What level of grippers you got to be on

to be able to give most people a bully handshake? I want to be able to assert dominance through handshake. Few things let someone know who is boss faster than having the person realize you could break their hand on a whim.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-07-01 at 7.05.02 AM.png (1242x1344, 1.14M)

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Do these things actually do anything meaningful?
I mean, aside from the meme handshake situation?

I mean, grip strength is hugely important as a functional strength thing. At some point, if you're not wearing straps to lift with, grip becomes a limiting factor of the amount of weight you can lift.

They're good for forearms.

Also, if you don't aspire to be able to assert dominance by handshake, you may be on that faggytime.

They make you better at crushing strength, which literally carrys over to no other gym lift. Just do fat gripz work, fat bar, etc. for good grip and forearm gains

>not wanting to crush things with your bare hands

Tofu overload

I mean buy these crushers if you want, but your going to have to buy the next level up after a few months, then buy the next level and so on costing $$$
Or just buy fat gripz for 20$ for life, and do heavy unstrapped lifts for basically the same results

Can anyone recommend me a good wrist roller brand to buy?


i bought this one on sale a while ago. Gained an inch on my forearms easy after using this for a while.

Thank you

An overly aggressive handshake is the biggest sign of a faggot there is

what if I use a finger box with the resistance cranked all the way up

Attached: finger box.jpg (613x567, 62K)

Good idea, I don't have to buy a gripper because who doesn't have one of those things lying around.

Ooom no you cant progress on them that quickly and everythin above coc 2 is very very frustrating and hard especially coc 3 amd 3.5 ammount of strength need to close them is redicilous

Get an old broom stick, pvc pipe or anything and some rope. For fucks sake why would you spend $50 for something you can make for $5 or some garbage laying around in your garage? Im using an old dowel rod right now but want to get some fst pvc pipe to make it more difficult to grip.

Take a big weight, attach a strap to it. Get a polygrip plyer. Try to lift the weight with the plyer. If the plyer cannot hold onto the weight youre grip is too weak thus doing the same thing as a gripper.

Being able to close #2 will give you a very strong handshake, but it depends on your hand size. You cannot bully handshake someone with a far bigger hand, since you can't apply the force properly.

I'm a grip strength training professional (wrote a master's thesis on it) and this is correct. Crushing grip strength has it's appliance in grappling sports in wrist, hand and finger holds. It's also indirectly important for punching sports, since a harder contraction of the hand muscles and forearm muscles also promotes greater contractions in the entire arm and body (muscle irradiation). Every big puncher has a very strong handshake. Open hand strength and pinch work have far greater appliance in sports and regular life.

How much can you Apollons axle deadlift

130 kg when I last tried it, 2015., double overhand. But I don't have one to train on in my country, but I'm gonna make one.

About what I do. This guy who won the strongman competition I was at yesterday can do 230kgs. Fucking mad lad.

But I think I have way more now, since I trained my open hand grip a lot in the meantime. Yeah, huge hands help A LOT. My hand is about 19.5 cm, and my bw is 86.5 kg.

Yeah I dont really train grip specifically but I get a lot from the strongman implements. Im 104kg but this other guy he's 190 lmao

Damn, that's insane, that's more a bear than a man. I'd love to do strongman, but in my country it's not popular at all and the implements are impossible to get.

great, we're back to shilling finger boxes.
most of them don't have adjustable resistance, you fucking 30 year old boomer.

What do I read to not be shit at grippers?
By which I mean do them properly, consistently, without injury and good rate of progression?


Yeah I think he's gonna take on the strongest in my country in the next 5 years if he's injury free by then. Im just happy I can keep up in the same competitions as these guys even if I get last place.