How/when to lift after getting a new tattoo?
New ink on right trap
How/when to lift after getting a new tattoo?
New ink on right trap
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what is that supposed to be some kind of homosexual spider
It's a mark of death.
OP wants to be hounded by demons for the rest of his life.
Your skin looks fucking nasty
I just finished watching the 1997 berserk anime
are there any other decent adaptations?
Why would you put the cuck brand on your body?
It's a weeb tattoo
Getting it on my neck when I get the cash
Fucking stupid
What do you hope to gain from that? Nobody will ever compliment that tattoo genunely. They will only say "oh cool tattoo" after you've been "inadvertently" shoving it in their face for the past 5 minutes just to get you to stop embarrassing yourself
What a stupid thread, your tattoo is shit
Sorry your nigger skin doesn't accept ink.
at the very least you better look like guts
Ask your artist if stretching the skin will affect the tattoo. Also don’t let anyone talk down your tattoo. Shit or not, it’s your body and your deal.
Also is that Norse?
Faggots who don't like Berserk on suicide watch
it's from berserk
decent tat choice op, douchebagchocolat had the same one
Heard the movies are good but the new cgi anime is trash
did he skip legs day?
The cgi looked... Off, like it was lacking something, I could't get used to it
brand of sacrifice is the only tattoo I want to get but I'm far too lazy to go through with it. I'd like it on the side of my neck but I was considering a small one on my right trap too.
The second and third ones get significantly better
>like it was lacking something, I could't get used to it
Alcohol was what you were missing.
Sun exposure. No neck. Do trap
Oh yeah for sure I worded that poorly anyway. It being on the neck would be difficult to hide so I would get it on my trap, not neck.
Patrician taste op. Can you post a more zoomed out pic? Want to see how it would look.
I like your brand of sacrifice OP, berserk is good but the cgi anime is unwatchable
I wish he would start making videos again
>getting entry level anime shit on you
Do you have other tattoos? No artist worth their salt is gonna tattoo your neck as your first tattoo.
Don’t you have a body pillow to cry over?
haha what a lame joke
I was thinking of getting this done too. Looks cheap as well actually. its a good tattoo cause of the meaning and the reference isnt obvious.
To actually answer your question OP, keep lifting like normal and just make sure to wash your tattoo after you workout since it's gonna be dirty from all the sweat. Non-scented Dial liquid soap and warm water should do the trick. Slap a little Aquaphor on it after and you're golden.
me too
popculture tats are shit thou
Wasted digits.
Everyone knows tats look a lot better on blacks.
Glad you liked it. Want to see it in the original Japanese or do you prefer it as a dub, fag?
I like your brand of sacrifice OP, berserk is good but the cgi anime is unwatchable
same but he's too busy streaming shitty games when he's not blackout drunk
I lifted a few days after I got mine, as long as you wash it right after the gym you're good to go OP.
Kek that line work
Did you tat that yourself?
Getting that tattoo essentially means the same thing as a girl getting a Queen of Spades tattoo
Mark of the cuck.
He whose best friend nailed your bitch into a retarded state gets this tat.
>this is your brain on anime
I agree getting a tatt 75 percent of the fan base has is bad decision making.
Getting a tat that even 0.00001% of the fan-base of A FUCKING CARTOON has, is bad decision making.
>He doesn't watch his streams or reuploads of said streams on a daily basis
Cloversteel is also bretty gud
should have just ended it oin a high note you autistic mongoloid
also how can fit fags psossibly understand a deeply phylosophical mango as berserk? you are literally apes
It is not just some kids cartoon brother.
It is the only Jow Forums manga
Tattoos are retarded
He won't because, in his mind (and mine), YT will always takes them down
I’ve got that same thing on the same spot lol
It's been theorized that scarification is so popular in Africa compared to the rest of the world because tattoos are harder to see on dark skin.
>reddit tattoos
I have many tattoos, usually i wait a week. I know people who go the day after but I've noticed they don't heal as well.
lift so it bleeds
Should not get the tatt if you do not look like this.
at this point after berserk became mainstream getting this tattoo means being a cringe weeb and not a struggler.
Real chads use subtle non mainstream tattoos without even knowing it
Read the manga nigga. It's unironically a masterpiece
no offense, but this large and with blood it lucks shitty.
but I generally more like tats that are "part of the body" sort of thing.
>berserk became mainstream
I don't really think the amount of fans of it changed much.
What kind of faggot shit is this
The manga
Imagine being this close minded
Quads, it's TRUE, yet another shortcoming of being a nigger.
It's an upside down bacteriophage.
It's meant to represent the opposite of the predators of sickness.
It's called the mark of death, because OP's got AIDS like a faggot.
tattoos are so fucking lame unless they are extremely well done and genuine art, no one cares you have a symbol on you faggot, especially one from an anime for christ sake.
AT LEAST be autistic and put some thought into what you're getting holy shit
Never understood the obsession with anime tattoos
Imagine if people ask you
>Oh well's from a cool anime you see
>it represents my life because i'm a huge weeabo
>imagine actually getting a fucking tattoo
It's the mark of a guy who got cucked
>being this insecure about your interests
Stop giving a fuck about the fags that don't even care
Missing the point fag. You need to move on from those manchild interests.
Jow Forums was the last place I expected to see talk about Demo
A million ducks?
>Interests should conform to someones standarts
spot the spineless faggot, that is to afraid to have an identity.
Don't listen to these fags Op, sick tattoo and I was thinking about getting the mark too at some point too.
Getting it on my neck when I get the cash
>he doesn't know Berserk
Fucking retard.
I got a lambda tattooed on my neck because I love halflife
I don't watch retarded gook cartoons. Grow up, fucking manchild!
good job getting a tattoo that looks like a sharpie drawing
!!!! Look at me exclamating !!!!!
oh, if only
anyone got some idea how should I cover up this birthmark? I was thinking about getting it removed, but it cant be done by laser only by cutting it off which would last long to heal up putting me at 2 weeks pause from lifting. Doctor also told me, it shouldnt be fully covered by ink, since it may change colour or shape.. I was thinking about it being an asteroid falling, so adding some kind of its trajectory flames and maybe some smaller rocks around it, but not sure what kind of impression it would make..
>he doesn't know about my weeb toons reeee
you are now sharing a tattoo with many other incel neckbeards who happened to watch that anime
>that guy who still watches anime over the age of 16
i dont even watch anime and i know it
I’ve had two full sleeves for 11 years. Loved them every minute and the only place I catch flak for them is Jow Forums kek
Because its polite not to tell people that their tattoos look like shit to their face in real life, you dumb autist.
It should be mandatory that anyone on this website condemning tattoos post a pic so we can all have a good laugh at how superior there non-trashy bodies are. (Spoiler alert: they won’t)