Just looked trough studies and brain benefits unproven, hearth benefits disproven... why take this snake oil?
Fish Oil is one big scam
Wait, is it fish oil or snake oil?
Snake oil would probably be better for you.
Because bodybuilding is filled with placebos, half-truths and BroScience. Just look at our daily flood of "no fap / no porn" threads, which stand against an amalgam of scientific double-bilnd studies illustrating it doesn't make a difference on performance or hurt your brain. If you bring this up, people will just accuse you of being Jewish (which doesn't even make any sense), and continue believing in the nonsense because this board is crawling with retards. I've stopped replying to most people on this board because it goes nowhere, and 95% of the people here have been lifting / active for less than a year and many are on steroids.
Besides, even if fish-oil had benefits proven under laboratory conditions, there's no guarantee you're actually getting enough / any fish oil in those tablets because it's not FDA approved or regulated. They could be putting jello in there for all we know.
>Start taking good fish oil
>Mood improves
>Sleep improves
>Strength slightly improves
The people spouting "Fish oil is a meme" are morons who never tried good Fish oil
Well supplements are regulated, they aren't supervised like pharmaceuticals are since they are treated as food items, but there are still laws and factory inspections.
placebo intesifies.
>people will just accuse you of being Jewish (which doesn't even make any sense)
Yeah doesn't make sense if you're one of (((them))).
haha just kidding seriously I don't know why Jow Forums is obsessed with jews.
>my anecdotal experience counts as evidence
That's some weak shit senpai
>people will just accuse you of being Jewish (which doesn't even make any sense)
okay Mr. Noseberg, you fucking kike
>start taking good fish oil
>penis grows to 10 inches
>start getting paid 250,000 a year
>do nothing but travel the world
Two things, OP:
1) There' fish oil, then there's Fish Oil. They're not all created equal, some are better than others. The DHA and EPA content of them is what matters. Sadly you pay more for high quality product.
2) Omega-3's are essential nutrients, meaning your body can't syntesize them from something else on it's own, but taking omega-3 supplements isn't going to have some dramatic effect like taking steroids or some shit like that, it's benefits are more protective and enhancing recovery time than anything else. If you thought taking fish oil was going to turn you from being a skinnyfat DYEL to being Schwartzenegger in his prime, then I got bad news for you, that's genetics not supplementation.
All the above being said, probably the best brand of omega-3-rich fish oil is Nordic Naturals. Get the liquid form not the capsules, it's less expensive.
Because half of this website’s userbase is larp-ing as nazis. Jews are a convenient boogeyman now as they were 80 years ago.
just eat fish you pleb
>Joints click
>Start taking fish oli
>Joints stop clicking
Fish oil is actually less expensive for the amount of DHA and EPA you'd get compared to what actual fish costs.
Easier to blame "them", than take responsibility for your own failings. Same shit with feminists.
Taking more omega 3's through fish oil, salmon, flaxseed noticeably improved my acne if nothing else
But also this. Take fish oil if you don't eat a lot of fish or other foods with Omega 3. However, don't buy into the "it increases intellligence/lubes your muscles" bullshit. Supplements are almost entirely unnecessary for the average American.
>I pray I stop coughing
>I stop coughing
its good for you
>Supplements are almost entirely unnecessary for the average American
The operative word there is 'average'. Anyone who does any regular vigorous training is not 'average'.
I think the Jew meme is actually a coping mechanism that everyone here uses to describe there problem with something.
I do believe that the world has influencers of great power that subtly push the world toward their agenda however. It can be seen in politics, marketing, and some entertainment mediums.
However, (((they/them))) on here is just a cope for autists that don't do what they want in life.
I take flaxseed oil. Is it better or is it a meme? Any input?
It's the best protein to put in your diet though. It's fucking GOAT if you can afford it
So are you saying vigorous exercise warrants taking supplements? Why?
Yeah I've seen a lot fewer Jow Forumsacks fucking up this board the farther we get from New Year's. Definitely not a coincidence.
>falling for vegan propaganda
That's the real snake oil
>I do believe that the world has influencers of great power that subtly push the world toward their agenda however. It can be seen in politics, marketing, and some entertainment mediums.
You're a fucking idiot if you think it's subtle. Look at how quickly the media convinced people Russian trolls are behind everything that goes against the mainstream narrative.
I say subtle as it is subtle for anyone that believes it. Have you ever talked to anyone that would be considered a normie or someone that blindly follows the news? They don't and can't conceive they are being manipulated as it breaks their reality.
This is such a shit cop out.
>hurr personal failings
Jews don't affect people on a personal level, but rather an international scale, but you're such a shit eating retard you'd never be able to make this connection yourself.
Why are you even here? You're too stupid to ever make it. Just neck yourself.
>muh science
Ok I see where you're coming from.
sorry, are you suggesting that there are no proven benefits of taking Omega-3 supplements, or are you talking about a different kind of fish oil?
you misunderstood.
Fish oil is slang for pussy juice. Might be hard for you to try a regimen of it tho
>which doesn't even make any sense
Jews run all the porn in the U.S., thats why you get called a Jew for trying to push porn.
>fall for the supplement meme
>got about 10 bottles of different shit
>put them in a bag and take them at work
>coworkers wide eyed if they notice it
>feel pretty much exactly the same except when I added 40mg zinc it was painful
Spent hundreds of dollars on this snake oil shit. It's worthless. I only take a walmart brand multivitamin now just because it was $3.
However, ECA stack is legit and the only thing I continue using every few months. Definitely raises my blood pressure though. Yohimbine worked for a few weeks and then the effect tapers off after a few weeks. You could alternate ephedrine and yohimbine different months to help with your cuts but caffeine also loses effectiveness over time and yohimbine has to be used while fasted.
(((jew))) posters got memed by a generation of children in their parents' basement shitposting on Jow Forums back when the height of internet humor was saying the edgiest shit one could think of. Unfortunately, the ones you see now are from an even younger generation that widely suffer from autism which makes them gullible and unable to grasp nuance and irony, thus they clung to these opinions as an ersatz personality and now their brain is irreparably fucked. There's no cabal of conspirators out to get us, it's not a unified vision or scheme of grand design, hegemonic power has evolved to entrench itself over time and yes, that means that life is harder for the lower classes but how anyone can think that has anything to do with a very minor religion with some of the least dogmatic practitioners is beyond me.
I have mad placebo life gains from that shit. Damn, need to take it again.