I didn't knew Corey Taylor from Slimpknot had such a weird body...

I didn't knew Corey Taylor from Slimpknot had such a weird body. How do you train your neck so hard but leave the rest off?

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A lot of yelling and screaming I'd wager

Maybe its from all the screaming, maybe its for wearing a mask so much?

His head and neck is very aesthetic, the rest looks photoshoped.

its probably eugenics

He looks like a fucking kid

Genetics and a lot of headbanging

There are others like him but Corey looks like trash desu, even though his voice is amazing.

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Samefagging with some examples
ICS Vortex

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Phil Anselmo

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huh, I never considered that headbanging could be an effective neck workout, but the pics don't lie, both these guys have big necks.


Headbang as hard as you van to a 6-8 minute thrash metal song, and your neck will be pumped an sore as fuck after. Rinse an repeat for 2 hours every Friday and Saturday night for years.

Chris Barnes. This is one of the few images where you can actually see his neck kek

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Keep in mind that they’ve been doing it for decades so it’s not that effective.
Danzig. He’s a fat sack of shit now but still

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gonna add listening to slayer and headbanging to the end of my routine

The neck muscles are optimized to perform at high reps and respond to that. This is why postural changes result in the best growth

>good tongue posture
As above; so below. The tongue influences the tension of the jaw, the set of the teeth, how open the airway is, and eventually neck position which causes proper neck posture. Upright and not forward head posture works the neck more and leads to size. People with good jaws have good head posture and the neck musculature to support it

Loud people have bigger necks. Look at it. I dont know how this works, but I have my suspicions about open airways allowing for more volume. I think it's trainable and therefore something that can come about from learning to speak with more volume the proper way. Yelling/screaming may help too.

>"Well, it's just from headbanging and lifting weights when I was younger," he said. "My dad had a business where he did painting, roofing and everything, so I'd work with him all day long. After that, we'd go to fishing spots to catch and eat all these fish. Then I'd jog over to my friend's house, who lived about a mile away, and we'd lift weights

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Well, I've always had swan neck but since I started listenning to metal and headbanging, it gets bigger every year I reckon. There has to be some truth to it. Not Corpsegrinder nor Corey level yet but it's already lined up with my cheek bones.

Yeah, it’s a pretty awesome childhood

Neck is pretty much genetic and correlates with skull development, he has a very punch resistant Chad skull

Holy fuck Danzig looks like trash

But of course he has the most bland white guy tattoos ever
Lol what a joke

no way this isn't shooped

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It’s not

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the chest one is pretty cool but the rest look pretty gay


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