Alcohol and strength

Can humans lift more while drunk? Buzzed? Have you ever went to the gym drunk?

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No x3

unless you are under 21 and have had a very low amount of alcohol then you have slightly faster reaction time with minimum loss of balance.
So probably not.

there are some studies out there that shows stimulating effects of low doses of alcohol but the activity usually has to be very simple. And when I say simple, i mean like pressing a button when it lights up and only 3 or 4 buttons being shown.
Its a drug known for inhibiting neurotransmitter release so it would affect your cns and pns in a negative manner. But can't say for sure how it would affect lifting at low doses.

Tried lifting on coke once. Added 20kg on all my lifts and didn't even feel sore the next morning. Too bad my hearth could have literally exploded.

Imagine being this beta

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Lifted multiple times while drunk.
Always overlift and put myself in so much fucking pain for the next week. Feels kinda good on occasion though

Just blaze. If you have edibles/vape instead of smoking it improves lung function and increases your pain tolerance allowing you to push yourself harder

>still uses beta and chad as a way to rid of insecurities

imagine being a terrible troll when you lurked your whole life

I’ve never done drugs or alcohol

I'm typing this while drunk and coming off a 6 month period of complete sobriety. Abstaining from alcohol is one of the most eye opening experiences you can have. Mostly to realize you absolutely do not need alcohol and that it doesn't serve you or any goal you may have. Its a place holder for personality, honest relationships and entertainment.

That being said if you are nihilistic, borderline autistic and on the verge of putting a hole in your head its natures elixir. I just want some room to breathe.

No, and it makes you more prone to hyperextension injuries and you're more dangerous in terms of balance.
>drunk guy ohp nearby
>he falls over and throws 180lb on you
Mushrooms on the other hand...

it basically makes you feel stronger because it supress anxiety and all negative emotions and stess, etc. so I would say yes. Today I couldnt finish my last OHP rep cause I got scared of failing and lost focus. If I had been buzzed or high on some stimulant I'm pretty sure I'd have gotten it.

I'd say yes, but the problem is you lose stability.

I love to try squat my friends when I'm drunk, usually against their will, but I sometimes stumble or go to low in the squat, or if I walk around they hit the overhang in doorways.

Also banged my ex into several doorways carrying her around drunk, but she was like 100 pounds so that's pretty much lightweight baby

I Remember this time when i was drunk in the house of a friend and had to go walking to my house at 2am, this is not a peaceful city so i started running and did 1 mile like nothing in that time i didn't so much cardio so it was a hard boost, other drunks experiences includes punching stuff without pain getting cut without pain and walking a few miles without the sense of doing it

alcohol is banned in most competitions

so what do you think?

Then why post in this thread, retard

nah, but I´ve been to gym high as a kite multiple times and always had the best workouts
I got more focused and could push myself harder


I blacked out at a bar and ended up walking 10 miles in the opposite direction of my room. That was shitty. I woke up to some homeless bitch talking and contemplated raping her in an alley. She was ugly and probably had a disease though. Totally could have gotten away with it.

must have been awesome

Bunch of degenerates using drugs and alcohol to workout

I usually break a pr if I'm buzzed or drunk while lifting. Sometimes I drop the barbell somewhere though so be careful

best of luck broskie.

it inhibits your motor skills so i wouldn't advise it.
plus it's fucking stupid. alcohol inhibits protein synthesis so you're just going to fuck yourself over more.

well i take out the glass bin alone of the place i live (its like 120kg when its full, i live 5th floor and no elevator) and it always feels heavier when i'm drunk. Like, sometimes i cant pick it up.
So i'd say alcohol makes you less strong

>Drinking alcohol in 2018
This shit is why i have homicidal urges towards women , if you want to boost your gains kill a whore , don't destroy your liver with disgusting whiskey full of sugar and other unhealthy chemicals

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Youtube chris duffin whiskey deadlifts
Its confidence thing

This video
Shot or two before pr attempts, no more.
yhe goal is not to get smashed

not drunk but when i fast i will on occasion ( like once a week ) drop 2oz of white rum or vodka with some water right before my fasted workout. fucking energy like crazy. literal liquid fat.

Maybe some do, all of my athletic endeavors suffer while im drinking. Often times after drinking too.

Yes. My ex and i would take shots sometimes before going to the gym. Also powerlifters take shots before big compound lifts since they are depressants for your cns. Similar to how people sniff ammonia before lifts.

Based bateman poster

Imagine being so alcoholic that you delude yourself into believeing alcohol is a performance enhancing drug

I've never done alcohol ether, I just drink vodka

it apparently is considered one for shooting contests. Not really related but i find that interesting

My god father was olympic lifter lifting on national level and I think he made it to world championships on few times. He would down a bottle of vodka before a workout sometimes so "it doesn't hurt so much". His wife would threw him out many times when he came home drunk and he had to sleep outside in his car. He was always really nice when we had family get togethers and we always talked about lifting and he was always giving compliments on how big my shoulders had grown from starting to lift in garage at 14 etc.

His wife divorced him and he tried to get back in shape to win a provincial competition but he was too old so he started to take amphetamine with alcohol before working out to boost his workouts. He won his weightclass but killed himself a few years after.

Now that I'm older I think he wasn't talking about the physical pain.

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Patrick is true natty

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> His wife would threw him out many times when he came home drunk and he had to sleep outside
>The absolute state of americans
This shit is why i support wife beating , if a woman ever tried to tell me what to do i'm smash her fucking face to pieces

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>Its a place holder for personality, honest relationships and entertainment.
That's the point, isn't it?

>Mostly to realize you absolutely do not need alcohol and that it doesn't serve you or any goal you may have.

I was sober for three years and had almost no social life at all. I agree with you in the main but don't mislead anyone about the shortfalls of sobriety. I fixed a lot of shit I had created for myself but the solitude was persistnt and profoudn.