On tinder

>on tinder
>nothing but women bragging about being lazy and gluttonous as fuck
Do you guys find this attractive?

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it's like when betas preemptively act like cucks, so nobody can reject them for their failings

>I'm a failure but if people think I don't care then that makes it better

No its pretty lame but its 99% of women so what can i do

be more selective on your swipes

how come literally every thread about women makes me unironically want to kill myself, to the point where I have to limit how much I can come on the internet :(

>not realising that tinder is only the lowest of the low for both genders
Go out and talk to girls for a change

self awareness as a self defense mechanism, it protects their own egos


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>gap between your thighs
>implying thick thighs don't save lives

most parts of the internet is unhealthy user. the world isn't actually worse, you just get retards on 4chins and twitter saying the same things over and over again so they start to believe the sky is quite literally falling. probably easier to pretend people dont exist on the internet

drains your hope for finding your soul mate with good values, i feel you there brother

theyre not all lazy fucks but most of them are. dont ever settle

Its a shitty attempt at trying to be funny.

>netflix and pizza
>love the beach
>if you're under 6'0" don't bother
>beer and wine
>i'm hilarious
>mother to a little _____ who's my whole world
>trump supporters swipe left
>love traveling
>wine and dine me
>take me on an adventure
>FOOD where are all the gentlemen?

I'm getting tired of these whores...

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Lazy fuck didn't even get the cake for the second image

The dating pool is so fucking depressing; I don't think it is going to improve either. I have a girlfriend, but it hurts to see single friends and family members I care about struggling to find someone. Men aren't necessarily any better, but I've never known one who takes pride in being boring, even if he was.

Pretty much sum it up. Worse, I'm a Trump-supporting, practicing Catholic, so I really lucked out with my gf. God knows I wouldn't have her if I settled for another girl. Instead, I took time for myself, found a girl I really wanted, and got her. Don't ever fucking settle.

Think about all the time you spent training,suffering and raging over your body and life.
Now think if those whores are worthy of a man who've been through that.
Answer is no, it means you shouldn't care. Leave them to betas.
You into fitness and sports. Date a model, it's easy to hang out with them

>>take me on an adventure
I FUCKING hate this. They don't even know what an adventure means. How do they all create the same exact profiles? Do they monitor each other? Is it coincidence?

>Do you guys find this attractive?
no i'm a fag

Don't forget
>Dad bod

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>it's another "lel we do everything in our lives for women and spend every waking moment thinking about them, and we are all studs who fuck tons of women and call anyone who doesnt an incel, but fuck arent women so fucking stupid and worthless" Jow Forums thread

>Do you guys find this attractive?
No, that's why I'm not on tinder and with my current girlfriend.

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It's incels LARPing as their idea of a successful dude (i.e: sexually active and has muscles).

Because youre a complete cuck yourself and never leave your room or interact with women. I go on dates with tons of women and most of them are not bad people like Jow Forums would make you think

I hit up one of those profiles and asked if they wanted to take a motorcycle trip across the country.... turns out that "adventure" to them is a trip to target.

>I go on dates with tons of women and most of them are not bad people like Jow Forums would make you think

tell us more about the tons of dates and sex with women you have Jow Forums stud

What the fuck do they think we're gonna do on a first date? Unless she thinks dinner, drinks and some casual conversation is an "adventure" then she's shit out of luck.

Adventure, my ass. You want to go looking for Atlantis on our first date? Wanna go search for the fountain of youth together? What are these bitches even asking for? Do I look like fucking Juan Ponce de Leon?

Ah, I see you're from Southern California as well.

Don't forget:
>just a country girl living in a [insert county] world
>flag emojis for all the countries they've traveled to
>just a pam looking for my jim

kek you idiots chasing white women
get a clue
remember - you're (likely) white if you're on here
so your kid will have the more powerful white genes -> so don't fuck a totally black as night nigger and you'll be fine

Looking for adventure is code for " you be funny and interesting to distract me from my shitty life"

>just a pam looking for my jim
Tinder alone made me hate The Office. Not that user, but they have similar profiles like this in Texas too. Hoes love mentioning tacos

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>i'm 5'8" so think about that before you swipe right



From my experience on Tinder. The least degenerate goes from:
Black > Indian > Latina >>>>>>>>>>> White >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Arabs

This kek

Out of curiousity, what would your ideal female tinder profile say?



>love traveling
>take me on an adventure
Finally, a girl who'll ruck with me 50 miles into the wilderness and camp for a couple weeks.
That is what they mean, right?

How are black least degenerate?

