Pullups vs Chinups

Pullups vs Chinups

Which is better and why?

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Chin up is better for the biceps,and is easier.
Pull ups,are better for the lats,and are harder.
Both are good,you should do both.
>The right guy is the way/PLG/ sees themselves,and the left is the way,/fraud/ sees themselves.

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The one that’s more comfortable for you. There’s minimal differences in muscle activation between them so sperging over which is best is retarded.

Chinups. You activate about the same amount of back muscles, but it works your biceps more and is less stressful on the shoulders.

If they’re the same how come I can’t do a pull-up but can do a couple chin ups?

I dont do chinups because it hurts my bicep tendon

I alternate pullups and neutral-grip pullups which are halfway between chinups and pullups.

I like neutral grip ones best but I would basically do whichever ones dont hurt

chinups are easier for dyels idk why

How long will it take to be able to do a pull-up?

For pushups I’m just doing sets of 3 through the day randomly

I am doing CrossFit soon and don’t want to be the faggot using rubber bands doing pullups

Do you have a weak back? Like shoulder rounding.

Because your biceps help out

dont do crossfit. Try decline pull ups. Also you may not do chinups in full range of motion.

Because you use more of your biceps.

>implying there's not substantial overlap between /fraud/ and /plg/

they have the same lat activation..

do both.. or whatever feels most comfortable for your elbows in my case.

I tend to do 6x6, which comes down to 2 sets of chins, 2 sets of neutral grip and 2 sets of wide-grip pullups

Chin ups have larger bicep activation while pull ups activate lats, brachioradialis and brachialis more.

You should do both, and also mix grip width for all around pull muscle activation


>pull ups activate lats, brachioradialis and brachialis more.


Except it isn't

>implying there's not substantial overlap between left and right

Yes, it is, you moron. Read some fucking studies on the subject.

>implying there are any peer-reviewed studies on electromyographic activation of the lats in chin up and pull up variation exercises that aren't paid for by some scamming fitness company trying to sell shitty handles to pull your weak dyel weight up

You only have to look at biomechanics to see that what you are saying is false. Tell me, how can dyels do more chin ups than pull ups if the force isn't directed into the biceps more than lats. If the activation were the same, there would be no differences for dyel groups in difficulty between the exercises. Except there is.

I'm doing hammer pull ups but the front of my biceps are still skinny...

>how can dyels do more with their back+biceps than with their back? >obviously what's happening is that they bicep curl their bodyweight and don't use their back at all.

Did I say you don't activate your lats?

No. I said you activate it to a lesser degree.

I see your parent didn't teach you any manners. If you talk to people like that in real life there's a good chance you're gonna get punched. Would you like that?

There's actually very very little difference

>Tell me, how can dyels do more chin ups than pull ups if the force isn't directed into the biceps more than lats.
Same reason why there are people who are trained that do more pullups than chinups.

here is the absolute difference in total muscle activation

notice how there is no significant difference in any muscle except maybe the traps

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Left natty
Right roids

Get raped newfaggot, you'll get fucking murdered talking to a real man

EMG data is useless to gauge how much strength/hypertrophy you will get. uselss post

>not doing all the variations of pullups/chins

varying the angle your hands grip the bar puts emphasis on different muscles, you should strive to be good at all variations

Nice answer. Nice trips.

I usually do 2 sets each pronated and supinated, finished with 1 set neutral.

pulldowns are better than both tbqh

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