I lift for a dead cat

I fucked a lonely chick back on June 1st. We had nice chemistry, she had a beautiful two-month old cat. A week or so later I text her and she tells me the cat is dead. Name was Taco. Taco marked my life in a way no one ever did. I barely know this girl, and though I like her and I want to get to know her better, the death of her cat fucked me up big time. She found Taco with his little head crushed. Total accident, unpredictable. Her only and first pet. Taco is now my motivation for reasons that are unclear to me yet. I won't be seeing this girl much anymore, and yet we enjoy a good fuck, I'm sure we're not going to be anything serious. So there it is. I lift for a dead cat. Wish me luck bros, I just wanted to share this information.
>pic unrelated, I respect his memory too much to upload a picture.
Also, I'm gonna start lifting at a new gym. Already wrote up with spray paint HIS name on the front porch.

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How did Taco die?

Taco would be happy
do it for him

I will lift for Taco

A piece of wood lying against a wall fell over his little head when he tried to climb it.

Thank you.

Today, I lift for Taco also

Your dubs and your determination will get you far. Thank you for your words.

Rest in peace little cat. Will lift for you.

He died an Honorabl, today I will lift for the cat known as taco

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I shall >lift Taco's soul to Valhalla

>not installing a memorial bell at Taco's grave
>not ringing the Taco Bell every time you hit a PR

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Marry the grill for tacos sake

But you'll never truly understand unless you've ever been there.
I've been there, a place where hope was thin in the air.
If things are gonna get better tell me a 'when' and a 'where'.
Sitting and staring in the mirror, nobody's there,
That I know, feeling so alone and I'm scared that nobody cares.

He was maybe cute but certainly dumb.

Like all cats, that why we love them maybe.

See you soon Taco.

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Real men always lift to honor their fallen bros.

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50 pushups for taco

She died 2 months ago, still lifting for her .

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>getting this sentimental over a kitten you barely knew that wasn't even yours
You have a 99% chance of not making it.

Then I shall lift for that 1%

That's still one more percent than you.

Middle school not going well?

You feel that way now, let's see you make follow up threads 6 months from now, a year from now, two years from now.
Show me the gains you made for the cat you hardly knew.

Lmao I am a waifu-fag.
I give 110%.

Middle schoolers are usually the type to get overly emotional over the death of a pet.

Based, someone had to break up this homo party

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>hurr I can't rebuke or think of a witty comeback, better just use a low effort strawman
Yep, I'm on Jow Forums.

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wtf is tiger tail ice cream

In what way did you think that was a witty comeback?


You're giving him too much credit, user.

It wasn't.
If you read the second half of the sentence you would see that I identified it as a strawman.

I don't get the part about the autistic girl

Thanks people, I appreciate all of your replies. OP is lifting for TACO today and forever.

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Yea sure ok I’ll lift for taco today

Good night sweet pupper

omg those ear tufts!

Parents and guardians don't take well to children crossing a street alone. Unsafe.

I'm testing maxes on Thursday. I want to go 245/155/275 (kg). I will dedicate this day and my PRs in memory of all kitties lost this past year.

So you're tell us that you lift for pussy?

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You could say that.

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Today was rest day, but tomorrow I'm going to do it for Taco

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My cat died in february. I got her when she was only a few months old and I was 2 years old. She was unironically closer to me than my own parents. i miss her so much :(
inb4 underage, 18

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I will. Mark this day Jow Forumsizens. I'll carry Taco's soul myself to Valhalla. And I'll be back stronger than ever.

We'll see.
Make sure you take progress pics so I can laugh at you along the way.

225 for taco

Feelsbadman I had 4 cats with me since I was born 1 st died when I was 13 second was when I was 15 3rd I was 17 4th was 2 weeks ago, the last one didn’t want to leave my bed while he was dying, he could barely walk. He didn’t eat or drink, but he cried the entire time for 3 days on the 4th day i woke up and looked at the side of my bed, he was laying sideways frozen. I picked up his stiff body and carried him to a box. His eyes were wide open. I didn’t give much thought to crying because I knew that he was no longer in pain, this is a picture of him

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Taco shall not be forgotten.

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Heart wrenching.. Tonight, I too will lift for Taco.

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>that fucking Rainbow Bridge poem


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I can't read it again. Frogboy is coming back hardcore.

Count on it.

I won't.
Heaven forbid something more traumatizing than some girl's dead kitten causes you to further break down.


Cute. Mine looked similar and died similarly too. Stated to starve herself, became extremely weak and for like two days she couldnt even walk properly, then passed away on a sunday morning. Vet said she had some sort of cancer.