Fuck all cyclefags, stop disobeying every law of the road and TAKING HALF THE FUCKING STREET FAGGOTS
Fuck all cyclefags, stop disobeying every law of the road and TAKING HALF THE FUCKING STREET FAGGOTS
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>Uh oh some wagie is ragie
Did he died
Jesus they couldve just killed that guy
>try to kill someone
>take a video of it
>post online
Why do people want to get put to jail? That guy literally falls on a stick and he dies instantly, falls and breaks skin and gets an infection = the video guy gets sued at least.
If you do crime, why the fuck do you videotape it?
Only a man fueled by creatine would do such a thing
Gotta get those likes :^)
with all that greens chances are high he got no damage, and it will be very hard for him to find those guys by the video unless it gets a very big spread on the net with a dumb facebook source attached to it
i would laugh my ass off if it happens and those guys lose everything until they die
The speed and force of the landing and with no knowledge of any sort of drop off, I'd guess he at least broke an arm or wrist
I don't like cyclists either, but that was not necessary.
the fact that he rolled somehow makes me hope he managed to land without too much troubles, there were no big trees
but yeah it's enough that there was a rock where he landed to just kill him
why would someone think this is cool or legitimate, you dont even gain anything from it
I have no idea
I've never felt so bad about laughing
>There are people on this board who doesn't lift enough to survive a tiny little bike slip
>I don't like cyclists either
they go too fast
most of them are totally insufferable.
Kek I hope these guys get fucked.
Absolutely based
They dont obey the rule of the street. They run red lights and stop signs, they never yield, they ride 4 wide taking up half the lane. They switch from sidewalk to street constantly to avoid traffic and lights...The ones with the skin tight racing ones are even worse, nonstop telling you how far they bike everyday.
not him but they are pretty annoying, never run in line, never signal their intentions, just move and pretend you dont run them over
of course i will stop, but if you arent senile or a woman i will get mad at you for not behaving on the road
Seems like you're projecting.
SAGE and report off-topic threads, especially when there is illegal content (in this case, assault)
And then they yell at cars all day "Share the road!!!! WTF DRUMPFFFFFFF!!!!!!"
They should all be gassed desu.
Post pic of yourself so we can see how fat and ugly you are, loser.
Does lifting stop brain damage?
Found the bikefag
how can that be
even though i want to remain as neutral as possible in the cyclists vs people who hate them debate, i have literally not once in my entire life and out of dozens of encounters with cyclists NOT had a problem with them - actually, genuinely, every single one was disregarding traffic laws and just being flippant as shit with their lives, i don't know if they live for that sort of thing or they're just cunty people who happen to also ride bikes
Found the fat ugly incel.
What's the matter, a roadie fuck your oneitis? LOL loser.
It always comes back to politics with this shit hole
bikefags are all liberal kikes who ride their toys down to the illegal immigrant rally
What the fuck is this? Why aren't they stopping on the first accident? What is the cameraman trying to say?
i hope so
fuck cyclists
Meant to reply to this
>limp bait
Typical republican; can't get it up.
this will be why the new car pistol I will have will be a glock with a extended stick magazine
20 angry bike niggers can all get their shit dealt with
Because nobody cares about retards intentionally riding death traps.
motorcyclists are the niggers of the road
Hard to find my ass, if the cyclist died and this happened in a western county they'd be found in hours. If he didn't die the cops wouldn't bother unless there was public outrage
if this happened in the countryside and the guys didnt upload the video until months later for safety or whatever reasons, it's unlikely that they got caught
physical violence is cool and the cyclist probably deserved to be hurt, and possibly killed
every additional cyclist on the road means one less car for you to complain about when stuck in traffic retarded carcucks
shhhhhhh don't tell them
The more they drive, the earlier they'll die = less retardation in the future
lmao wtf
yeah more cyclist to fucking slam with my ride lmao
I cycle daily and disobey every traffic rule imaginable and see other fellow cyclists do the same
Fuck cyclists.
>it will be very hard for him to find those guys by the video
sweet summer child
That video is evidence of assault at least, you could probably argue attempted murder.
Like another user said if that happened in a first world country the police will find those guys in hours after it was reported
The average driver disobeys traffic laws 3 or more times per trip
The average driver does not understand the rules for bikers on the road
The average driver who complains about bikers does not understand the rules for bikers on the road
of course
whoa are you a bot or just fucking retarded.
