How do you feel about the Health at any size movement?
How do you feel about the Health at any size movement?
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Encouraging people to stay fat is probably the worst thing you can do for a healthy society. Bullying someone for their weight is good
The tinfoil hat part of me would say that its deliberately done to make people fatter and thus better consumers of fattening and weight loss products from big corporations
Jow Forums fas motivated me to lose weight by calling me a useless part of society
Soon the whole world will be America and there's nothing you can do to stop it foreignboi
You don't fucking say
The social decay serves more purpose than just making people buy more trash.
>Bullying someone for their weight is good
Kek, for the bully. Trying to demean and degrade people into positive change is a debunked strategy that backfires most of the time. When someone yells at you and calls you subhuman scum, are you more inclined to listen to them, or less?
This is moral posturing so Jow Forums can feel better about FPH. Just shit on fat people authentically because you like doing it and they're disgusting. Don't be a faggot and dress it up in a saintly pretense.
Wouldn't say "bullying" is the best strategy but neither would I say lying to people is. I'm overweight. I'm not gonna delude myself into thinking that's good. Let's face it: fat people are uglier, sicker, and less happy than fit people.
>t. never been fat
Social stigma and shame are effective tools. Its how we maintain herd conformity, establish pecking orders, keep behavior within the realm of normalcy. When shame disappears we see aberrant behaviors emerge like gluttony, deviancy, etc.
One single person bullying a fatty isn't necessarily effective, but an entire society that shuns their self harm is extremely effective.
>Bullying someone for their weight is good
There are more effective methods. Bullying works for some people but it also only makes them motivated enough to stop the bullying.
Instead, make it clear and obvious the disadvantages of being overweight. "Health" alone isn't enough, because fat people see their fat-related issues as part of daily life. They need to see other material benefits. Like being able to buy clothes. Actual motivating factors plus positive feedback from losing the weight will become a self-powering motivation that will get them to a reasonable weight and make them want to stay there.
Source: Lost 100lbs.
Reintegrative shaming, not disintegrative shaming. There's a difference; and it's ignored by people who just want to justify their ugliness as moral goodness.
Not bullying fats=! tolerating or encouraging fats.
>Retarded president
Feels good to live in EU man
>In b4 "hurr durr you have Muslims commiting terrorist attacks"
Niggers in America still kill 100x more white people a year with guns and shit than Muslims do in EU. It just doesnt appear in the news because its normal in NA
It's not about looking like zyzz. It's literally like life and death for these fat fucks. I've been overweight for a while, but due to fat acceptance I was thinking that it wasn't that bad. It was bad.
it's factually the easiest and most applicable remedy on national scale, and it works just fine
sure, some ego will be hurt, but it seems better than living a miserable life and only understanding on your deathbed that everyone was lying to you not to hurt you
>he thinks terrorism is the primary threat of Muslims
Dangerously naive; you would be European.
Which is worse in your opinion, a million fatties who are suicidal or a million fatties who are content?
>it's either fat acceptance or bullying!
No it isn't; that's just a false binary you're propping up. Just admit you want to be a bully instead of trying to find a "factual" justification that doesn't exist. People will respect you more for the honesty.
Oh yeah sorry theyre gonna take over our countries with their culture and enforce sharia law in our countries right? Go back to Jow Forums with your conspiracy theories bro
A fatty would only commit suicide if there was no food at all.
maybe we are thinking of different tiers of bullying, my idea of it is "wow user you could go for a run or something you know" not some stuff like placing the fat guy in the middle of a square with all the school laughing at him at pointing fingers
never laughed at a fattie poorly performing whatever kind of sport task either
i also get those kind of comments on other stuff, i think it's totally fine, might make you realize your lacks or just get you a bit tougher skin
it works either way imo, never had comments from anyone who i couldnt give some comments in comeback
>you need to be Jow Forums to recognize the documented political and cultural threat of Islam.
Jow Forums is a bunch of shrieking retards, but lined up next to you they might as well be Nobel Laureates.
>Calling someone out on self destructive behavior and doing the only thing that will help them change and live longer
Go parade your moral superiority elsewhere. We'll do what works and you can go do whatever helps you and your quivering pussy sleep at night.
