>bench press 300 pounds
>can't change a tire
explain yourself Jow Forums
>bench press 300 pounds
>can't change a tire
explain yourself Jow Forums
But I can and have multiple times. For some reason I got flats constantly for like 4 years of my life.
>bench press 300 pounds
i don't think anyone on Jow Forums can do this for reps
>can't change a tire
can't speak for everyone, but i can do this.
nice thread /s
Youtube exists you fucking 4 year old boomer.
>he cant take a tire off the alloy with his bare hands AND put a new one back on
I don't own a car.
I'm curious as to how you blow that bitch back onto the bead. Big bad wolf?
What kind of homosexual faggot can't change a tire?
Starter fluid and a lighter bro
Get outta here, /o/. I can do both
>not lifting for your car
never gonna make it.
I do smash repair for a living though.
1st for the ultimate Chad mobile
bite the stem and blow
This. Senior year and few years after high school I got constant flats. Probably shitty driving?
>i don't think anyone on Jow Forums can do this for reps
loads of people in /plg/ can do this, the swedish national record holder in bench in the 105kg class used to post there and he benched like 205kg and there are several other 400+ benchers who have passed through
i have run flats
Can't change my tire because I don't have a jack nor do I have the extendable spare tire thingamabob
>doesn't have a jack
>doesn't deadlift his car from the frame
what a fucking soi
i can bench 135 (for reps) but can not change my automobiles engine oil
fite me
>fite me
hitting a woman is dishonorable
>full size spare in the trunk (heck yeah 90s cars)
>air compressor and tire plug kit next to it so I can avoid using it if at all possible since it's 20 year old rubber
>drive like 500 miles a year, have never had a flat or been stuck on the side of a road
been stranded a couple times when riding along with friends or family, and every damn time it's been "lol why would I have tools in my car"
>unscrew sump bolt
>sit on your ass for a few minutes
>undo old filter
>screw sump bolt back on
>put new filter on
>fill with right amount of oil
wow so hard
in my experience the biggest pain in the ass after an oil change is getting rid of the old oil afterwards
Any auto shop will take your oil for free
Kek pour it down the storm drain
I've never actually had to change a tire before but why is it a staple of incompetence?
it's not hard to do, or even figure out how.
Is there really this many people who fuck something so simple up?
and people around the world wonder why americans are so retarded
just burn it
People in Oregon couldn't even pump there own gas.
I pay bitchbois like you to do that for me