Rate this man's soylent only gains

Amateur bodybuilder decided to try a onions only diet for a month after being disappointed with his gains from an*mal proteins. He's looking thicker and tighter to me. Is Onions the ultimate food source for making gains?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-30 at 4.00.34 PM.png (1998x1064, 2.87M)


>Amateur bodybuilder
Stopped reading

>opened picture
Well, I already typed out this reply to a bait, I might as well post it.

>amateur bodybuilder
>somalian mode

he looks the same, too. can he bench 1pl8?

I think a month of gains would always look better than before regardless of what protein he had.

Link or something I can search to find this?

his skin color is more natural but that's literally just light.

Honestly if anything he looks to have slightly higher body fat with 0 gains.

Also i dont believe this image is even related to onions

also """"""""""""""""""""""bodybuilder"""""""""

Wow he went from the body of a 13 year old to the body of a 17 year old.

same size with estrogen bloat Tbh lads

It looks like he gained 2lbs of weight and had different lightning

thank u mr skeltal

why can't people realize that a month is not fucking enough to rate the validity of one nutritional diet over another. in that time period only radically altering your total caloric intake could induce noticeable changes

Real woke pill time.

The constant vegan shilling is promoted by corporations to shift all blame about the deteriorating environment to the consumer. Johnny Q rich Jew wants you to feel bad about that chicken sandwich while he dumps his coal mine waste into drinking water to save a nickel on shares.

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>don't recycle that's just consumer blaming!

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>The constant vegan shilling is promoted by corporations to shift all blame about the deteriorating environment to the consumer.
Sounds like sheepcope to me desu, enjoy your immoral and less ethical lifestyle.

mutton is delicious senpai

There is one thing that is clearly noticeable, he is more angry in the second photo.
Likely because he hasn't eaten real food in a month.

we had this thread like 3 months ago.

we said the same thing then, it's literally no change. he could just be tensing his whole body to achieve that 'change'. inhaling into his lungs a bit more. he could've had some nice beginner gains on a reasonable program and diet, but no, he had to fuck it all up.

off topic, but do you mean on plate on each side or just 45 pounds on the bar

>a 17 year old should have that level of mass

In Europe or laos, maybe. On the BAD (big American diet), were expected to cultivate far more mass than that.

I'm glad you're poisoning your body with fucking leaves

>supposed to be a basedboy bait thread
>turned into a faggy vegan bait thread

>eating leaves

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just LOL at that frame

He grew some stubble, got slightly shorter, changed his expression and took a photo in more natural seeming lighting

>Amateur bodybuilder decided to try a onions only diet for a month after being disappointed with his gains from an*mal protein

what a load of shit. Nobody eats a diet including animal protein, is disappointed in his gains, and then decides to go on one of the possibly worst diet for gains.

It's like saying I wanted to get really big, but progressive overload with heavy weights wasn't doing it, so I became a marathon in hopes to build muscle that way.


Or look at coke, who have been continually trying to stop recycling programs. I guess people could honestly stop buying it though

What gains?

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>big head
>small arms and hands
I have never wanted to punch someone as much as this guy

Wow, he's less red, who woulda though

soiboys are vegan though

Hw looks exactly the same. His physique is still not impressive.

looks like he lost mass and gained fat

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People will generally eat what's accepted and marketed towards them. I don't see a lot of save-the-earth vegans giving up their phones or PCs that only function with plastics made from oil by-products or rare earth materials mined from monolithic stripmines with questionably maintained tailing ponds.

But sure, CO2 is the greatest risk factor to natural life right now, not the millions of tonnes of garbage in the pacific, toxic chemicals being dumped daily that sterilize any sort of marine life, or massive overfishing so that some shit-tier, mutated tuna can get shoved in a can and sit on a shelf for 6 years.

Implying the universal mocking of vegans coming out of Hollywood isn't to distract you from how much our overconsumption of meat is harming the environment
Vegans are more likely to give a crap about pollution anyway, why would you distract people from how you screw the environment by making them start valuing nature

Dude looks like he would fuck you up now.

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>going on a vegan non-gmo locally grown onions diet for this

looks like an auschwitz victim.

cool it with the antisemitism jerk

maybe if he bled on me and gave me hiv

Searching google for this image comes up with "one week without food"

Literally looks like he just put on a couple % of BF

I kind of agree.

I think the way meat is produced today is completely horrifying for various reasons and I was vegetarian for 4 years, 1 as a full vegan. Then I realized that it is easier for a new vegan restaurant to open than it is for a butchery shop to close. I realized the very thought that the consumer can change the way those things are produced to become something positive is completely absurd.

Suppose it works. Suppose veganism spreads and half the population is vegan. What you'd see is basically a bunch of McDonalds vegan burgers and stuff like that, but never the closing of McDonalds. The position of the consumer is always "please, don't do it that way or I won't buy it" and in this way, the corporations have all the power, they give you something to calm you and continue doing what they have always done. In a highly individualized society, people pretend that the consumer is somehow responsible for the products in equal measure as those who produce it, but that's bullshit.

