Eggs: The Final Thread

Let's settle this once and for all fit. Are eggs the miracle protein packed full of nutrients and healthy cholesterol, or are they a fast track to the cardiologist's office?

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I'm not positive since I've heard both but I'm not a big fan of the way they're farmed and the food the chickens get fed. Really makes it seem like there would barely be any nutrition.

dietary cholesterol =/= blood cholesterol

They are the perfect food protein or protein in general as because of their cell construction, we absorb 90%-100 of the protein.

Post body

Fast track to cardiologist. There's no debate to be had anymore.
The egg industry isn't even legally allowed to market them as healthy, and we all know about the misleading "studies" they have done.

Not to say you can't have eggs once in a while, you'd be fine if you did that. But having them for breakfast daily is 100% retarded.

Best protein absorption when shoved directly down your dick hole. No joke, been egg-dicking for years.

lets keep the subject eggs

how are they unhealthy?
what specifically about them is bad?
Is it the cholesterol?

>isn't even legally allowed to market them as healthy
>"too much fat, not enough sugar"
>"too much dietary cholesterol"
>federal death administration
I sure hope this is bait.

Cheese is a better source of protein in terms of amino acids, and has more good saturated fat.

This is correct. The quality of the food/how the animals are raised directly impacts the quality of the meat/eggs.

coconut oil isnt allowed to be marketed as a health food either, even though it's actually a great addition to a diet, because coconut oil is imported and competes with domestic oils

I don’t really see any reason on making eggs manditory in a diet. Oats, rice, meat, milk, veggies. All is enough for meeting all and beyond your macros needs. Don’t eggs have a shit ton of cholesterol? Might as well just buy egg whites from a box.

I know you're trolling but that made me kek

Show me one ad that has them marketing them as healthy? They never say it. They only ever talk about "muh protein" which you dumb asses on here idolize and think somehow it's the missing piece of the puzzle that will turn you into mister olympia

And whats with people defending eggs and fat by saying processed sugar is bad? No shit its bad. Doesnt make eggs healthy. You can be against both.
There's literally 0 benefit to eating eggs healthwise. If you wanna sacrifice health for protein tho, be my guest.

The saturated fat and the cholestoral.

Eggs arent imported

>fast track to the cardiologist's office
how are eggs related to cars?

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the cardiologist's office is for only when you do cardio, cause there is obviously something wrong with you if you do.

> reads
> straight faced repeats the FDA line
Ok buddy.

So you're saying saturated fat and cholestoral is good?

Yes. Studies showing an LDL/HDL connection to sat fat failed to distinguish between saturated and trans fats. When these are isolated, we see that trans fats increase LDL while decreasing HDL, and that sat fats seem to have little, if any, effect. There is even weak evidence that saturated fats have a positive effect on cardiac health.

Meanwhile dietary cholesterol has never ever been shown to be correlated with blood cholesterol, or any of the corresponding bad effects. Nor is there any metabolic pathway that could lead to such a correlation, even in principle. There has never been any evidence condemning dietary cholesterol, only stupid panic related to the blood cholesterol/atherosclerosis connection.

Dude, it clocks your arteries. Don't you know anything?

That's not how it works sempai.

but this goes to show that the fda isnt to be held as the shepherd of health foods
keep in mind that the food pyramid still (unrightfully) exists even though grain and dairy are completely unessential foods

Gaston is the perfect male we should all aspire to be.

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Tarzan is better, he made all his gains naturally in the jungle fighting gorillas and sabertooths

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Yeah but Tarzan is a fucking faggot with a shit nose.

sneed :DDD

I hate eggs
I hate the texture and the taste and everything about them

Fucking Jow Forums in a nutshell here. This is why I just come here for the lolz instead of trying to help people.

Let's talk business then. How many per week is a nice number?

not him but i eat 5 olive oil fried eggs per day, been doing this for at least a year and maybe 2.5 years total

Overindulgence of sugar and eating transfats will send you to the cardiologist, not eggs...sorry bro

> tfw been eating at least 50 eggs per week for over a year
> sometimes as much as 2 dozen egg in a single day
> tc and hdl increased, tg went way down
> literally diminished risk on framingham score
> vitamin d and free test went up, serum glucose went down

seems that replacing carbs for eggs and meat whenever is possible is actually improving my health
btw, I'm not keto or even low carber since I still drink 2l of milk a day

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Lol where do you even get trans fats for the last 15 years. 30 year old man get off Jow Forums

Slav here. We eat eggs for breakfast every day since childhood. As you already know, Slavs are the strongest people on Earth.


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i eat 5 eggs every morning and i've never had any problems.

Not saying eggs are bad for you, but my guess is you are in your 20s and been eating like that for a few years maximum.
The question is whether you drop dead at 35 not if you die tommorrow

not a goddamn coincidence

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>wanting to live to be that 35 year old boomer

Hopefully the eggs kill me before 30.

Nobody needs your shitty advice or “help”

>tfw you own your own chickens

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If there weren’t a catch to it it wouldn’t be cheap


I'll buy em off you

Am I the only one that was pissed that the new Tarzan looked natty as fuck?

Forgot pic

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