Does Jow Forums have predator or prey eyes?

Does Jow Forums have predator or prey eyes?

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Other urls found in this thread:

That’s not a predator eye, your brow ridge and eyebrows should be just on top of your eye, you have incel eyes


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>negative canthal tilt
>he thinks he is a hunter, not a beta provider


OP on the right

Attached: iu[1].jpg (474x339, 33K)

>this much coping

You look depressed, bro. This is what a predator looks like.

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>smells ur big money

Attached: hunter todd.jpg (113x121, 10K)

>I can ignore anything I don’t want to hear with the words cope/haters

You’re such a predator, aren’t you, Timothy?

>trying to prove themselves on Tibetan basket weaving forum


>take a pic from the best angle possible
>lol dis is predator eyez u don hav them!!
Fuck off you copecel boomer

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i wish

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>all these copecels getting mogged by OP

You still look like a woman though.



Sadly prey

>implying you aren't OP
>implying you aren't the biggest copecel in here




I said that I have prey eyes you retard.



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in for maymays what are these
>inb4 boomer eyes

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paki trying to sell me beer on the beach



COPE -Tier

Bro tier

poo tier

astronomic cope

Can I hunt successful or nah?

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never gonna make it

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The fucks a predator eye

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Jesus Christ user, what kimd of eyebrow is that


One above my eye I guess?

not this lmao

People tell me I always look not interested or angry. I mostly want to go home.

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>OP made a bunch of insecure betas post their eyes in this thread

gg m8 kek

Instead of being a huge faggot, maybe tell what a predator eye is

Fucking kill yourselves you worthless shits. Die already I fucking hate you. You are nothing in this world. You're subhuman genetic trashes. You shouldn't exist in this world. You've done nothing good for this world. You ancestors were apes. Why are you destroying civilization my ancestors built?
Why can't you leave us Aryans alone?

Only correct answer

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Yep this one...

All our ancestors were apes :)


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Are you a girl?

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Unfortunately not

i guess so

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Dios mio

>Does Jow Forums have predator or prey eyes?
>I guess so

Post your entire face you ugly fuck

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yeh im a bit retarded my bad

Nice eye tho

thanks pal

>Implying pajeets aren't Aryan.
It's called Indo-European for a reason.

I'm not posting in here with you...

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You guys are acting like women.

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What about the eye area that made me have gf but now no gf :(

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Serious question, but do you have an extra chromosome?

sexual predator eyes

this new meme is awesome I fucking hate eyelets.

The fuck is this shit LMAO.

Do you stupid autists EVER stop coming up with new memes and stupid insecurities to justify your incel lives?

>predator eyes means putting an angry face on

Predator eyes are your normal state faggots, if you have to actively squish your brows to make it you don't have them.

Tfw cant even get Jow Forums to hit on you

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we accepted the responsability to find new ways to make people feel bad about themselves when we came here


Who /permenantdarkcircles/ here?

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Im certain hunter eyes are 100% lateral cheekbone projection

get a skin routine jesus fuck

people think I'm smoke weed

Should I reroll life

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Rip lookism

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user, I...


Were the rumors true? I thought that place was due to shut down same time last year, and i kinda took it for granted ever since :(

Yamanaya here

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Yeah some are saying the domain can still be regained for like a month or so but admin hasn't come obline in a couple months and the sites been down for like 3 days now

It's not looking good


Gees, why do so many people think I have Asian ancestry

you aren't a Siberian are you?

You look like you rolled max wisdom

>black eyebrows
>dark iris
>subhuman skin color
>epicanthal folds

I actually laughed irl. But yeah seriously though you 100% have significant Asiatic admixture


predator, for sure.

losers eyes? that sagging just makes you look more tired and if that wasn't enough since born had purple area under eyes. also dunno why eyebrows are brown. irl they're completely dark

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My eyebrows are brown like my hair
The iris is actually green-blue-grey. They just looked dark in that pic because of shitty light conditions
Unlike you, I’m actually /out/ so I got freckles
I do have some sort of epicanthal folds. Don’t know why

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Not bad

Your nose looks short though

hey brandon did you get a gf yet?


who the fuck is brandon, is ihe some kind of ultrabeta Jow Forums personality

ITT: incels trying to look mean.
Newsflash, that makes you look like more of an incel.