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this. skinny black females are the best women in the world. too big almost 90% of black women in america are overweight or obese

They seem like they are sick of dealing with black men and would do anything to date someone else for.

My milkies are all yours

>tfw there's a tall, slim black girl in my classes at uni who I know is mirin
>tfw I'm too bitch to make a move
>this has gone on for two semesters and she's still single
Th-this fall I'll do it, after I hit 2pl8 squat....

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>pursuing anything professionally
>things she's always wanted to do

I'd say having an actual interesting bio that isn't mirroring 99% of the other bios. Stuff like I LUV DOGS XD FEED ME PIZZA is a huge turnoff.

I think a longer and more thought out bio is nicer. Might just be me, but I like when a bio starts out with soemthing like "I'm nervous to be here" because it actually shows feeling. Also relating to my hobbies (fit, vidya, anime, ect.) in an actual manner that shows you like it

There's a difference between YES im a GAMER GIRL, FORTNITE, #WorkOutGirl #MyGymAdventure


"I like playing video games in my spare time, and I'd love to play with others! I try to exercise when I can too"

Well, that hurts as a black man myself. Gl with the goods

Absolutely. Women in 2018 love exercise and being away from technology.

Stop treating every interaction like a first date.

Excellent. Do you think they'll like room clearing exercises in abandoned buildings in the middle of nowhere? Room clearing always brought my teammates together, maybe it'll bring us closer. And once we're done, it can end with a romantic picnic with lots of gatorade and MREs.
Is that too much, or do you think it might work?

My bad, let me rephrase. They are sick of dating niggas, not black men.

yr not doing it right, you're supposed to answer back 'well your women all want the bbc' or something similar. This is a board of hostile insecurity

womanchildren are a mistake, simple as that

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just trying to be funny, quirky and unique by doing the same shit everyone else is doing. you think Jow Forums is better? it's not. look at the fucking boomer memes, the >walk into the gym, the manlet memes. nothing is sincere. everything has to be ostensibly or genuinely half-assed and buried under layers of irony because thats whats en vogue at the moment. and Jow Forums likes to act superior because this esoteric website is more up to date on the next shallow internet kitsch trend. even this post I'm writing is trash. doesn't the lack of capitalization or punctuation make me seem cool and edgy? *snap* thats going in my cringe compilation

>tfw socal as well and this is so true
Took a trip to tennessee and holy fuck the girls there are so hot, slutty af but definitely a step up. Makes me want to move to the south

>acting like how do on Jow Forums in real life

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*picture with graffiti wings on wall*
*picture doing assisted headstand yoga pose*
*mirror selfie with one foot on sink*
*picture on a cliff topless facing away from the camera*

Hey I’m XXX, I’m a professional nap taker, fur momma to two babies, I love hiking and watching Netflix. If you don’t love The Office we can’t be friends XD! Looking for a sugar daddy/ someone to pay for my tattoos. If you have trump in your bio swipe left. Seriously swipe left. Idk what I’m doing on here, just don’t waste my time.

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>walk around attacking people at random for bits of their conversations you overhear
can you imagine lmao

you'd be surprised, I've been to board discords and meets. Dudes genuinely take this shit into real life

imagine literally going on tinder looking for an actual relationship instead of casual sex

how much of a fucking beta can you be

these girls put no thought into their bios because people only swipe right based on appearance

people in this thread want to imagine they are the ideal male standard, but in reality they are just some socially retarded incel who is browsing Jow Forums (myself included)

youre all really no better than the roasties, and your jaded insecurity wont help you find your perfect shy qt 3.14 that is getting dicked down by chad as i type this

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I met two guys in College Station once. Cool guys and they weren't cancerous by spouting memes every second


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>i probably swiped right for your dog

Lol every girl wants a sugar daddy lol, who is incel enough to pay for these whore’s tats and habits. God I hate profiles like this

I am a virgin and have only kissed one girl. I have one girl from Tinder coming. What am I suppose to do? Should I begin making out with her in the elevator up to my dorm or what?

She's coming over at midnight and really down to fuck

I won't eat her pussy though

Also, should I try to get with a bisexual girl from tinder too? Is it safe with STDs and all? She goes to my university and says she's clean from her test a month ago

what do you guys consider acting like Jow Forums in real life?
>tfw i'm just a weird guy in general and spend most of my time making observational humor jokes making people laugh and acting kinda angry and annoyed a lot

>you have to exchange STD test results with girls on tinder
jesus fucking christ

If you’re actually serious you don’t deserve to lose your virginity

Worst part is that girls actually do this. If you have a dog and don't put up a pic with them you're shooting yourself in the foot.