>get called a fatass
>lose weight
>get called a skinny DYEL faggot
>get big
This site's bullying has helped me a lot.
Ive talked to plenty Arabs, actually have a few friends who are Arab. The majority of the new generation doesnt even really want to be Muslim. But they were still forced to by their parents. In a few generations that shit will get less and less popular. Thats how Christianity died out in EU, when more and more people realise that following a religion blindly is retarded.
Your opinion is the opinion of some basement dweller who spends too much time on the internet and doesnt go out to socialize.
And oh yeah Christianity is still big in NA unlike EU because you people are retarded
Also the opinion of the heads of state of Poland and Hungary
>unlike EU
idk man ive met a lot of religious fanatics in my country
i hope youre right about the muslims though
>happy about white genocide
How much did they pay for the study? I could have told them that for $20
Even outside of Jow Forums you cannot hide, mutt.
Every country already belongs to America.
don't police my body shitlord
>know a nice fat girl at old job
>cute face but really fat
>she sort of buys into HAES but not enough to be out loud about it.
>one day her sister comes in.
>she isn’t fat
>literally 90% the same face
>body of a super model
I really kinda pity this girl when I see her now. She’s obviously got some good genetics and is really nice but she’s just so fat!
The kind of public shaming you're thinking of doesn't stop where you want it to, and lacks the proper controls for effective conditioning. And i's observed to have the reverse effect.
>"There is a common misconception that stigma might help motivate individuals with obesity to lose weight and improve their health," Pearl said. "We are finding it has quite the opposite effect. When people feel shamed because of their weight, they are more likely to avoid exercise and consume more calories to cope with this stress.
Bullying them is satisfying to do; not really effective. Mixing up the two is pretty common.
>hurr you're saying not to call people out on self-destructive behaviors!
You're retarded. Learn to read. Or kys; either way is a net gain for everyone.
I think we should let them do what they want, tell them the truth but if they wanna be fat and unhealthy who gives a shit? no need to continue shitting on them if theyve already accepted a f alsehood that they are just as healthy as someone not lugging around an extra 120 pound weight
>it's factually the easiest and most applicable remedy on national scale, and it works just fine
>Let me pull random nonsense out of my ass
surely that study seems solid and unbiased
you can stay in denial tho, im not the fat one
something in my post hurt you?
t. concern troll
fuck off bro you shouldnt have to convince someone being fat is not the ideal
>i-it's biased! just trust me on this okay
>everyone who disagrees with me is fat!
You sound like an incel screeching roastie whenever people call him out. Between empirical data, and an internet shitposter, I'm gonna trust the former.
This is what needs to happen:
Parents who feed their kids bad shit and get them fat and unhealthy, setting them up for problems and bullying their entire life need to be punished. It IS child abuse, and its strange that it hasnt been recognised as such.
The fatties who procreate feed their kids the same garbage as they eat themselves and it creates a whole new generation of fatties who had no chance to begin with. Then they proceed to one day have kids and the same shit happens.
When the fuck will they finally stand up for this kind of child abuse. I honestly want to punch a fat cunt in their face if I see their 3 year old kid walking around like a fucking bowling ball because they didnt feed him properly
>he thinks his secular buddies are representative of Muslims as a whole.
Sweaty, you seem lost. Reddit is that way.
Body positive movement and obesity would have a fucking meltdown if universal healthcare was passed in the United States, but it required physicals yearly and a fat tax and multipliers on medical services because of it.
I think the pro-bully dude is an emotional retard and I agree with you. Knowingly feeding a child to the point of obesity is textbook abuse.
Since black women are the fattest, the standard talking point would be that it's "racist", "discriminates against women of color", "hits minorities the hardest", etc.
they dont realise its their fault their kid is fat. they blame genetics and use their entire fat ass family as 'proof'. meanwhile its just a bunch of bad eating habits passed on for generations
Let them; playing victim over stupid shit is going to erode whatever legitimacy they have. People on the center are already beginning to get tired of it.
It'd also be hugely unpopular with obese whites in the South and Midwest.
oh but you dont need to agree, that's the good point of the whole thing, it goes like that whether you like it or not
>simultaneously hurts white trash and Basketball Americans
Where do I cast my vote?
