>want to be a chad
>has any allergies at All
Explain yourself immunelets
Want to be a chad
kids with allergies score significantly higher in IQ tests than kids with no allergies
My only allergy is consuming roaches, kinda sucks because I was actually thinking about it.
Faggots like you are really looking for any excuse to call themselves chad nowadays huh
>allergic to cat dander
>it's my fault
What if you're just a filthy person?
Mountain cedar and ladybugs here
wtf am I
Nuts and shellfish both have shells.
When I have a kid I'm making him an absolute chad development wise. I'm spitting into his mouth and feeding him mud and never washing his hands to make his immune system stronger. Every macro-nutrient, micro nutrient and trace mineral will be given with precision.
I don't want him having the same shit as me.
so what, chads score significantly less on iq betests
so why would somebody admire to be a dumb chimpanzee. higher iq => higher quality of life at all aspects
you'll soon realize it's not anime faggot poster, as long as you're not retarded
>jews are a sickness-ridden people
>jews are smart so loldoesntmatter.rockpg
>allergic reactions
>poison plants
it's an allergic reaction, i'm not allergic to poison ivy. can literally scrub that shit into my hand with no consequences meanwhile my stepbro has the smoke from a poison ivy fire touch him and he's covered in the shit.
ARE YOU SERIOUS? WHY THE FUCK IS IT CALLED POISON THEN? I’ve been lied to my whole life. Really thought why is it called poison?
It's very common for it to effect most people's skin
allergies are hyperactive immune systems. not having allergies means you are a low T, weak immune system beta.
Lmao @ ur life
>he can't fully digest radioactive waste
post proof, i will wait... lol
allergic to ALL nuts (except my own, heh)
>implying the shit you have isn't due to autosomal recessive disorders
>implying bacteria do not evolve every year
having a hyperactive immune system is not necessarily a good thing. Your body is recognizing something that could most likely not cause any damage to you as a pathogen and your body is reacting to it. Just like a paranoid person thinking someone is always out to get them.
kek, chill out. Don't get all flat earth conspiracy on us now
>being overwhelmingly aggressive is a bad thing
you mean overwhelmingly defensive/pussy
toxic masculinity
>confusing paranoia with aggressiveness
let me give you a more simple example since your brain doesn't seem to grasp such a simple idea. Think of a kick ball rolling towards you and you attacking the ball because you think its going to harm you.
Oh, ya. Tell me about the immune system user. How do allergies work? Explain in great detail, please.
I get how meaningless this is and all, I just think it's funny, and I have 8 credits of immunology under my belt, trust me, I know. Hypersensitivity is retarded, but there is nothing one way or the other to suggest they correlate with weak people. Anecdotally, there does seem to be some correlation in my experience with people that have severe common allergies (nut,onions,milk, gluten, etc). I don't see the same pusification with people that have hay fever, allergies to pet dander and shit though.
seeI probably have more than you.
In before but I'm a MD herp derp. Since MD's have about 0.2 semesters of immunology under there belt.
like what? Ive seen big guys deathy afraid of cockroaches and more feminine vegans handling them without care.
well yeah, but what does that have to deal with allergies though?
No we are sitting at the same. I was thinking about doing another semester, but the next level is just discussing papers and writing a mock grant for a topic you are interested in. The immune system is pretty fucking cool and its a shame that MD's at my local med school only get like a 45 minute lecture on it. Everything else they have to learn on their own. Basically just read Janeway.
>pussification with people
so you can be an extremely feminine vegan with "allergies" to gluten but not be a pussy in terms of some things compared to big guys who don't claim to have any food allergies?
it is, it really doesn't lead to any kind of gainful work though. you can work in any immunology lab with only ELISA experience and no education.
It's not perfect, it's an observation, in which, mine with obviously be different than your or other people.
>its an observation
its hard to tell what you consider being a pussy when you dont give an example such as guys not being able to just say hi to a girl or guys who make excuses why they dont want to go out to drink. I can't really tell what your perception on all of this is.
