Inclined bench

>inclined bench

Attached: stare.png (4000x3788, 616K)

>do rows
>I'm not in a boat

Are you saying you're inclined to do bench but don't?

Attached: 1505571076756.png (658x662, 37K)

>military press
>I'm a civilian

Attached: confused.jpg (1533x961, 174K)

>still hungry

Attached: pröööhhh.png (1024x1024, 13K)

>my skull is intact

Attached: 1511450560265.jpg (545x712, 85K)

>chin ups
>still depressed

Attached: 1523834595155.png (809x808, 21K)

>Upright rows
>I'm actually a degenerate

Fucking lost

>Jow Forums
>Reddit tier pun threads are now the norm


true and based

>leg extensions
>still a manlet

Attached: 1526391520145.gif (740x900, 1012K)


>Clean and jerk
>kicked out for indecent exposure


>Not "still dirty and horny"

>decline Bench
>do it

> skipping rope
> doing it anyway

>do glute bridge
>still have huge gaping anus

>hip abductions
>hips still intact

>overhead press
>didn't get it

>French Press
>Born in the USA