>thinking maggie was remotely decent

Most are probably all right. I'm in a Jow Forums group of guys that I'm genuinely good friends with IRL. But you get into the bigger groups and there is so much internal drama and shitflinging. Guys genuinely don't realize that meeting someone on a discord- a real person with a name and associated identity that you are planning to meet in real life- and immediately shitting on their tastes and trying to doxx them over some trivial issue is not a good way to meet people.

>exploiting your loyal companion for the attention of roasties
Fuck that. They can find out about the dog when they meet me

how does it look to girls if you get along well with dogs even if you dont have one yourself, like if dogs are really attracted to you always hanging around you and cuddling you and all that

Reminder that if a woman was worth marrying or investing any amount of time in she'd never be on fucking Tinder.
Of course you're going to see obnoxious shallow whores there. They're a dime a dozen and most of them might as well be clones of one another.
>tatted up slut who lives on vodka
>chick with a biracial kid
>girl with a profile hinting at butt stuff
>yoga pants selfie sloot who has never actually been inside of a gym
>fatty who still uses myspace angles
>fatty with problem glasses and is an obvious SJW
>fatty who says she loves hiking
>Asian who will curve anyone under 6'3
>obvious bot accounts
>Mexican who will get her brother to jump you if you don't call her back after a date

Stop wasting your time on this.

I am confused, how come?

i have plenty of girls who are into me, I am just sexually inexperienced because I never wanted to engage in sleeping around, but that's what CHAD does so I gotta do it if I'm gonna make it

>but that's what CHAD does so I gotta do it if I'm gonna make it
Kek for sure this is bait

It's nice if they own one, but to them the point of you having a dog is it shows you're somewhat competent a person to raise and care for another living being, and they have access to essentially a free pet whenever they want without the commitment

>Not Brad

>not getting Tinder to treat them like shit

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dogs do this to me too but i dont like them. On multiple occasions a dog that is known for behaving badly has come sit quietly next to me without me doing anything. what bothers me about dogs is how affectionate they are, i just want them to go away, though i dont mind when they just sit quietly.

Actually a variety of animals have done weird shit like this to me, like birds landing on my knee has happened 3 times, foxes approaching, etc. I must give off some incredibly non-threatening vibe

Anons, I'm being serious - I know it's autistic af, but I wanna be CHAD

pls no bully

I am silly 18 year old boy pretending he know what he's doing but really has no clue

pls advise (srsly)

Guys im getting too attractive matches and i get too self-conscious about taking them to dates because im gonna mess it up, any tips?

I hope once I'm fit I can get a nice black wife.

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>plenty of girls are into me
>only kissed one
>exchanges test results


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So many fucking bitter virgins on this board

Newsflash: tinder is for hooking up; not relationships, ugly mongoloids

Sorry, but this is a fitness board. We can help you with fitness stuff only

>he doesn't understand that being fit while treating your body like shit shows you're innately superior to someone equaly as fit but who has to try really hard
Nice autism, also reported.

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Well you’re mentally still a child it seems, so maybe wait a few years before losing your virginity

I get over 35+ matches a day on Tinder...and girls come up to me and hit on me at bars

I just always like to troll girls irl and online, but i realize I'm getting sexually inexperienced with me thinking I'm too good for any thots

pls no bully

Why Arabs so low?

>I just always like to troll girls irl and online, but i realize I'm getting sexually inexperienced with me thinking I'm too good for any thots
>pls no bully

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or just dont try hard, be funny and confident and see how it works out?

how is Jow Forums any different when you repeat the exact same shitty catchphrases for years and reposting the same pictures thousands of times? no self-awareness

I'm a junior in university though and I feel like an autist being sexually behind my classmates when I can be easily be ahead of them

pls help

user pls

I've told girls on Tinder that I'm a virgin and none believed :(

we have virtuous catchphrases, while they have degenerate catchphrases

m-my friends think im funny :(

>Jow Forums is a hook up site

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>Traditional Catholic
>Support Trump
>Support Doug Ford
>Live in Toronto
>Every girl posted to support Ireland abortion
>Every girl I make out at the club is super liberal
>No girls in my church aside from Grandma's
God will provide or sign to be celibate

>I'm a junior in university though and I feel like an autist being sexually behind my classmates when I can be easily be ahead of them. pls help
Ew are you Elliot Rodgers v.2?

toronto is a sign of the end times

I was gonna suggest a church in Toronto but you’re Catholic