Everything I say is right!

>Everything I say is right!
*gets shoulder surgery*

Attached: rip.jpg (1200x740, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:


biggest fraud ever

SS is a program that one should stop as soon as they deload twice/thrice on each lift, and that is being generous. The Advanced Novice program only takes you so far after that if lifting heavy 3 times a week is too much. Both pro and anti SSers make the program into something it isn't. The former believe SS to be a panacea, while the latter often an aesthetics routine.

I say that if your goal is to maximize your noob gains from a strength perspective, go for it. However, get ready to swallow your pride, because the prescribed volume and diet simply isn't conducive to looking good.

Attached: Zach.png (500x733, 157K)

this desu

But Mark Rippeote is really zealous in the way he pushes it. He's fueling those mindsets.

makes you think about the implications of 'SS'

SS is fine if you do casrdio with it, most people are too fucking lazy to do that though so they look like this.
SS is a good program if you're not a stupid lazy fuck.

SS is about maximal strength, not injury prevention.

personally, i'm waiting for austin baraki to snap his shit up. smug doctor asshole.

is this shoped

Straight shota is the best shit, my man.

no you're just a fucking retard. How the fuck does cardio fix SS?

Asking permission to save this excellent .png

guy was a competitive powerlifter and has been training for forever, of course his shoulders are fucked

>does exercise with shitty form
*gets injured*
Oh no, i should head to Jow Forums so they know how much of a dunce I am

>*feels your ass*
>Mmmmmmm yes. My my, what a strong muscular ass you have young man, been following the program haven’t we? Come back to my office and we can work on your squat technique.

What do?

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I need 1,000 dollars

You're not allowed to talk shit if you can't outlift this 70yo man.

Attached: 60yo Rippetoe 227kg DL.webm (577x563, 1.42M)

SS is unironically a great program, it's criticized mostly by permastall brosplitters who expected to look like zyzz after 5 months of SS

>hurr just add weight to the bar every session
>oh u cant add weight anymore durr just take some off then try again without changing anything it surely should work this time

rippetoe and mehdi are a cancer on the fitness world.
do block periodization you fucking mongoloids

are you an idiot? SS is a novice programm the whole cycle is one workout you mongoloid.

If you do cardio the next day, like you should, you basically are doing block periodization.

fucking hack, i'm following the reddit PPL program instead of this garbage... the volume of SS is way too low

5 reps builds strength but not muscle mass
MMA fighters use similiar rep loads to get strong as fuck without gaining weight. Its not for asthetics its for beginner strength.

training with lower external loads / low intensities but with higher volume (until muscle failure) can overcome the reduced intensity and promotes similar muscle gains as higher intensities.
plus i feel like a good PPL program will work more muscle groups when compared to the compound lifts in SS

SS is a program you do for like 2-3 months tops. If you unironically think that 3 months of some shitty bro split will make you look better than SS in 3 months, you are a complete fucking idiot

All the way.

SS isn't meant to be some amazing program to make you fucking gigantic, it's a beginner program to get skinny faggots stronger and bigger, and ready to tackle a bigger program.

You're not SUPPOSED to look great after starting strength. You're supposed to damn near double all your standard lifts, and then start an intermediate program when you're ready.

If you think SS will take you from Michael Cera to Zyzz in 6 months you're fucking retarded.

umm, sorry to rain on ur parade but evidence disagrees with y'all... PPL is still superior for noobs assuming both parties are lifting until failure, because you can hit more muscle groups

I'm not arguing PPL isn't a good program for a novice lifter. I'm saying that SS has notable advantages to the brand-new lifter.

If you never lifted before in your entire life, doing SS for a month and then jumping in to a PPL program would be your best bet.

PPL turns a lot of beginners off because of how many difference exercises there are. 6 different lifts in one day is a lot for 135lb skinnybitch to motivate himself to do, or for 350lb fatboy. 3 is manageable. It's an aspect of fitness nobody wants to talk about, but both getting people into it and KEEPING people into it is challenging.

A lot of PPL programs also have a good amount of machine usage. This isn't necessarily a problem for an intermediate lifter, but the beginner absolutely needs to focus on compound lifts at the beginning.

Like I said, PPL is a really good beginner program. But for keeping new lifters interested and keeping the newbie gains going, SS has it beat.

>Like I said, PPL is a really good beginner program. But for keeping new lifters interested and keeping the newbie gains going, SS has it beat.
i can agree with this

Attached: katara.png (645x666, 346K)

If you were to spread the volume of push pull into 3 upper body days you would make more gains, PPL is sub optimal and retarded.

>5 reps builds strength but not muscle mass
It does build muslce mass fucking brainlet

if you do the same volume, then how would you make more gains?
link me a paper that finds you make more gains working a muscle group with equal volume for 3 days as opposed to 2.

What's a good weekly volume for squatting? I want to run a full body routine 3x a week and was considering 3x5 each of those days, the middle day being a front squat. So 45 reps a week?

3x5, 3x a week for squats is exactly the volume proposed by SS


Im sure he meant that the volume isn't optimal for muscle hypertrophy


I did SS as a newbie lifter.
The compound lifts only thing is a stupid myth and makes you look retarded.
If you're doing only those and no isolations for your own body type weaknesses, then you are stupid.

It's not rocket science. Go lift heavy shit and then focus on the areas you want.

Fuck this stupid fat fuck Mark Ripptoe.

>I did SS as a newbie lifter.
>The compound lifts only thing is a stupid myth

Yeah that's why you do accessory lifts after compounds. Like bicep curls and shit. Like book tells you to.

ayy wow now Im thinkin

That's the least of it.

Here are two articles he forgot to publish on SS.com.



