How did he keep fit?

He was 1.68m and made music most of the time. How?

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>How did he keep fit?

he didn't

That's a better body than 70% of the people here

Nobody ever said Jow Forums had a good body

average n*gga genetics + not eating much + drug abuse = pseudo ottermode

He did boxing and mma besides music

As fit lifting some dumbbells and doing some pushups would ever take more than 40 minutes of anyone's day.

Have to be alive to be fit

>not eating much + drug abuse = pseudo ottermode

my little methhead brother always looks ripped.

he's not fit, it's just negro genetics that keep most of them lean IF they are not stuffing their faces. I would like to point out that there are as many fat niggers as lean niggers

also drugs blunt your hunger

That's why I used ''was''
People do that on this board and never get his body

You can look and him and see he obv was pretty mixed. He literally we wuzed as German and Italian to the extent of planting their flags in this bedroom

Dat pectus carinatum

he did mma i believe

Didn't he also say he was Syrian or Egyptian too

Yeah he did. Syrians immigrated in some numbers to jamaica so its not entirely bullshit

inb4 racist pseudoscience

This is the body that you get if you aren't a fat slob and play sports or skateboard or something

He didn't have PC, you mong.

Age 18-40 black dudes at my job are ripped. For lunch and snacks they drink fanta/gatorade/coke, and eat honey buns and doritos. Fast food, mcdonalds/pizza/KFC/chinese. No idea what they eat at home, but during working hours 6-8hours, they eat junk.

They've got 4-6 packs and ripped delts and cut biceps. Just somehow everything they eat turns into muscle. Other than that, I do observe they're very sluggish when they work. Perhaps something is going on.

wdym by fat slob

It’s called being 20yo. U don’t have to do anything

Im 18 and i dont got that look.

first off, IIFYM isn't a meme.
Second, you might overestimate their mass/definition because the darker skin makes you look more defined, hence why bodybuilders fake tan before shows

>he made music
lol, the state of Jow Forums

t. listens to classical music n considers himself an ''intellectual''

Yeap, because those are the only two styles and you can only pick one.

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t. genuine retard

Try not exhausting your vocabulary so quickly tyrone.

Haha :))

These are nigs we're talking about. They take drugs like candy.

genetics. nothing more to it than that.

Doubt x took that.

Anything under 170cm is kill yourself territory... whoever shot him did him a favor he fucked multiple girls and has a biological kid?

>fucked multiple girls and has a biological kid?
Yes im aware that he was a typical nigger... i seen bucktoothed niggers fuck something that look like an orangutan...they fuck anything that moves whats your point?

>implying he didnt fuck white girls
>implying that his gfs werent hot

what possesses people like you to defend some guy who would laugh at you and maybe assault you if you ever met him

this x1000


doubt what lol
if xxxtentacion saw you irl and you are white u have a high chance of sharing the same fate as the white kid in his video

nigga obv changed loads in his life. doubt hed chimp out in 2018
didnt see the video ur quoting tho

>doubt hed chimp out in 2018
we are talking about black people and u doubt he will chimp out?
it was in the music video for look at me

u can see him and how he acts and see that hes pretty whitefied
that was smth for ''all lives matter''

>implying he didnt fuck white girls
he lived in Deerfield Beach, it's literally all latinas and kikes there.

t. local

>that as smth for "all lives matter"
why does everyone defend him saying this? if he was for all lives matter he wouldnt hang a white kid and let people react and think he is pro black lives matter

probably just push ups, crunches and pull ups

have you guys seen his back? manlets don't have good genetics or metabolism, I'm sure he worked out

this, the jews selectively evolved nigs during slavery. The result was a race oh hyper strong but dumb nigs

In strength? No way

His parents were from jamaica so not america proper

he is mixed egyptian, indian, mexican and italian too

in one of his videos at his house I saw dumbbells

Who won?

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We did.

remember all women deserve to be treated like this

1) He didn't make the music
2) All his did was what his (((masters))) told him to

So obviously he had ton of spare time


You just answered your own question

he absolutely did dude