No one is going to lose a major election over targeting fatties with universal healthcare.
>a law that hurts the worst of both sides
Absolutely based.
i guarantee this woman is healthier than you and has a lower resting heart rate and better cardiovascular health than anyone on this board
you can be obese and be in excellent physical shape. granted most obese people arent, but there are some that are better than anyone here. have you ever seen a scottish games or strongman competition?
keep searching for a scapegoat, nothing bad that happens to you is your fault after all
Oh you don't have to tell me. I'm a centrist who has been driven to soften my stance on Trump because holy shit the media and the left is so bad.
In Europe (besides England lol) communities are pretty unkind to parents who raise unhealthy fat children.
What are you on about fag. Im not fat, Ive never been fat in my life. My parents fed me just fine. Fuck off with your conclusion drawing
You'll get your next reply if you can cite one study (i.e: not anecdotal evidence or personal blustering) that supports your position. Until then, keep on posturing.
>most obese people arent
that sure is a cool strong girl, but as you honestly pointed out, she's representing a very small minority, using it as a motivation for fat people will only lead them to stay fat
fact (since most fat people ARE NOT at that level of fitness)
just well fed amiraito
i need a study to prove that rambling doesnt change how the world goes? i dont care about your reply, because we already won
>i guarantee this woman is healthier than you and has a lower resting heart rate and better cardiovascular health than anyone on this board
That is not fucking true at all.
>you can be obese and be in excellent physical shape.
Again, not true. This is literal insanity.
I hate both sides of the horseshoe, but currently I've been voting mostly Blue since 2012 despite being a registered Republican in Florida. Before anyone jumps out of the Jow Forums shadows I'll let you know the Democrats that run in Florida for high positions are sometimes Republicans who want an easier primary process e.g. Charlie Crist (Republican Florida Governor --> Independent Senate (failed) --> Democratic Candidate for Governor for his old job (failed again lol I voted Rick Scott for this one) and Patrick Murphy who couldn't get the nomination for the GOP so his dad helped him buy the Democratic nomination to then lose to Marco Rubio in re-election.
Florida voting is a joke, but I just moved to Texas..
exactly, i completely agree with you i just dont want us to forget that it is possible for a small amount of people to be obese yet in excellent physical condition. some people have a genetic body type and others get obese purposefully for things like warmth in extreme cold. if you look at Inuit or similar eskimo type people, you will see they are what you might call "obese" yet these people are walking and running 20 miles every day, carrying heavy loads like 300 pound elk on their backs. its really amazing. they keep the layers of bodyfat in order to maintain a warm core temperature in subzero freezing arctic weather, but have excellent physical conditioning
I'm not a fan of most hard right politics or this Jow Forums-esqu nu-right, but I think they're useful for purging the cancer monster the left turned into.
That said, I'd be the first to volunteer for the door-kicking, right-wing diet squads.
>im in better shape than these obese people who walk through snow for 6-10 hours daily during hunts or migrations
those people are obviously not the ones interested by our discussion, but if it's that important for you to remind it then it's ok
>study finds that water is wet
>we already won
>bitches about HAES and fat acceptance earlier
You're both autists; you're just more deluded than he is if you think this current state counts as a victory.
And I'm an autist for replying to your shitpost. Get that precious last word in.
>you can be obese and be in excellent physical shape.
"Obese" is defined in terms of BMI, so if you are a powerlifter early in your career (before you're strong enough that your muscles are too much for your heart to handle) you can be medically obese and in good shape. This is an insanely difficult physique to get to, but it's possible.
It's definitely possible to be "overweight" in terms of BMI purely by being strong, while actually being a healthy weight with a healthy heart. I'd guess this applies to most of the non-DYEL population of Jow Forums, though probably still to almost none of the general population.
Having said this, as near as I can tell, almost all obese people are actually sedentary DYELs, so their BMI actually -underestimates- how bad shape they're in.
I'd volunteer too..
>lost 120 pounds
>former hamplanet
just look at these obese people, no doubt you are in better shape
I think there are definitely some tinfoil hats that can be donned here, but this one is pretty dumb. If you convince people they should happy being fat, why would that increase weight loss product use?
