Have you ever been asked to pose for photographs or paintings as a fitness model?

Have you ever been asked to pose for photographs or paintings as a fitness model?

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IF You have abs you can easily make money doing pictures for creeps on Instagram. They will flood your inbox with requests. The question is how much you value your dignity

Not fitness yet but i'm goin to model for a clothing line

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go on...

>caring about a social construct
fucking wimp

I've not been asked to but I volunteered to pose for a painting class.

Mirin glutes.

I was asked to be in a phoshiot but not as a fitness model, but for my face

Been thinkin about that, do they pay well?

>does volunteering pay well

Did it twice. Second time was with a friend of mine that ended up fuggin me afterwards and it was weird because emotionally we felt kind of uncomfortable with each other but it was a sort of nice time I guess

Good job son


They do pay for nude modeling in some universities even if its called volunteering, the same way you get paid for "donating" semen

The owner of the gallery offered $100 but I didn't accept it. I did take a charcoal sketch that is pretty well done.
As I understand it gigs like that are typically advertised as "unpaid" but someone(s) involved will offer something as a donation.

>has no values
Absolutely disgusting

I have amazingly long hair and some people take pictures of it.

Been asked to act in a music video as a lover if that counts

An older lady once told me that I had a great walk and to check out a modeling agency. She gave the name and a few tips. Said she knew the owner but don’t mention her name as the employees wouldn’t recognize her. She was the fashion editor for one of the papers in my city for a long time.

I never called the place. This was 3-4 years ago

did a calendar cover for a cat charity

Wait you get paid for donating semen?
I want in on this.

Hope you're white, above 6ft, went to an ivy league college, 20/20 vision, and have a family history completely devoid of any serious medial problems

i'm none of that

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Please tell me more. This is literally the only thing I got going for me, let me earn from my body like these sloots do

Only for an art class a while ago. I was being photographed so I snuck in a zyzz pose (this was after he died ofc)

Thanks vro, feels good

Yes but I think he was being ironic or gay

All of that except no college. Why does that matter.

I'm decently attractive except for my big broken looking nose. I'm hoping that it will fit better when I'm no longer skelly.