Congrats, you don't have to suck turkish dick
What, do you mean the kind of people (that self report) having a nut allergy, a onions allergy, or a dairy allergy? Yes, they tend to follow the "basedboy" archetype, and lack masculine features. They tend to be balding, extremely fat or skinny, wear glasses, tend to be leftest/progressive/malefeminist, work in a field that requires little to no physical work, and a few other characteristics. Again, this is just an observation and not evidence.I can say, I've never met a "manly" man that had to complain about dietary restrictions or anything. It's perhaps a causation/correlation situation though. Maybe having lots of allergies makes you weaker, or the experience of being weak from allergies makes you sympathetic to other weakness. Who knows, it's just fun to think about. Also I was the one trolling about hypersensitive immune systems being more Chad.
she's not fucking chad for his brains
My best friend had celiac's and died fucking his gf when he had a seizure. If you're going to go out, go out like a boss.
Allergic to everything. Just found out, thought I was perfect. Doctor prescription now shoot myself up with allergens every other day to build immunity. Going to be Superman get at me
There are middle aged women who report having a Tylenol allergy that will cause stomach bleeding. People are ignorant at any age. If you are trying to make the argument that people who self diagnose are pussies then I suppose there is a kernel of truth to it. However, bro-science is on the same level. Stupid is as stupid does.
Pollen and cat scratches reporting in
pain medication is a whole different beast though. you get tons of people self reporting allergies to every OTC NSAID and need nothing less than dilaudid for something like dental pain. That aside, I'm making no argument, I'm making generalizations, which is all that something like (even collective) anecdotal observations can make.
>no allergies
>rarely even get colds
>haven't vomited since 2003
>have never taken an antibiotic
>never broken a bone
>haven't been to a doctor in a very long time
>never had diarrhea in my life
thats what happens when you're a worthless autistic shut in
>tend to be leftest/progressive
fuck off back to pol
i used to be mildly allergic to cats, but then my mum adopted a cat so i guess my body adapted as a result of exposure therapy? i'm fine around them now
Said the anime poster
That's exactly what happened
I'm not even right wing you literal faggot, don't you have an antifa rally to get arrested for smashing up a starbucks or some shit to go to? If it weren't for the "left" going insane and shifting so far to the extreme, you wouldn't have lost against the unlosable candidate in 2016, now would you have?
>allergic to onions and nuts
>can’t be feminized
>can’t engage in gay sex and thus cant be gay
I am literally Chad.
just out of curiosity, did your friend have a distinct 'look' about him. like if you knew multiple people with celiac, would you say they all shared some similar traits.
im not sure if its just the ones i've known, but they seemed to have some similar physical features.
Fucking filters.
>I am literally Chad.
I'm posting on Jow Forums
>It's almost like there is a dyssynchronicity
>s. They tend to be balding, extremely fat or skinny, wear glasses, tend to be leftest/progressive/malefeminist, work in a field that requires little to no physical work
That all literally describes the far right too. Ugly people attach themselves to ideologies. You'll notice truly beautiful people don't give a shit about your spectator sport bullshit because life is good. Politics is for non people
I tend to have the same view. Politics is for unhappy people who want to remain such.
To be honest, no. It actually came as a shock. I'm 32, and he was my age, and this happened like 6 years ago. He was very much a country white trash regular. He was thicc, chubby, had nipple and an eyebrow ring, a tribal tattoo, rode atv's and worked in HVAC. He drank (quit because of the diagnosis) and smoked the devil's lettuce. He was a fun dude and fucked lots of girls. He was essentially exactly what most people would want to be (not being a uneducated pleb aside) would want to be. I think that's why it was pretty tragic in my circle.
I’m here ironically
Maybe hate brings them out. I personally only know 1-2 of those people, and they aren't exactly paragons of society, but they seem relatively average (although low IQ), while I know a fuckton of "college educated leftists", and they are all weak, misable faggots. There's probably a good contingent of moderates/centrists that give no fucks and enjoy life and all though .
