Is it possible to be fit with Crohn's disease? Is it possible to live a normal life?

Is it possible to be fit with Crohn's disease? Is it possible to live a normal life?

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not really. reroll a paladin

I am on Remicade, Prednisone, and Pantoprazole. It feels like you trade having no flares(maybe) for feeling tired and mildly sick all of the time, along with constant gas and abdominal pain, the bloating is annoying. I can live a normal life, but when I did not have Crohn's, it was completely carefree and wide open. Now, I have doctors appointments, medications, and it is a weight on my shoulders. It makes you humble, and I have social security benefits ans medical marijuana if I want and whatever, but I would rather go back to before the Crohn's.

I have a super mild case of Crohn's. I get legal weed. And it hasn't effected me terribly. Still smoke hookah, drink alcohol, and caffeine.

The only drawback is eating is such a painful chore. Bulking is near impossible. When I'm at a calorie surplus I feel like a suicidal sloth for the three hours after every meal.

I'm shredded as fuck, but will be stuck in shredded twink mode forever I suspect. Flare ups are also killers. I lose weight and stall in all my lifts then it's such a chore to go back up in weight.

Mucho weed, mucho probiotics, and zero veggies have helped a little bit. Anyone else?

Try alicalm, its a medical-food that helps a lot. Atleast for me. I'd like to have contact with u, but have no discord tho. I have crohn myself

keep talking guy

I treat my crohn with alicalm (special kind of medical food for crohn) it helps me a lot. Pretty much no symptoms at all, atleast in my case. I dont take any regular "medicin" cuz its poison.

I don't think there is anything supporting what you're talking about

I really recommend it. I rarely have any crohn-symptoms with it. Only when i have massive stress tho

What is it, how does it work, and how much do you take daily

OP's question nr2:
Is it possible to live a normal life with crohn?

I just told him that i do fine with alicalm.

I also have a pretty hard crohn according to docs. My illeum is affected which means i can't resorb anything (only a really small amount)

It is possible to lift with Crohn’s but it is not possible to have a normal life with Crohn’s.

I’ve had colitis for 4 years and haven’t had issues in 3 taking only Humira. I can bulk all I want and haven’t had blood in stool since I started taking it.

Its powder u mix with water, it usually tastes like vanilla but u can order extra tastes like choc or strawberry for example. U mix it up then drink it. I take an amount of 1-2L per day, depends on how much i can eat, more eating less alicalm, less eating more alicalm.

*Can only resorb a small amount of calories, vits etc of normal food

Alicalm is special for crohn so i can resorb it

SRS Q. What do you do if you're gay and have Crohns. How much does your life suck?

Cystic fibrosis and crohn's disease patient here. I would say you can be fit if you can figure out your inflammation triggers, which takes some time to do, and simply avoid them during the training phases. I'd say you also need to be wary of whatever kind of crohns you have (obstructive, disruptive, or both). Those aren't true medical terms, but it's my understanding you are either the type that gets inflammatory obstructions, you have disrupted digestion, or you are the poor sap that has both.

Larry Nance Jr is a half decent NBA player with Crohn's disease

That's cool

what are the differences? never heard of those

is that where you have inflammation in the chest and you feel kinda bloated/tired and can't breathe well?

How do I not get Crohn’s disease?

take probiotics, don't take antibiotics

the end

Obstructive means that the inflammation literally causes the bowel to close up and prevent shit from passing. This leads to bowel obstructions that in severe cases require surgery to fix. I had 2 back to back surgeries this past October in an incredibly unfortunate incident.

Disruptive is I would say more common where the inflammation interrupts the digestion. This leads to the poor energy, diarrhea, vomiting and all that shit. This can cause slight-mild malnutrition depending on the severity which impacts your gains and immune system.