That and a bunch of other thoughts made me drop vegetarianism. I returned to eat meat slowly and it's not even part of my daily diet, I eat a lot less meat than I used to, roughly once or twice a week and prefer lean ones over cow or pork. I felt good eating meat, felt good as vegetarian, as vegan and now as a light meat eater, so health is not really the crucial issue in that regard, imo. Then again, I didn't lift when I was vegetarian, so I dunno.

Cool it with being a nigger, fag.

Livestock farming is just so retarded. They all get that fancy protein feed and get fucking sole while not even lifting. And it's still cheaper than eating vegan. So stupid, all of it

Looks a bit fuller and his face slimmed out a bit. Interesting.

u can't tell from pic but he's actually like 7'5" so those muscles are huge

Thats funny

Bar plus a 45 on each side. 135 total

I repped 135 my first day in the gym then lost strength immediately because im retarded and don't know shit about programming or nutrition

Yeah looks flabby and soft on the right side of OP no muscle mass difference imo

whatever the fuck he ate, he should have eaten more of it

Wrong. It is being shilled by the carbohydrate industry and companies who make money out of Chinese/US onions. Typical vegan diet is a wet dream for companies that sell processed garbage.

literally the most pathetic frame i've seen on a man lmfao

Don't use soilent they make it out of drums of random crap they buy from China. Don't you know what chinks did to their own baby formula?


Get gassed, kike

Jesus fuck. TRAIN YOUR LATS! It's the most important muscle - your chest, arms, shoulders, etc. don't matter if you don't have lats! You will just end up looking like a faggot!

this guy looks like an unholy union of the manlet and the lanklet, taking worst from both sides...........

I only train back

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>Implying the universal mocking of vegans coming out of Hollywood isn't to distract you from how much our overconsumption of meat is harming the environment
all of these enviromental risks come from shitholes like Africa; same as overpopulation, etc.. Nuke niggerland and 90% world problems are fixed.

ah yes, the dreaded manklet

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>But sure, CO2 is the greatest risk factor to natural life right now, not the millions of tonnes of garbage in the pacific, toxic chemicals being dumped daily that sterilize any sort of marine life, or massive overfishing so that some shit-tier, mutated tuna can get shoved in a can and sit on a shelf for 6 years.

Why do you think caring about these things and being vegan is mutually exclusive?

He looks massive

Holy shit

has he tried eating?

That is exactly the only thing that works these days.

Because you can't get a phone or a computer without causing 0 pollution, but you can eat food that's vastly more sustainable.
Too much for your brain to handle?

is 1pl8 impressive now?

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>I'm an ethical person because i throw garbage in a can guise!!!!1111(oneoneone)!
LMAO kill yourself basedboy , the world has much worse problems than boomers throwing their plastic bottles in metal containers

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>those non-existent lats

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very true. Working in retail I can see how much waste these corporation create. Fucking giant boxs of plastic bags just thrown out because they are from last season. The average person couldnt match how much corporation waste


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shit is like $3 USD for 400 kcal, if you're trying to make gains it's fucking expensive

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yeah he does look like a deranged bum who would stab me for a quarter

>Vegans "care about the environment"
>Harass local businesses only, never large Corps
>Corporations "aren't" largely responsible for environmental destruction more so than Joe Q who eats a chicken sandwich once a day.

>That's right goy, it's you who needs to change and save the enviorment. It's all on you! What can I do? Cut more corporate profits by disposing of waste responsbily or using greener supply chains? Never!!

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Looks like his test levels went up to me, based onions

Both of these things are correct. Mocking of vegans is promoted by meat and dairy in order to discurage people from pursuing a diet that would destroy their industry. Same with the "meat = manly" meme. I mean common does anybody HONESTLY think that buying a burger instead of a veggieburger in the same damn fast food joint makes them more manly?

Other industries see an opportunity to blame-shift. If everyone went vegan it WOULD improve environmental conditions, there's no denying that. It's simple energy accounting: a cow needs to eat around 7-8 lbs of plants to make 1 lb of cow; you'd get more calories if you ate the plants directly (the plants in question being mostly beans, rice and oats and not grass which is only rarely used). BUT the corporations pushing this only "care" about the enviroment because it would allow them to go on polluting for a few more decades without fucking up the planet completely.

So should we go vegan? On the one hand it plays right into the corporate agenda. On the other they happen to be right (though motivated by the wrong thing), and it would be better for the environment. I say try to go plant-based, organic and local to at least 80% - gardening yourself if you can't afford it - and getting most animal products via bivalves (since they're easy on the enviroment and don't experience suffering) and organic & local eggs and dairy. That's what I do and it works fine. Personally I don't eat meat at all, but if one wants to I say go hunt it yourself or get it from a hunter. Local and organic grass-fed beef and chicken otherwise, but even that isn't as good due to the alternative cost of the soil-use (in most, but not all, cases the soil used to grow grass could have been used for other crops that humans could directly consume, and so the energy accounting bites you in the ass again).

He looks the exact fucking same lmao

Wow, for only triple my monthly food bill I could make zero fucking gains. Where do I buy?

fucking kek

what mode is this

Wow, he moved into different lighting. Sickening.