What's Jow Forums's opinion on greyskull LP?

what's Jow Forums's opinion on greyskull LP?
I'm a complete beginner and I can't decide on a routine. Should I do 5x5 StongLifts instead? Does it even matter?

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Just look at Blahino, do you want to be built anything like that?

I'm doing pic related. I like it a lot better than SL 5x5. I add dips and face pulls. Sometimes chest flies and more rows.

I haven't run into any problems doing OHP and bench on the same day. I'm curious what Jow Forums thinks though.

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>absolutely no calf work
>only leg work is squats
What the fuck man? Drop in some lunges, raises and Bulgarian splits for fucksake.

I'm super skinny, I just want to build some muscle, correct bad posture and be more healthy in general, I don't want to get super big. Please tell me what to do (I'm 21). I read the sticky but I still can't decide.

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Calisthenics to build up a base, once you can do 4 sets of 25 of pushups, pullups, squats, lunges, 2 minutes of planking and handstands, then move on to base. If you want good posture and form as a skelly that's the way to go.

Deadlifts count as a leg exercise don't they? I also run.

They work your hamstrings but they're not good for much outside of that and some back. Running is a great way to get solid legs but then you overload your quads with squats. Drop in some actual calf and abductor/adductor work or you're going to end up unbalanced as shit.

Ok. I will add some things. Thanks for the advice

Si wae

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more pics like this? I'm looking for an easy to understand and follow routine

For the love of God don't do GS.


Also curious as to what's wrong with GS

Reddit is whats wrong with it. The original, by-the-book program includes lots of options on both accessories and modifying the main lifts, not to mention tons of calisthenics, plyometrics and HIIT/conditioning. It's a great program for building overall fitness, including endurance and cardiovascular health. Not the best for putting on size, sure, but not as bad as the plebbit version which is just SS with less volume.

ty for the explanation user

>I-its reddit!
>SS with less volume
Oh no muh 3x5 deadlifts

I did the program in the OP for like 4 months from beginner and it worked great. Don't listen to these fags OP

"SS with less volume" doesn't make it utter shit. It makes it SS with less volume. It'll still work alright provided you lift heavy and eat right. Just not as well as doing the actual program in the book, written by a professional, instead of the lighter version /r fitness came up with and Jow Forums rewrote...

that progression is ridiculous

Agreed, I've been enjoying the program with reduced progression though

Alright you fucks, if I shouldn't do the phraks or Jow Forums greyskull routine, what should I do as a beginner? I'm not doing SS.

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you SHOULD do gslp

I did Jow Forums's meme routine without rows and just did weighted chins and I did well. Just do the closegrip bench if you can.

Is gslp ok or not I can't take squatting 3 times a week, stop confusing me

yes it's good. all the reviews of it are good

Squatting is gay. I put my bench from 95lbs to 170 in 4 months.