Serious question: is he natty?

Serious question: is he natty?

Attached: ax-look-bkg.png (589x679, 424K)

No, he's a mannequin

Natty or not, that low bodyfat + heaps of massive veins aesthetic is honestly disgusting

>Sub 10% bodyfat all year round
Take a guess

Weak test

Know who else is low test?

If I showed you this pic and told you I have been roiding for a year, would you believe me? That's your answer

So you're a woman? Pls leave. Though I do agree that it doesn't look good

At first I was like"what?", but I think you actually have a good point

His training and nutrition is near perfect for at least 2 decades. I think he is natty.

Probably, he's not actually that big just very lean

Plus the fact that dude is in his late 40s. How the fuck does he stay so lean. Not one fucking video where he's looking soft

probably on trt or similar

I'd say he's like a lot of youtube/insta fitness guys that are on juuuuusssttttt the right amount of gear to make it so you can't say definitively yes or no.

so, no. i don't think he's natty.

I havent watched a single video from this faggot and still he pops up in my youtube front page

You say that, but you'd secretly kill to have a physique like him. Jealous little man.

I would, but when I got his body I'd put on a couple of % in body fat. Also he'd probably look like a stick if he was as tall as me

Doesn’t your test take a nosedive when you go bellow 10%? Suppose he’s natural, shouldn’t he have a lot of hormonal imbalances from being so lean year round? Also the fact that he is in his 40s. It just doesn’t add up and I don’t believe in the genetic freaks argument, or perfect diet/routine.

He's too small to be that lean. I don't know if it's his frame or LBM, but he looks like a funko pop.

Probably, he's not big.

What's so unbelievable about that?

>always has a pump
>PT and comes from a family of physicians
>good lighting
>autistic diet
>not big

yea why not

Impossible to keep muscle mass in those conditions without exogenous hormones, your testosterone production shuts down sub 10% BF

>is he natty

Attached: natty.webm (900x506, 2.16M)

It is very likely that he takes doctor prescribed doses of test as part of a hormone replacement therapy since he's well past the age of 40

To look like this while being completely natty at age 40+ would take some good fucking genetics which he definitely doesnt have if what he says about his past (always trying to build muscle but failing) is true.

However he is autistic enough about his diet and workout for me to believe that he actually might be training at relatively normal test levels (normal for 20+ year olds). His muscular developement is definitely stalling and he's by no means a "monster".

So natty, if you count normal hrt as natty

this was... hard to watch

Attached: wtfm8.png (351x359, 215K)

he's short and not really big just super cut, no reason why he couldn't be natty

Your education has clearly been poor for the last two decades. No way this fucker is natty

>I've been lifting for 6 months and don't look like someone who has dedicated years and years of their lives to fitness
>Can't be natty

Id say yes thats him pumped up prolly

natty or not, he is a gymcel AND a manlet

Jeffsama... n-nnoo!

Attached: 6A51EDE7-BB86-47E1-97F5-6BE14BD3C036.png (2048x1536, 1.67M)

he's like 5'6 and he's the natty limit

Attached: Avocado.jpg (480x360, 25K)


lmao all the roidcel cope



>i’ve been lifting for 6 months and i’m still deluded about my goals, my favourite natural bodybuilder is jedd seid

I think so, but he's probably at the natty limit

Go see his videos from 4 or 5 years ago, he looks exactly the same.
He is natty and he hit the limit long ago.

It’s not the size. It’s the fact that he’s lean for years on end at his age while maintaining his muscle mass.

Yes. Dude is smart af and take lifting serious.

>at his age

he's what, 40, not fucking 60

at most he MIGHT be on TRT, but even then I doubt it, his body is 100% achievable natty and maintainable.

Jeff said is 5x time bigger than this guy. You are retarded.

Weight: 185 - 195lbs (83.9 - 88.5kg)
Height: 5'8" (172.5cm)
Age: 42
Date of Birth: June 28, 1975

These are his stats and he looks almost stage ready all the time. Does not compute. Either I’m retarded or he’s on dat dere celltech. Or both.

He's a midget. I don't think he roids.




>nattys claim he must be roiding because they're small
>roiders claim he must be roiding because he's not small

absolutely pathetic

Maybe. Who the fuck knows. His stats are similar to Eugen Sandow so maybe you are right.

What the hell is going on there?

I dunno, im 40 and similar body wise but not that lean, natty cause too poor to buy test.

Permabulkers say lean people are roiding, lel

b-but I'm 40 (39)
If you keep lifting you never lose what you got.

His nose ate more of the cake than his mouth

Yea he’s natty. He’s been lifting for almost 8 years I think. If he was roiding then his progress is terrible. You could get much bigger and stay lean on roids

He's probably on HRT but you can definitely get that big natty. Doesn't really matter anyways since he actually knows his shit.

He's been lifting for 20+ years you moron

reminds me of that scene with sin sage and ariel x where she puts the cupcake or her poopoo hole and the other one eats it


nigga im 35 and i noticed i kept everything except my delts and my skin is a bit looser.
I tried everything but my shoulders never look like they used to (capped and full)

There's only one explanation. Jeff is a Android.

I agree.

Reminds me of that video where he showed his diet.
The guy almost doesn't eat, first meal of the day (breakfast) was microwaved egg whites and a shake with ice, oats and whey.

And he only eats 3 times a day and the 3 meals are taken in a 6 hour time frame, meaning he doesn't eat for 18h straight, doing this every day for like 20 years.