Attached: kJa9oqF.png (955x806, 1.04M)

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I like the "big strong guy" look, but there's something about everyone in OPs image that I find supremely unattractive. I'm it even sure what it is. Too tryhard or something? Overcompensating? Idk.

Attached: r1rc4EY.png (500x343, 124K)

theyre all manlets

clearly you don't like big strong look because this is the definition of it lmao

maybe you actually like the "kinda" big, "kinda" strong look

What about the guy in the middle. He seems to be mogging everyone including those in the back.

Second guy from the right looks like the nicest guy in the gym who will give you tips on your form and encourage you


they have the roid look

You don't obviously.. the only one that really looks off is the guy on the right because he's so wide he's basically a square but the other dudes all look good, just big. Imo I prefer less big but that doesn't mean they don't look good for their size.

for those who aren't aware, some of these dudes are gods of their field

tom martin to the right, larry wheels in the middle, kevin oak to the right, don't know the otheres

Don't know who the guy next to Dan Green is, but he isn't Tom (who looks completely different + has long hair).

This is Tom.

dude just /fraud/

There's a few things going on here as well.

1). Simply cannot compare the look of muscular guys at varying bodyfat%'s and varying tans holding subQ water at varying camera angles to the look of muscular guys in planned lighting, tanned, and dry photo shoots.

2). The classic physique winning structure of tiny hips and wide clavicles bones with a short waist is not universal or even normal. Often the guys with wide clavicles have long torsos and/or wide hips too. The guys with tiny hips often have short clavicles too.

Larry Wheels looks best in this picture because he has narrow hips, although his clavicles are only medium width. Also Larry has low bodyfat%.

In general this is how muscular men look most of the time. Regardless of natty or not. Most guys with large muscles don't look like models in most situations, lighting, OR times of the year.

We're so used to seeing bullshit illusions of IG famous physiques who get a ton of pics taken while they're down at ultra low bodyfat% in perfect lighting and poses that we easily forget that's not how they always look.

The small% who always look huge and ripped are usually on a ton of drugs to maintain that.

It takes a lot higher doses of gear to hold huge muscle mass at 8% bodyfat than it does at 18%. Not everyone wants to blast Tren all year round, but Test&Deca don't give that ripped look so easily.

Damn I should take steroids.

Attached: 1496016738060.gif (540x540, 395K)

I could've sworn I made the original of these images some years ago

I remember doing the red incorrect and green correct in paint

you guys probably arent gonna believe me but I am 99% sure I made this on a dutch forum like back in 2011 or 2012

>What about the guy in the middle. He seems to be mogging everyone including those in the back.
Larry is 6'1'' I think, he ain't manlet.

>tom martin to the right
Dumbass, that's Dan Green.

dayum dan green is wide as hell

isnt dan green like 5'9 why does he look as tall as larry

I believe you. Now what

idk just saying

They don't look natural, I notice this a lot IRL, they know deep down that they are frauds so they don't believe themselves, thus their manifestations in reality are somewhat off. Only once did I see a naturally strong dude, it was at a social event and there were many of these fake guys as well, he mogged all, it didn't matter if they were bigger or more shredded than him, you could see in his eyes that he believed himself.

They must have modeled the gears of war characters from that dude on the right.

Any idea where a gymbro up for that could be found?


No you didn't. I made this.

Did you really? When?