The better tinfoil hat theory is looking at mega corporations that not only own brands of shitty fast food variety "groceries," but also Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc. So they can profit off the cycle..
Based Yahoo
Go back to pol please,
He's a retard; ignore him.
The truth is that the status quo doesn't encourage you to be happy simply being anything (fat or skinny). It encourages you to find happiness through your consumption, whether that's food, weight loss products, gym memberships, etc.
>Obese" is defined in terms of BMI,
You are very poorly informed. BMI is one way to define obesity, but most doctors will obviously be able to tell if you're excessively fat or just carrying around a decent amount of muscle. In those cases, they'll probably actually use other tools to calculate your BF%.
>so if you are a powerlifter early in your career
Right, and most of those people are obese. Just because you can lift a ton of weight doesn't mean you aren't fat as fuck or healthy. I'm tired of meeting people who eat McDonalds nonstop and think they're healthy because "muh powerlift tho." It's stupid.
>It's definitely possible to be "overweight" in terms of BMI purely by being strong, while actually being a healthy weight with a healthy heart.
If you restrict your argument to just BMI than I agree but, again, that's not the only way to determine if people are obese.
First of all, yes I fucking am.
Secondly, I don't understand what point you think you're making. If you're fucking obese, it puts you at increased risk of hypertension, heart disease, and other problems. Just because you're hanging out in the snow all day or hunting doesn't mean the rules of biology don't apply to you.
Dude you can still be fat and unhealthy and be able to hike far.
You don' t understand how the human body works.
stay mad fattie
I was bullied for years for being a lanklet. It made me feel bad about myself but never made me lift. I always thought other people were just being hypocritical assholes, and I still think that. I eventually just ignored them and learned to deal with it. Completely ineffective. Years later, well after bullying had stopped, I started lifting because I realized that women just aren't attracted to lanklets. I'd get into relationships but I could tell my partners never found me as desirable sexually as I found them, and my number of partners was obviously pretty low. Wanting to get laid more and have higher chances with women I wanted to date is what made me start lifting, not brads who called me a lanklet to make themselves feel better about their dad bods
bullies just say earlier what women wont tell you later
wow, and what valuable advice they provided! it's not like I didn't already know that women prefer fit men. literally everyone knows this. I started lifting when I did due to a dry spell, not lack of prior knowledge. don't pretend like the bullies did anything useful. arguably, they caused me to start lifting later than I otherwise would have because I was afraid people at the gym would bully me
Go back to r*ddit please.
your weak nature is to blame, if you knew it why did you wait so long? weakling lanklet
I get where you're coming from but I disagree. It's a good thing to encourage unhealthy lifestyle because anyone stupid enough to fall for it probably deserves to die in the first place
>lets encourage everyone to smoke, do heroine and get aids, that will improve society
It pisses me off when I see a fat person who would otherwise be attractive. What a waste.
I wish more men did it so I had less competition. Instead it's mostly women and so there is more competition.
fit is doing lot of work at that by making them gay tho, it probably equals out
Was it ever good
>Grouping minorities in with fatties
>One group had no choice
>The other is an American
Fucking love it. I've even brought brownies to a few events at my college.
>fat people may eventually become a source of semi renewable energy a la blubber
>they tend to be liberal, so pushing the "THATS what liberals look like and they want WHAT?" meme is good for my stance
>they don't compete in the workforce with the same tenacity a I do, making my moderate effort look superhuman
>having actual Jow Forums hobbies like rock climbing and wakeboarding is, in my experience, a "20 something THINN art student" panty dropper and induces maximum overbutthurt in fatties
You're right, we shouldn't. Unfortunately the "healthy at any size" people exist. Also the idea that society should bend to the will of the individual (as perpetuated by liberals) is making things terrible.
We're in agreement. I just don't see a reason to be an asshole about it.
When the fuck will there be a movement for men with small dicks
>it's factually the easiest and most applicable remedy on national scale
What data supports that assertion?
absolute cancer, they should all be purged
all people do it for free, what's more convenient than that?
So nothing scientific. Good job you clown.
stay mad fattie
you see? my post is free, scientifically proven