It literally deforms your face and body and you become ugly.
Reminder that caffeine makes you ugly
Wow you really convinced me with those hot opinions buddy
>drank at least 5 cups every day throughout puberty and early 20s
I saw the light at last but it was already too late for me
I know you're meme'ing, but the retard part of me wants to know more. Should I quit coffee?
fuck, bump. I wanna know
I percolate one pot every Saturday to relax on my deck and watch the sun come up I've the flat irons. Other than that you're right. It fucks with memory, moves your baseline energy level down (requiring more to feel normal), and stains teeth.
>citation needed
It is too late my son
>[citation needed]
That's a funny way of spelling alcohol you utter fucking embicil I will slit your throat with a king sized barbell, put the neckhole on my air mattress, duct tape your mouth and give you compressions so you fill it up until it is firm but not rigid because that's better for your spine fucko
Coffee is good for you as long as you keep it under 4 normal sized cups a day. Taper down how much you drink periodically to keep your caffeine tolerance low. Tea is also good but causes kidney stones if you don't also drink a good bit of water. Observe this demon who wears khaki pants and nice shoes.
wikipedio says that memory related caffeine pros/cons are rather mixed and inconclusive.
also that testing was done on mice, so what the fuck that gives you.
I take a gram of pure caffeine anhydrous every day in the morning (going on four years now, I have a -lot- of it). I feel fine. What's gonna happen user?
>It literally deforms your face and body and you become ugly
If you are older or overweight you are more prone to heart fibrillation and hypertension, that's about it really. You should try tapering down for a while so you can feel like a god once you start tapering back up.
I'm young and underweight, woops
Tbh it doesn't do anything but make me poop at this point
1 whole gram? Nigga damn.
Reminder that caffeine is kike poison
imagine if this site required you to source your statements 99% of the shit on here would be gone
now the million dollar question is, can the damage be undone?
I didn't even pick up on the dose, god damn. Unless I'm really trying to improve my metabolism, 250mg messes with my sleep
explain why i'm impossibly handsome then