough for me to justify taking it + I'm not predisposed to going bald so I'm not worried about the increased DHT levels

ON is good because the micronise it so its really easy to ingest with water.

Guess that explains why literally fucking nothing happened when I stopped taking it.

I've been lifting for 6 months

whats the point of taking creatine if it just makes your hair fall out??? why not just do test in that case

I stopped taking it because it seemed to be giving me muscle cramps.

hair is overrated, should just go bald now and grow a beard instead

You won’t look bigger brah. It makes your body hold extra water in the muscles but it’s not noticeable. What it does it helps you add a few more reps to your sets because you recover a bit faster. You can achieve the same results by actually trying your best in the gym. In clinical trials the difference between the placebo group and the creatine users group isn’t that big. They even out over time anyway.

This right here.
You're fuckin up your body's natural ability to process creatine in the long run just so you can get ahead by a month on natty lifters.

well if you actually read it you'd know how, retard

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I'll eat one this week. How much and when do I take it?

Creatine doesn't affect hair

prove it. plenty of vegans experience thinning hair.

Awful sides.

then by that logic wouldnt taking multi-vitamins and whey protein fuck up your bodies ability to naturally process them from food aswell?

The one study showing significant increase in DHT hasn't been replicated by a second study but it hasn't been disproven. Until more research is done confirming or denying the original study I am going to avoid it.