Both is where you obviously have symptoms of both. You may find yourself feeling like a sluggish bloatlord for a few days, then have diarrhea the next week

>Is it possible to be fit with Crohn's disease? Is it possible to live a normal life?
OP, I don't have Crohn's, but I do have restrictions against some foods if I want to stay healthy and not have certain problems, so I get it.

Yes, you can be fit and healthy. But for you eating will be a pain in the ass because of the things you absolutely can't eat. You'll get used to it though.

>>Is it possible to be fit with Crohn's disease? Is it possible to live a normal life?
>OP, I don't have Crohn's, but I do have restrictions against some foods if I want to stay healthy and not have certain problems, so I get it.
>Yes, you can be fit and healthy. But for you eating will be a pain in the ass because of the things you absolutely can't eat. You'll get used to it though.

I wish that's all Crohn's disease was

It is if you listen to your doctors

It sucks.

Crohn's is extremely variable.
>My cousin has it severe and has been in and out of hospitals for the past few years with surgeries and dealing with hell constantly
>My dad's also been diagnosed but has lived a relatively normal Jow Forums lifestyle. He just has to watch what he eats.
Each person's experience is different

Possible to be fit? Yes.

Possible to lead a normal life? Possibly.

I battled colitis for 3 years, and lifted during half of it. Gains weren’t easy, I shit like 10 times a day during the bad stretches, got sick more than Idk like. It wasnt easy to add weight. Eventually my body built up antibodies to remicade and humira, so the last time I got really sick, my doctor said it was finally time to lose the colon. He said for a young guy like me it would give me my life back, and he was right.

After I got the bag, I broke all my old PR’s. Not by much, but I was the strongest i’ve ever been and looked the best I ever had.

Sorry for the blog post. We’re all gonna make it, brahs.

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It really isn't. There aren't people with Crohn's diagnosed who just watch what they eat and have no problems. That isn't what Crohn's is

What is it like to have that bag? Do you get used to it and sort of forget it's there?

After my back to back surgeries, my doc said that a bag is not too far from my reality. I'm scared shitless (heh) of the prospect, though

What surgeries indicate that you should have your colon take out

Yes and no. I’m always mindful of it, so I’m careful not to bump it or catch it on anything. It’s not like it’s painful or anything. Though my gains disappeared after surgery and I literally started at square 1 7 weeks later.

To be honest it’s really not bad. I did have confidence issues with it so I avoided girls for a good solid year, then soon learned if a girl thinks your hot, a poop bag isn’t gonna change her mind.

I always wear a compression tank top under my shirt to help compress it and hold it in place, and plenty of people have said they didn’t even notice it until I said something.

What happensbif it starts attacking your small intestine? Are you just put on IV nutrients for the rest of your life or something?

>I always wear a compression tank top under my shirt to help compress it and hold it in place
Forgive me for not being as well read on the topic, but wouldn't that potentially mess up the seal between the bag and opening?

I should have been more specific, sorry. No it won’t. It’s not a super tight compress, just a spandex tank top. It just does a good job of keeping everything in place and not letting the bag flop around.

God damn I don't want one of those. I've been diagnosed with colitis recently and am going for an colonoscopy on monday, wish me luck bros

Is it in place and secure by itself? Could it just loosen or is this a tight locked on thing?

More chest and that's solid

Yeah, the bag has a ring that snaps into a wafer, and the wafer has a strong adhesive that sticks to my skin. But wearing a spandex shirt helps keep everything close to my body and thus not as noticeable. The bag is more rigid than you’d think, so if I just wore a tee shirt with no spandex underneath it would be really obvious.

You wouldn’t believe I was benching 235 for 3x5 when that was taken. My chest is so horrible. I have a chest gap that can’t be filled.

That's good. If it was some loose thing flopping around breaking etc, it would suck hard

So you just poop into a bag and dump it out when you notice it's filling up? That doesn't seem so bad.

At least you UC people can sort of cure yourselves, us with CD can't do anything

How have you gotten Humira to last 3 years? Have you noticed any side effects?