Alpha Fuckimg Destiny

why do you still defy his greatness. he looks better than 99% of Jow Forums

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>terrible facial hair and features

Yeah nice try Destiny

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Is he a legit muslim? Remember him making a vid about bulking at Ramadan or something like that. Damn Canada.

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lmao latlet

he's 5'4 dude

wow he looks great for his age then

The only good thing about him are hist lat incertions.

Poor guy, he has literally nothing going for him

he has jefferson rack pulls above the knee

Literally who

he hit some canadian records in bench not too long ago

but sure buddy

how many inches of height is that worth?

Hi alex

>first impressions
It's one of those things where you never forget where someone came from. No matter how "alpha" you get all people are going to remember is the 7+ years you spent as a beta. That thought, that you are the kid who brought Pokemon cards to school, is solidified in their mind. It's why you won't get a date at prom. It's why some kids have to change schools.

Alex could start a new business and be wildly successful. He could be the first test case of a serum that adds 4 inches to his height. He could shake hands with the President of the only country that matters and be offered his daughter. Someone would still ask about that cool glass of lemonade on his wedding day.

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I believe he's Italian

Nice wingspread, he looks like a manlet. No amount of muscle will change the fact that his arms look like buff baby arms.

When will they learn?

barely half an inch desu

He is 5'5 at the end of the day doesn't matter how much mass he gets

*sips a cool glass of lemonade*

What is this meme

i would fuck him in the ass if he would pay me

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>those wings
Jesus m8

That's a real ugly manlet

It’s from one of Alex’s delusional stories about women and him being cool.

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ultimate gymcell


not true, he has great insertions and traps like no other- hes definetly the king of natty asthetics

>is he a muslim
>nah he's Italian

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Didn't he get completely mogged and outgripped by Omar?

His aesthetics are shit tier and he was recently outmogged my Omar Isuf who has bigger traps despite not training to look yoked. Inceldestiny is a total failure

I (and most of Jow Forums) just cannot get ourselves to respect a literal 5 foot 3 guy tbqh

I'm 6'3 and a foot taller than him. I mog him to death and would make him look like a little kid. I don't have as much muscle but idc really as being an ubermanlet in 2018 = social suicide

sorry user

Anyone else think he's look 10x more aesthetic with small lats? It just looks odd

>tfw 5'5 manlet
>tfw will never be respected by men or women

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Link to the video?

I am taller. Way taller. I'm 6'4, that's a approximately 10 inches taller.
He's a child to me.

No he's not Muslim he made the video because he recognized that many of his viewers were Muslim and figured it would be a good video

There isn't a video its an old blog post he made on his site

He’s Greek and Italian
He’s never mentioned his religion
He was most likely raised Catholic and is now agnostic..any follower of Christ, Muhammad, etc would admit his/her faith.

How dare you
Call him manlet whatever let but never latlet

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Yes and the very next day, Bugez passive agressively took a shot at him.

>Omar: "Haha Alex I expected you to have unlimited grip strength"
>*Bugez titles his next video UNLIMITED GRIP STRENGTH*

I used to think he was cool, but Bugez is just as big of a jelly faggot as his buttbudy JJ

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>all the crabs ITT that cant even bench 2 plates

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