Mfw I have Alan Thrall genetics

>mfw I have Alan Thrall genetics

Attached: lmao natty lifting.png (696x496, 243K)

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Become a fridge then cut down your bf. Congrats on leaving humanity behind.

based gomad

How can someone have a chest so small after all these years of lifting?

>deadlifts 600 lbs (273 kg)
>squats 500 lbs (227 kg)
>benches 345 lbs (157 kg)

What exactly is supposed to be bad about his genetics? The fact that he's not super lean in your pic?

literally if he just groomed his disgusting hair and beard he would look like a beast irl

>totals less than the manlet resident redditor

Attached: gzcl_nohomo.jpg (1314x2573, 422K)

Redpill me on that guy.

>those tattoos


Not that user but that’s gzcl. Very strong dude, posts good stuff about training and he started the swole acceptance thing years ago. All around good guy.

wtf those fish abs

Those shoulders are super narrow even for a man let.

Cody lefever aka gzcl.
GZCL method is probably one of the best freely available training method, dude is mega autistic about it and planned every workout with MRV, prilepin chart etc.
You cant go wrong, get low results or overtrain on his stuff.

Attached: GZCL.png (871x1346, 810K)


Genetics and he does compete in strongman so ohp would be pirority over bench. Also doubt he cares enough to do flys and what not.

If he decided to cut would he look good or not?

can you explain fridge mode?

Lmao I opened this thread on my phone and my wife goes “who is that, you?!”

Literally just fucking happened.

How fucked am I?

aside from his small chest he looks p good

>Good lower body lifts
>Mediocre bench for years training/bodyweight
>Looks like a pile of lumpy garbage
He's going 1 for 3, what's not bad about that?

325 bench is pretty damn near the natty limit. If you think otherwise, you need to spend less time on Jow Forums and leddit

those traps scream "I did a cycle"

if he does strongman, why does he have like zero upperback?

Proof that only flat benching doesn't develop a good looking chest.
Thrall really isn't bad, especially for a strength>aesthetics guy. If he cared enough to do a cut and lose maybe 25lbs, he'd be mired as fuck. He's lucky to have that gynoid fat distribution.