Anyone else here juul...

anyone else here juul? ive been using one for a few months and it hasn't hindered gains but anyone else have any experience?

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Even with vaping, you can get higher resting blood pressure which can be an issue for some

the pods are too fucking expensive if i can get them cheaper id buy mango all fucking day

fucking true im actually thinking about dropping it for a while to save some money

id be very surprised if there wasnt a generic version that you can buy much cheaper

i get vape stuff from fasttech, just checked there and they have carts 6$ for a 4 pack

wow. nice find

Hell yea dude. Benn using juul for a couple months and don't want cigarettes anymore. The benefits are I don't cough up a lung in the gym but the downside is I end up spending more than I ever did on cigs because I run through those juul pods fast as hell.

Refill with your own salt nic. You get like 3-5 refills a pod and its way cheaper. Or go with something thats refillable like a fit stick.

I carry a weed pen/battery when I go out

my fukin 17 year old cousin uses this, he needs Jow Forums more than I do.

This the thread I’ve been waiting for. I never really got into smoking, but have been juuling on/off (mainly on) for over a year now. I love it but I’m gonna try and tone it down and just use it at parties because I’m worried about the health effects and the possibility of enjoying a random cigarette too much one of these days.

One of you needs to explain to me what makes Juuls better than conventional vapes

Fucking faggots sucking on USBs

Was waiting for this thread. I’ve been hopelessly addicted to cigs for the past decade. I’m in good shape, but I’ve wanted to quit smoking for so long because I know it’s a hinderance from being in even better shape. Not to mention long term health consequences of smoking. Enter JUUL - got it a week ago to the day; not one cig. Skin and teeth already improving; lung function is amazing. God bless JUUL

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>He not puffing da big cloudz for dem 6 point IQ gainz working dem working memories while getting the ladies wet bc they mirin and chasin your cloudz

You ain't never gonna make it boi

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Where tf do you live? Looks like a shitty dying rust belt town

Fishtown, Philadelphia. Median home price is +30% of national, and it’s the hottest neighborhood in the city - one of the hottest in the country. Dunno why I’m telling you this; you couldnt afford it here...

Can someone tell me why Juuls have become so popular lately while normal vapes are seen as lame? A friend of mine has told me that they have become popular among highschoolers because they give off smaller clouds or something which makes them easier to use in the bathroom discreetly, but that doesn't explain it all to me, since it seems to be popular among people in their 20s too.

The nicotine in them is different and is absorbed really fast like cigarettes. Also kids are using them to stealth vape.

You stupid fucking white kid faggot. Fishtown was where you used to buy crack from beaners that shot up niggers trap houses for it.

Marketing, teenagers don't "vape" they "juul"
Big difference in their eyes

Can't buy this shit in EU because they deem the nicotine too high, I can only get it from eBay.. what are the risks of getting a fake Chinese shit vape that will give me cancer and explode in my face?

Get a Saurin air (refillable vape). You’ll save a fuck load of money.

What a bunch of faggots.

you wouldnt understand anyway grandpa

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what do you do to afford? (assuming ur not being supported by ur mommy)

They are sooooo much worse because they have roughly 16 times more nicotine per hit than a standard vape at 3mg/ml

The plus side is you don't look as douchy

That's... not how nicotine works, bruh. It's just a higher mg/ml, but the chemistry isn't changed at all.

I've been smoking a pack a day for years but since the start of this year I'm creeping up to a pack and a half. Normal vapes tend to make me sick after a while. Is this juul actually any good?

They are heavily quality controlled. Basically like the Mac vs PC debate, people are willing to pay more for a product that they know will work and work well/safely. Also, not all vape juices are created equal, and a lot of other brands use poor quality ingredients that are cheaper but can cause popcorn lung and other problems, and juul refuses as a company to use them.

I used a knock-off juul for about a month and a half several times a day, then stopped for a week, then got back on, a few times a day. I didn't notice any big negative effects. I stopped anyway because I don't want to fuck up my lungs.

>hurr durr vapes aren't harmful to your health

If it isn't pure air, it's probably best you don't I have it (marijuana is debatable, like medicinals)

They helped me quit cigs but as others say the pods are expensive af and it actually upped my nicotine addiction because of the convience of doing in doors.

I used to smoke 4-5 cigs a day but now I have to stop myself or else I would vape up to a pod a day.

One resembles a cigarette, the other resembles a fucking metallic juice box

how tf do i get one of these? 18 and have no chad friends for the hookup. everyone from school seems to have them somehow

hey bby show us your butt and I'll tell you

iffy nigga

If you live in America you can walk into any 7-eleven and buy one

really? they dont check anything?

Are you actually 18? Feel free to use a meme to respond

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serious question: why do you want to develop a nicotine addiction?