Hey /fit, first post here. I wanna get my life back. My body is actually very similar to pic related but I also have wide hips (and yes I m a fucking guy). I didn't do sports for all my life basically and I m worried if I ll lose weight my hips will look even bigger and my skin will loosen up making me disgusting even to the few bitches who are so sick to thinking I m acceptable right now. What should I do? I don't know what exercises I should do (I can't hit the gym) and I was thinking about trying the paleo diet
Hey /fit, first post here. I wanna get my life back...
>I can't hit the gym
>I'm worried that if I'll lose weight I'll look even worse
You're right. Why even try
Don't fucking be edgy faggots I want to look fit just like the next guy
>(I can't hit the gym)
yes you can, all your excuses are lies.
>hunched over posture
>shitty greying beard
Nigger, what are you like 35? Most women stop giving so much about looks, and the pool of fuckable women is pretty shallow and full of piss and shit anyway. Improve yourself for you, don't think you're going to land some babe at your age because you lost 50lbs.
How about reading the sticky you lazy fuck
24, my birthday today. I m depressed and need a fucking change. Also I can actually hit the gym but I would prefer to be leaner before I do that.
With a mindset like that you're never gonna make it
>What should I do?
Read the sticky you stupid fucking fat fuck
>I can't hit the gym
>paleo diet
eat an apple and go on a jog, you lazy, uncompromising, undedicated fat fuck.
>can't hit the gym
unless you work 14 hours a day that shouldn't be the case. prioritize.
If you want to get leaner before hitting the gym, see if you can't buy a treadmill or something. In the meantime you can also start to get at least some strength, check YouTube for bodyweight exercises which can easily be done at home, RedefiningStrength and the like.
Yes I got a treadmill, ok I ll take the YouTube suggestion
Hey don't let these bitter cunts bring you down this is your first step into fitness and getting swole, you will have to go to the gym, even before you are lean, but don't worry no one at the gym gives a fuck about how others look, and if they do they are pathetic and insecure and not worth associating with. I have a friend who was heavier than your pic who started going to the gym everyday and now is pretty lean looking a year later and has gotten nothing but mad respect from everyone who knows him because working on your body and health is a sign of great discipline and willpower.
Diet will get you further than exercise, but both are key to maintain the headspace you should be in, start counting calories (or at a minimum estimating is better than nothing) and try to go to the gym at least 3x a week, after a few weeks of this once you get acclimated it will get easier and easier and you can go to the gym more and believe it or not (from someone who also was never athletic before I started lifting) you'll get addicted to the rush of exercise and start to crave it.
Props to you for starting your journey stick to it as much as possible and don't let failure discourage you, just learn from it and try harder. Good luck on getting your health right and I wish you success!
the first thing would be not to ask advice from a bunch of 14 year old virgins on Jow Forums....
Thanks man I really appreciate this. I really do. Since I never hit the gym I m terrified by the idea of asking shit to someone or having an instructor or something. Do I really need a personal trainer? I don't want to socialize with anyone.
i'm almost 4 weeks into cutting all sugars out and just not eating fast food. pretty easy diet and i think it works.
basically don't over think diets. just actually try to stick to something and see if it works. give it a few weeks. shit takes time
>want to be leaner before i do that
I hope you're a troll, if not, you need to read the fucking sticky dude.
Thinking you need to get lean before you start going to the gym is like thinking you need to get a degree before you go to school.
What the fuck are you even saying?
Eat less food than you expend, and exercise. Why do you idiots keep making these threads like someone's gonna give you some miraculous, simple solution to fix your shitty life choices.
Get to work you lazy fuck.
>sagging gut
you blew it
if you can't hit the gym then find a track or trail and run. Run at least 5 days a week.
Get a food scale and track your calories with myfitnesspal or a similar app. Food scales are only like $10 on amazon.
do pull ups, chin ups, pushups
It's not that, but I ve never gone to a gym all my life and I have back pains all day long. I would need a personal trainer next to me all the gym session
Nigger what? You gotta start somewhere.
Find a program, look up form explainations on YouTube. You can be all for yourself man.
Loft fairly heavy. Prioritise squats, deadlifts and rows+pullups/lat pulldowns. That should in theory make your core and lats spread/grow to the sides, making your hips much less noticeable.
No you don't
Dude just do research, read the sticky, watch videos
I started off knowing nothing, never had been to the gym before either, but I put a ton of time into research, watched tons of videos, read tons of studies, recorded my lifts, even Jow Forums is pretty decent if you just lurk around
Now I am pretty intelligent with fitness and nutrition.
You just sound like a fat lazy ass who doesn't want to put in the work required.
Sometimes i think this site is just for selling gym memberships. I do omad and 35min cardio every morning AT HOME along with some dumbbell training and it's working just fine. I feel much better and can do more every week. You don't need to hit the gym to get fit.
Happy birthday user
Don't worry about how you might look when you lose weight. If you lift and eat a clean diet, you will inevitably look better than you do now, even if you don't end up looking like zyzz.
mirin bro, cool how your chest actually looks like a chest now. I find that the man boobs are the last thing to go usually.