A Bear vs 30 UFC fighters. Who wins?
A Bear vs 30 UFC fighters. Who wins?
troll or retarded. Its one of these
Why is this retarded? I think it would be close.
is the bear wearing gloves?
Bear cause the fighters are all ego fuck heads not willing to die
Can you get gloves for a bear?
>I could totally take on a wild animal bro
still can't tell. You just upped the troll or retardation level
Not even trying
It would be a draw. Bears don't have the stamina to take on that many opponents, but no human has the striking power to do any real damage to a bear.
>that beta gymcel who pumps himself full of bathtub chemicals and trains 7 days a week vs natty wild tiger which was born into it
>lioness' bored expression
You can tell she's not even trying; she's running out the clock performing that trick so her handlers will give her another treat.
Majestic felines are so superior to dogs it's not even funnny.
I have a 110 lb cane corso and I always win tug of war so easily I rip it out of her mouth, and I only bent row 155lb. She doesn't want to hurt me, but still.
wow, actually very impressive
The first UFC fighter to get fucked up would cause a mass rout
>im stronger than my dog!
Be nice to doggo
it has claws which rot her in the earth
the guys in sneakers just slip away
get a load of this brainlet guys
a housecat weighs ~10 pounds. tiger weighs anywhere from 200-500 pounds.
imagine your cane corso at around 3000 pounds. that's the comparison.
i agree with you, cats > dogs any day. but your anecdote is kind of retarded.
The lion is smart, pulling at an angle to make it harder for the guys to pull.
110lb cane corso is a pitbull on steroids bro. If she gets mad, which she never has, people are dying.
It's just a game where I can win.
30 guys could take on a bear simply by numbers alone, assuming they don't piss their pants and run away in fear once the first few get a taste of pic related
Not necessarily striking bro, I feel like I could fuck a bear up if he got in my guard (which he will, considering they like to "maul" their prey). A bear doesn't know anything about defense, I would get him in a kimura, maybe even an inverted triangle.
cats are better hunters than the shit breed dogs we humans have created, yes.
but take a wolf vs cat of equal weight and it's probably a much much closer fight. Of course, wolves don't get anywhere as big as tigers and lions
a brown bear would break out of a perfectly executed headlock effortlessly
I'm sure any trained fighter could put a black bear to sleep if he were able to lock it in before the bear cut him up too bad though
>i..its just a game bro! I wasn't really actually proud i was stronger than my dog.
>I could get an animal 4 times my size in a hold
>cats are better hunter than the shit breeds
The shit breeds, sure, but my cats can't catch birds to save their lives. Whereas my spaniel used to bring me birds, still alive in his mouth, every time he got to the field, and my APBT chased deer for 3 hours once. Fuck your ambush predators, my dogs are keen.I'm
Get a real dog, you fucking faggot
cats and dogs hunt completely differently.
Most cats are too slow to be able to kill something without an ambush.
wolves hunt in packs and are impressive endurance runners
Imagine being this pathetic.
Trolling or not, if a big untrained dog wanted to seriously fuck you up you are most likely going to die without a weapon.
Exactly, domesticated cats are 100% pussies, at least with dogs you can get a breed that retains some instinct drive and intelligence.
>i.. i wasnt talking about strength of a dog. I was talking about damage! Therefore me pulling a toy out of a dog shows how tough i am!
You know I can tell I would just fuck your shit up irl. 6' 195 lb started lifting 10 weeks ago, went from 90-160 bench.
Average males can go up to 670lbs and the largest ever was over 1000 pounds.
Why are humans such weaklings? It's like we have to be 10 x the size of something just to be stronger than it. Meanwhile Chimps are stronger than things twice its size.
He just doesn't stop
O i am laffin
No u
Cut this autism fest short and both of you post body. The most dyel loses.
30 fighters could somehow manage to do a rear choke on the bear
I know I'm gonna get roasted but let me hear your critique.
Is me
A full grown grizzly bear has been killed by an unarmed man before so I’m gonna give it to the UFC fighters.
How many of those UFC fighters are Brock Lesnar?
Depends if i'm one of them. Just like batman, with enough prep time i can take on ANY opponent, regardless of their size or strength.
Bear wins every time on every matchup except maybe against bigger bear.
How can humanbois even compete?