I saw a gay porn like this once

If you actually read the book instead of the cookie cutter that is posted online, there are programming options for rows, dips, chins, curls, skull crusher's - with a section on how to perform them and where to stick them in (if you must). In fact, some guys chin every session.

I added all of the above for 1-2 times a week. It may interfere with your compounds towards the end of the program, but 1/2/3/4 is easily attainable.

TL;DR, you're all thick as shit.

>while the latter often an aesthetics routine.
SS literally got marketed as an aesthetics routine on Jow Forums.

>You won't get injured if your technique is perfect!
The human body wasn't designed for lifting heavy, you will ALWAYS enter snap city sooner or later if you do it. No exceptions.

didn't see a section on how to program dips and skull crushers, or curls?

can you give me page no. ?

It was parroted along the lines of "YOU NEED STRENGTH TO BUILD AESTHETICS" which is a complete fucking lie.

Because Jow Forums is fucking retarded.

doesn't even follow his own 5 steps

really makes you think

>5 reps builds strength but not muscle mass

people still talking about rep ranges for different goals in 2018


what fucking evidence?

That's just a generic guide for beginners.

of course you do

its funny that people still argue this

Given what feels like a billion yammering voices coming from all direction for normies who are trying to get a basic handle of an effective approach to fitness, I can understand why he stays on message, and doesn't allow himself to stray too far from the basics he's promoting, lest he inadvertently confuse someone who send them in the wrong direction. If you listen to/read enough of his material, it's clear he's not as rigid as his persona or reputation.

It's a terse and kind of smug refrain of his for people to "read the book", but I do think not doing so is the basis of most frustrations, misunderstandings, and other general idiocy around the program. A lot of guys Google Image Search: Starting Strength, save the first picture of the three day workout that they see, and start "doing the program". Meanwhile, they're shilling it on fitness forums with the zeal of the convert without knowing what they're talking about.

The end result is most entry level people only know about Phase 1, don't know they other phases, and certainly don't know anything in "Practical Programming" or the fact that their cult-like mental image of SS is a tiny sliver of the overall package.

Maybe there's a way Rippetoe could do a better job of making the big picture clear, but I don't know how. I know I always have a hard time keeping someone focused on simple early SS stuff if I get too deep in the weeds about longer term progression and tangents about accessory exercises and intermediate work they won't have to worry about for another year. Yet, I also don't want to keep them ignorant, or not answer good questions they may ask me--it's a hard balance, like the martial artists who wants to learn all the movies on day one but can't even do a horse stance for ten minutes. Rippetoe is just trying not to let people get ahead of themselves. Downside is it may hurt some people while helping others.

He was 50something here.

the last issue of Starting Strength DOES NOT EVEN mention deloading. Just to point this out, because A LOT of new people will hear this "deload thing" and will not know what the hell you are even talking about.

Honestly, if you can make it to 62 regularly lifting heavy as fuck before needing shoulder surgery, I'd say that's a pretty good endorsement of the program.

fyi I'm not into SS myself, too much squatting.

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stupidest post on Jow Forums

nevermind, this is the stupidest post on Jow Forums

the idea behind the resets on SS is that accumulated fatigue is what is making you fail

if it is actually accumulated fatigue the deload 10% and work back up strategy works well, if it's not accumulated fatigue and you actually just need more volume (which is probably usually the case for upper body lifts) then it's just a waste of time and you'll hit the same sticking point again

i think after each reset you should add a little upper body volume, maybe start adding a backoff set after your 3x5 bench/ohp and then another after the second reset (program ends at 3)

SS is ok but definitely has some problems, but for a program you run for maybe a few months tops it's not that big of a deal

Absolutely fucking not

What the fuck

I'd rather transition to an intermediate program early, miss out of maybe a month or two of linear progression newb gains, in order to get the much needed volume, and avoid fatigue. I think there's more wiggle room between advance novice and intermediate than is often admitted. For some reason, many people almost indignantly insist on erring on the side of stringing out the advanced novice routine even if progress become difficult, always blaming it on something else. Ok, fair enough, maybe it's the lifter's fault. But at the very worst, they'll only be a month or two slower by switching to an intermediate program, and that assumes they would have even been able to correct for whatever was holding back final leg of linear progression. At least with an intermediate program they'll see themselves making regular progress again, albeit slower, but still progress nonetheless.

My hot take is it'd go so far as to say after you should only bother with one reset, and it you stall again, just go to intermediate even if you're not definitionally an intermediate lifter. IRL, there aren't board heroes to give you shit about it.

Have any of you dumbasses done the program? Do you people even lift? Did you read the book?

The program is really good, it gets you both strength and size gains and you will not get fat. Your upper body lifts will stall before your lower most likely, when they do you do the bench and ohp plugin that Jordan and that other dude made.

The program will get you insane gains, you won't become fat if you are not an idiot.

>do block periodization you fucking mongoloids

>If you do cardio the next day, like you should, you basically are doing block periodization.

someone redpill me on block periodization. I googled it but I'm too much of a retarded brainlet to understand it. explain to me like I was a 6 year old refugee.

Look, all I know is I fuck better since I did SS. Women who have been with me before and after following the advice of Mark Rippetoe prefer the man who listened to this angel of a man.

aesthetic bros stand by brosplits and meme exercises, but the REALLY huge guys, the ones that compete in bodybuilding and/or powerlifting, tell me the same thing - do compound lifts, progress on weights, and eat a lot.

there's a difference between a big guy, and a big guy who competes. I always take the advice from the guy who competes.

so my advice is this - DO NOT listen to random people. ask people who COMPETE IN EITHER BODYBUILDING OR POWERLIFTING. yes, they are on steroids. yes, their training is different. but they didn't start roiding at age 17. they have vast knowledge of both natty and unnatty training.