How do I kill someone through diet?

How do I kill someone through diet?
I'm not talking about feeding them something poisonous, but giving them dietary advice that will make them fat and sick and miserable.
Obviously I don't want them to know I'm giving them bogus advice or wanting to harm them so I can't say go eat mcdonald's.
So it has to be the kind of advice that will appear to be good nature but will secretly make them miserable.
This person is already ugly and a little fat so I'm already halfway there.
I was thinking of telling them to become vegan but I think that's too drastic. This person is not the kind to have any conscious thoughts about animal well being. Also she's Asian.
So what do? Give me your best ideas.

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It's called body positivity

What did she do that was so bad? If you tell your story, you might get sympathetic anons.

High carb.

i second high carb, also red wine, juice cleanses and enemas

Tell her to eat over 30 eggs everyday

>Jow Forums

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This is pretty disturbing tbqh

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Tell us the story, Most people think fruit is healthy but it's pretty high calories. Also trailmix, Energy bars. Just do high carb low/minimal protein

Tell her to do SS+GOMAD

Just stop talking to her and let her destroy herself you fuckin psycho kek. Why you would want to invest that much time into destroying someone else is beyond me. Unless they are actively trying to fuck with your life then it's fair game.

Saged and reported for illegal content, enjoy being b& & v& m8.

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Sage goes in all fields


Reported for announcing a report and being a faggot.

Gomad and SS

How new are you?

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tell them to do keto


Yes definitely high carb would be a good idea. Problem is she's Asian so she's already high carb I would think. I like the fruit and fruit juice idea though. Really good stuff.

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This is a middle aged woman with 3 kids. She's not gonna do those bodybuilding bullshit.

Would you tell us the story so we can help you faggot?

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step back newfags

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