>Bear wins every time on every matchup except maybe against bigger bear.
Guys how do I attain this physique?
First step is to be greek
10xf roll in your shit and water everyday
how many minutes of rest? asking for a friend
>w..why are you laughing at me? im not weak, i swear!
>i know i can beat you in a fight user!
Waiting on that physique tough guy.
god damn dude, you are mentally fucking weak.
They wouldn't be able to hurt the darn beast.
>p...prove yourself user!
>im not insecure, i swear!
>why is my 100 dog weaker than a 700 pound lion lol
maybe one day science will fin an answer
I am insecure. We all are. That's why we are on Jow Forums instead of chads AWESOME pool party.
Rolling in shit is the rest, you just rest 24h everyday all year round
Shut up asshole!
implying im the only one making fun of you. you have some sensitivity issues
Used all the energy into developing and up-keeping brains, brainlet.
yes we all are insecure but i can't even fucking see you. How can you be insecure at this level?
in evolution, humans traded raw strength and power for brain size. A Human body can't sustain a tiger/gorilla/bear size and maintain a brain your size at the same time.
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
Alright man. I'm not going to post about physiques until I've been lifting for 6 months minimum. See you on the other side.
sorry you look this way user.
None of you niggers are asking the important questions.
Do the 30 fighters and the bear have to abide by any MMA governing body's regulations?
Or is it bloodsport?
why would a bear follow any rules?
Winner by default; 10 weeks of lifting is better than 0 weeks. You're doing good for that short a period; maybe focus on back and lats.
Dyel loser who refuses to post body. Pic related is what you are until you can prove otherwise.
Why would the bear want to be disqualified?
> Be whale
> Be stronger than gorilla
> Have larger brain than human
their bite force is fucking stupendous, if the rope came out he wasn't holding on with nearly his whole strength
I believe I could do this on my own, I've been wrestling for 3 years and boxing for almost 1 year, so I don't think a bear would be a difficult opponent for me. I've been in a couple of real fights and I've never lost to anyone. I strongly believe that I could kill the bear before he could finish me. I would fake a body strike with my left fist, but then I would strike him with my right fist straight in the nose, the bear would probably fall down, then I would jump on top of it, put it in a choke hold and take its life. What do you guys think?
My question pertains more to the 30 fighters.
Could they gouge the bear's eyes out, bite, rip out fur, etc.?
I'm just being fair by applying the hypothetical to both groups.
Don't get defensive user, there's plenty of refuges for chickenshit males:
>jason slavam
impressive, very nice
those goalposts are gonna break if you keep moving them like that
Claws and fangs Vs nails and teeth
Atleast arm the UFC fighters with a 2/3cm knife if you want it somewhat fair
>has to prove himself due to too many people making fun of his idiotic logic
>you guys are just all autistic because you wont post picture of your body
you probably get into arguments with children from elementary school too
lol this dude went from "im stronger than my dog" to "post your body to prove you are strong." the strategy is to take off your shirt if you appear stupid
I bet you could choke a bear out if you squeezed hard enough. Probably two guys could do it, just have one distract it while the other jumps on its back and gets a body lock. Assuming your legs can reach around a bear anyway. Jon Jones could probably do it, not sure about your average MMA dude though.
>I always win tug of war so easily I rip it out of her mouth
>implying all dog owners cant do this
Maybe we should go back into the water
Livestream it so we can cheer you on
sounds feasible to me, go try it.
I'm not that other curlbro dude. Keep defensively shitposting and confirming how much of a fatass you are.
>you probably get into arguments with children from elementary school
I guess I do, since I'm responding to you :^)
I was just making a regular post about how tamed dogs are pussies, never said I was incredible and all these extreme dyels start shitting on me. Just surprised at how many of you are underage.
Nah living in water is gay since you're swimming in your own piss and shit, and none of the electronics work there.
why does noone eat these? look at the meat on this thing. its like ultragigapig
>electric eel
>you need to prove yourself!
>im not defensive... y...you are!
>i do argue with elementary school children
wew lad!
at least im an elementary school child who is smarter than an adult on Jow Forums. you want to double down?
>and none of the electronics work there
you mean africa?
Because they're too big user
>you guys are all pussies!
>can't handle getting roasted
god forbid this happens to you in real life where people make fun of you