Last rep face

last rep face

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Better now

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who dis

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>urge to shit that's been suppressed the entire workout suddenly comes back

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The sudden shit-is-coming-ice-cold-sweat mid set is brutal. Been there buddy, been there.

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King of the manlets

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Mike Patton

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>when u tryna do 5x5 while listening to meshuggah but u end up doing 5/13x12/6x11 instead

Attached: 13D6BE31000005DC-3564702-image-a-2_1462177307574.jpg (634x423, 58K)

>Lifts in odd time signatures

Attached: index.jpg (183x138, 5K)

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>TFW Lifting 1000010000100001 pl8

underrated posts

sudden shit urge but don't want to lose intensity

reminder to brush your teeth
Fucking great band tho

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>mfw no sure if i just poo'd

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>no one has posted the chingchong testing his pull-up max

Cruella DeVille

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holy shit

did he died?

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wtf looks like that main female character from alien

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what happens here?

major heart attack

Attached: 5A0C72D9-DA03-44A1-AE4B-997DF77AACDD.jpg (250x250, 21K)