Then you are beta in denail. No lie. I'm a beta/omega who tries to break onto the edge of alpha in life. I'm hyperaware on shit. Which honestly makes shit worse, to realize how much of a forgettable piece of shit you are. It takes one to know one, and I think you are at my level or just below me.
I dunno man, some of those HVAC dudes get paid quite a bit, depending on the gig. I used to think trades was for brainlets, but I'm seriously considering giving up software development for it.
NOBODY talks to Chad that way.
He wasn't some meth addled POS. He had a decent life, he just wasn't educated. I loved him like a bro, even though I as at a BS when he died. I'm at an MS now and considering a PhD. Maybe you can't take the country out of certain folk, or maybe certain differences don't mean a shit.
Hello fellow bottom bitch Chad.
Do Komodo dragon bites and castor beans count?
Chad will show you what it’s like to be a bottom bitch Tell Chad where you live right now!!
But poison means to poison them
How can u be immune to poison from birth
At least my immune system is over-active rather than under-active like some AIDSlet
Some people believe excessive use of antibiotics causes allergies
My grandfather was a doctor, when i was a kid i was fed antibiotics like it was candy.
>Only had allergies to cats
>Got a cat
>Body got used to it and I can now pet my cat without any problems
except that's not really how allergies work, you were probably allergic to something else
Pollen and Cat dander here
Nope, being around cats before would fuck me up. Even when i got my cats it sucked for a while.
Eventually it stopped happening
From what I've read, there are changes that can happen when you are relatively young, and they are idiopathic, when it comes to allergies. If you are somewhat older, such as you are 21, and definitely allergic to cats, and lose that allergy, short of something like AIDS, it would be remarkable. So either you lost that hypersensitivity in adolescence, which is still unknown, wrong about your allergies, or need to get labs done because your immune system is fucked.
correlation is not causation
Based boomer
Tylenol is not a NSAID and allergies to it are very rare. It is a generalization, but in instances where it inhibits proper care it certainly affects the individual. In which case the anecdote is certainly very important to them. Even if they are a dumbass.
I'm not an allergist, so I have to take self reporting at face value. I've never ever seen someone I trust report a Tylenol allergy(I know they exist) but you usually see people claiming tylenol, motrin, oxycotin, percocet, ect allergies because they are pain seeking. They always come in with some kind of 10/'10 pain . That's what I was trying more to get at, is that you have a lot of people that essentially are tying to get legal opiates.
not that any MD would take that shit at face value, btw.
I never indented to present myself as an MD, but I am an ED PA-c. If you want to play "what's this mole" I can legally tell your to see a dermatologist, so let's fuck.
i have a swollen throat. is it possible that 6 months of GOMAD has made me lactose intolerant and has caused a swollen throat.
I'w unvaccinated so no allergies ;)
Bit of a confession and I don't mean this as an advertisement for the product. I have strong allergic reactions to roll-on anti-perspirant of all brands except Sure Original - but only on my left pit.
I use roll-on as opposed to spray because spray isn't as effective for me. And if I use anything except Sure, then I get very high levels of skin irritation as well as itchiness.
I don't know what component it is in other roll-ons that makes my skin react that way. And what's especially confusing for me is why it's only my left pit. Surely if it was an allergic reaction both of my pits should react the same way? Isn't it odd to have only one side reacting?
im only allergic to one thing, which is cum. throat swells if i try eat my own, its pretty interesting.
>What is a placebo?
>what is science
I just woke up from 6 hours of sleep and I feel the effects of mowing the lawn yesterday, it feels like I've snorted acid and poured concrete into my nose and sinuses.
fuck you
My immune system is a vicious monster that doesn't have enough valid targets in this modern safe world, so instead it just starts attacking things at random.
Its like the Hulk with no enemies around.
Only allergic to the pollen jew. I walk around looking like a stoner every goddamn spring and summer.