How do i fix this shit bros?,rest looks good but the mouth area

how do i fix this shit bros?,rest looks good but the mouth area.....

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the same way lebron fixed his hairline

doesn't look bad in this pic

youre part nigger you cant fix genetics

no money for surgery at the moment as i am a student,does it look as bad as i think it looks?
i am not a mutt according to the dna test, no one in my familly has full lips yet i am cursed with them

Stupid question, but what exactly is the problem with your mouth area?

just shave

Bald spots may grow hair and fill out over time depending on your age, how old are you? If it bothers you that much you can shave it but I think it looks good as it is, keep it trimmed.

stop being a nigger and your lips will be normal again

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you need to photoshop out your puffy bottom lip
a full top lip is okay but full bottom is not good

You look fine dumbass what are you even saying is bad?

kinda fixed it

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This, there’s nothing wrong with you

Fix what you retard?

stop sucking dicks

t. am*rican

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do better at the next tournament

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lip reduction surgery painfree and cheap

Workout by sucking dicks daily