Is 5HTP the final red pill? It literally cures your depression.
Why are (((they))) trying to keep this out of our hands?
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Yes, the kikes are trying to keep everything good from us.
Side effects?
Quick rundown?
doesn't do shit for depression, can kind of help with sleep but it can also fuck up your heart valves if you take regularly
has there been a move to make 5-HTP illegal? news to me
i'm sure the mango mussolini is working on it
meme, like every other supplement
Destroys your brain if you take it long term you fucking retard.
t. triggered snowflake
>mango Mussolini
I chortled
Doesn't it alter neurotransmitters too much so as you become used to a higher than normal amount of them and so get messed up long-term?
>yes please ban supplements and medication because I'm too stupid to know how to use them safely
Fuck you
Drumph xd
Wouldn't it act like a drug? Let's say you take it for two months and then you stop. I am pretty sure you would be on a suicide watch craving that shit
i take it daily, and I am very much depressed.
It's unironically the Holy Graal of Molly hangovers and comedowns
Doesn't it fuck with one of your organs like liver or kidneys in the long-term or am I thinking of something else?
Doesn't it have potential to cause a blood problem? Used to take it for comedowns and it helped but was always a little scared of serotonin sickness and whatnot.
It only cures the depression you're not having
>mango mussolini
Ah, is this that left humor ive been hearing about? You unfunny twat
cringey attempt at humor from the left everyone. they are broken.
Lowers test, lowers energy, actually helped me with sleeping but it isn't worth it.
It gives you a limp noodle
>This is your brain on onions
Looks like something has already destroyed your brain pal, you don't need to shout
Can't wait till we can unironically camp you retards
5-HTP doesn’t do shit. L-theanine and Aswaganda is where it’s at.
Can fuck up your liver if you take too much. Serotonin syndrome etc.
>caps is shouting
Oy vey shut it down mohel
If you are afraid of 5-HTP (frankly, I think the valve disease risks are highly overstated) you can try something less scary like St. John's Wort, in addition to those mentioned in:
I tried taking it but it just makes me feel sedated. Phenibut gives me more of a kick desu.
You ride the down like you rode the up you pussy faggot
>bottled magic pills
>not a scam
top kek
Will never ever happen lmao
>literally doing more to fast-track med approvals and general supplement deregulation
>but he's trying to ban it
Delusion libcucks don't even what they're arguing anymore. Seek help.
>general supplement deregulation
Is that true? I hope we get DMAA, Picamilon, etc. back.
So tired of kikes trying to stop me from getting my hands on dangerous shit.
I took that at the beginning of last year and contracted eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome.
Do a quick Google and check what my quality of life is going to be like from now on.
That's what you risk
>5-HTP is freely converted to serotonin without biochemical feedback inhibition.
>Synthesis of serotonin from 5-HTP and dopamine from l-dopa is catalyzed by the same enzyme, L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD). Dopamine and serotonin amino acid precursor administration must be in proper balance. If only 5-HTP or 5-HTP that dominates dopamine at the enzyme is administered, it will block dopamine synthesis at the AAAD enzyme through competitive inhibition, leading to depletion of dopamine and the rest of the catecholamines.
You are taking a drug that your body has no way of inhibiting, that depletes dopamine and catchecolamines while only increasing seratonin.
Have fun seriously fucking your brain up because you have no idea what the long term consequences of 5-htp are but like that its making you feel nice in the short term. You deserve what you get.
Looks like somebody already beat me to the punch but hopefully the study I've linked is the nail in the coffin.
This WILL fuck your brain up with long term use (weeks/months is all it would take).
Do. not. use. it.
Rather take L-Dopa (from Mucuna Pruriens)
I don’t think my depression can be cured, there is no way I’m putting ssri’s in my body. Recently lost about 90 pounds, was feeling great. Someone takes a picture with me in it, have fit body but I’m probably one of the ugliest motherfuckers alive. Face looks like someone stepped on it. I don’t know how much more I can take fellas. The realization is starting to sink in that their is nothing I can do no matter how fit I become. Women are straight repulsed by me.
Is this supposed to be a threat?
I'm all for personal responsibility too user
top boomer posting
took for 2 months or so and gave me massive brain fog
>Falling for the supplement snake oil meme
You know what they say about a fool and his money?