Who inspired you to get into lifting...

Who inspired you to get into lifting? I started working out and and doing martial arts after watching Bloodsport when I was a little kid

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aniki, may he rest in peace

Great movie, great soundtrack.


Scott Steiner

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Eric Bugenhagen
And also that my friends started lifting.
I've now surpassed them because they are doing a generic bro split whilst I'm doing full body 3x

I turned 29 and decided I needed to stop being skinny fat.


I wanted a gf because i came from a broken home and wanted some stability

I had minor success but women dont generally care about guys being buff so i started for the wrong reasons but i kept going because i like it


my ex was telling me im getting fat and I couldn't argue. my stomach was getting out of control.

sleep tight aniki


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I just want to Pedigree cunts

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I took LSD and was staring at myself in the mirror and realised that I could be chad if I started lifting

have you seen him now. RIP his chest

Terry Cruz, Joe Rogan, and unironically boogie2988.

sleep tight aniki

DBZ convinced me that being fat and weak is bad.

Going into the weight room at the high school when I was in 8th grade, fat and seeing all the super strong seniors kicking ass

Patrician taste.

You're probably autistic, but you have good taste.
t. autist

Yeah man. His arms shrunk now when I saw a recent video TNA video that had him wrestling at 50 something