I bike to work in summer time, just a short sprint of about 7 miles in circa 20 minutes.
>faster than driving
>no need to pay for petrol
>cycle right past the queuing plebs in traffic
>get a tan
>do all my cardio during commute
>shower at work so not sweaty
Feels good man. Cycling in winter is an absolute cunt, however.
I don't care about cyclists disregarding traffic laws because I'm not a pussy faggot but they do look gay as fuck when they dress in the full cyclist spandex like they're training for the tour de France.
Seriously when I see people riding their bikes dressed like that I want to take all the change from my cup holder and just beam it at them.
kek this picture is great
looks like somekind of akira shit
That was such a smooth, graceful fall.
I'm in a college town where everyone rides their damn bikes. Driving here fucking sucks. No bike lanes either.
I am so fucking glad i live in netherlands, i dont even understand how other countries function without proper cycle roads everywhere.
Maybe but bitches are mirin the bulge when i'm kitted up
Wew, they're Irish. For a second I was worried that they were white
I hope they died.
>be me, tourist in NYC
>checking out brooklyn bridge
>groups of people walking very slowly and alongside each other, taking up the entire walkway
>i go around them, but both of my feet still on the walking side of the bridge (though my upper body may have been over the line)
>bicyclist going the other way spits on me (just goes on my arm)
>hear stories of bicyclists hitting people and running away or spitting on them and running away
>always see cyclists not stopping at stop signs
fuck cyclists
im really fucking jealous as a cyclist
This, they drive recklessly, getting into police chases, tieing up traffick, post videos of it on youtube then play the fucking victim when one of their boys eats shit.
It is gay as fuck, but if you're doing 20,000kms on your bike every month (many hobby ciclists do that and more) you want to wear the faggot outfit that gives you the least amount of sores and transpires the most. Normies don't realize how time insane cycling training is at any level.
Fucking fred
And how exactly does that affect you other than making you angry that someone doesn't "adhere to rules"
>motorcyclist changes lanes right in front of him
what the fuck
>two dozen cyclists with him to back him up
fuck these guys, driving like assholes just when they have a mob with them
Welcome to NY
fucking tourist
"Newfag" question, what is this? I see it a lot. It it just a placeholder for saging?
But how is that projecting if they don't ride bikes
This this this
>thinking the road is just for cars
this is basically identic and it doesnt seem any of them have been found
evidence is useless if not linked to the guilty
>inb4 brit > first world
dont parrot memes you dont understand
Oh fuck, got it, thanks.
Wouldn't want to be a helmet salesman there, holy shit.
but when asked to follow rules of the road they suddenly aren't vehicles anymore.
Stop sign, no problem just ride right through it.
Sidewalk on a bridge, no problem just right right through it.
No vehicles side by side in one lane, no problem just go side by side and ride right through it.
Cyclist break all the rules of the road but expect to be treated like a car.
we dont need helmets.
only skintight racers wear helmets here
>Only being struck by a vehicle causes brain damage.
You are delusional.
Wearing a helmet isn't a choice, suck up your pride or gain some confidence in your appearance.
not saying there aren't complete asshats on bikes but that's not the point.
you're not automatically in the right because you're in a car, theoretically faster than others, literally surrounded by an armour of steel. just watch the fuck out for others, it's not that hard.
when you get that worked up over seeing someone on a bike like OP you have serious mental issues.
I am sorry, but do you wear a helmet when walking around the city? no? same reason you will almost never see a dutchie wear a helmet, as in in i cant even remember when i last saw someone on a regular bike wearing one and i see hundreds every day.
unless they are going on high speed racing bikes we dont need to wear helmets.
Hey look, they're stopping at a red light!
>you're not automatically in the right because you're in a car, theoretically faster than others, literally surrounded by an armour of steel
someone out there actually believes this
I'm a cyclist and a driver.
Cyclists should not ride two side by side, and should keep within a foot of the curb.
Motorists should not go within a foot of the curb. That's it, don't need to do anything else.
Governments on the other hand need to stop being assholes and making it highly illegal to cycle on the footpath yet maintain shoddy shitty pothole filled roads without cycle lanes.
That's the real evil here.
I doubt he died