So this is the power of lifting unconventionally for 8 years

>so this is the power of lifting unconventionally for 8 years

how will copedestiny manlets ever recover?

Attached: LOL.png (593x594, 961K)

He looks like Bane. What's the problem? Post your body.

he looks disgusting

Untermensch face

Not really. It's orc mode. Chicks dig it and guys get intimidated. How old are you? 15?

Meds are better than you.

I second that, he looks like a gross mouth breather and you must be a slob yourself for defending that obvious fact

He had a flat stomach how is he a slob, dyel? Because he doesn't shave his chest like you? Post your body tough guy.

Because his face is incredibly disgusting and his abs look weird

How do his abs look weird, retard? He has a flat stomach. Post your body I bet he looks stronger than you.

>he doesn’t see the muffin top
Why are you defending him anyways

You're delusional. Just because he doesn't have a 6 pack doesn't mean his abs look weird. Post your body skeleton boi.

he looks like a literal Cletus

Look at this Boomer

Am I the only one who can see his traps are obviously imbalanced?

shit posture and underdevelopped chest

Meds aren't white my guy

Look at those saggy titties and fat “abs”

Attached: 3A759144-D330-4347-99FE-2F962D4D5EF6.jpg (620x708, 276K)

Lmao being this delusional

t. bloat

The worst part is that he isn't a formerly fat guy who cut down but a skinny guy who bulked up just to look like crap

would be looking fine if he lost the extra fat, but his goal is getting stronger and he doesn't care about body fat that much

His pants are pulled above his belly button he's hiding lovehandles there