There's too much lookism posting on Jow Forums...

There's too much lookism posting on Jow Forums. There is lookism related to fitness ergo muscle aesthetics and then there's lookism that has nothing to do with fitness ergo everything else. Lookism posting ruined Jow Forums. Fuck you all.

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>T. Facelet

kys you retarded faggot

Facial aesthetics will increase with fitness. Just look at yourself before vs after a workout. The higher test levels in your system make your face look sharper and more masculine.


La creatura


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it's over

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Bet you didn't report a single one of those threads.

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Damn that shades guy is handsome no homo

That falls under the category of bodyfat and facial aesthetics are not Jow Forums
Hang yourself from a palm tree retard


No it doesn't. I said testosterone alters the appearance of your face. I haven't lost any bodyfat after a workout, yet my face is sharper, clearer, brighter, and generally better looking. This must be due to testosterone.

who cares, they are shit people living shit lifes.
with every post they prove they are miserable.
nature working as intended

>I said testosterone alters the appearance of your face
Everything you posted is pure meme. The only thing that's going to alter your face fitness wise is lowering your body fat percentage. This is a well established fact. The only other facial aesthetic posting on Jow Forums is cancer related to genetic structure of the jaw.

Oh and you can increase jaw muscle mass to some extent.

oh look, another retarded bitching about lookism/pol/r9k/incels.......... YOU SHOULD GLASS YOUR OWN NECK, PIECE OF FUCKING CUNT!

You are the cancer killing Jow Forums

>You are the cancer killing Jow Forums

>implying anything "ruined" fit and it wasn´t always a complete shitshow

It wasn't. I've been here long enough to know lookism is relatively new. The signal to noise ration is dropped off a cliff

ruining Jow Forums board is like shitting in a shit bag

These guys already know they gonna kill themselves before they hit 30 and now they try to convince more people to do so.
just ignore them, its basically psychopath nerds who afraid to leave their room so they try to control an internet forum to feel like they are having control over something. its like psychopaths just with low iq, im sure there is a word for it

>The only thing that's going to alter your face fitness wise is lowering your body fat percentage.
>Everything you posted is pure meme
NOT EVERYTHING IS A FUCKING MEME YOU CUNT. This is something I observe every day before and after a workout. Saggy neck fat becomes tight. Jawline becomes sharper. Eyes become more intense. If that's a meme, I'm Rich Piana.

Jow Forums has been complete shit for years
I only visit the board once every few months. Last time it was 99% tinder threads, now it's lookism, incels, guys dissing incels, height etc.
I hardly ever see a thread dedicated to diet or training

I'm a fat alcoholic from another board and even I'm laughing at your insecurity. A pretty face won't fix that.

So in short it was shit for a lobg time, just in a different way.

I believe there is so truth in it. When I first lost weight and has BMI of the lower end of normal, I still looked unhealthy on pictures because I was rotting in my room. I cant pinpoint one specific thing but overall I just looked unhealthy even though I was normal weight. My fat distribution on my face was weird too, definitely had a lot more fat on my chin

If yo have a good face people treat you better and you will have more confidence.

Are you ripped? Stop being retarded and you'll probably pull tail despite higher standards from women these days.
I'm a fat alchy sperg that thinks women's company is generally inferior to that of a man and decent pussy still falls into my lap occasionally.

And I'm not tall, to add.

Jow Forums is easily the worst board because its literally a mix of election newfag Jow Forumsshitters, psychopath lookism fags and trench edgy elliot rodger autists. i honestly cant think a worse board on the entire internet, its like the absolute bottom of the human race

Okay but that still has nothing to do with the fact facial aesthetic posts on Jow Forums are almost all about nothing to do with fitness and only crying about jaw genetics
No it used to mostly be about fitness. Maybe the advice was shit or you didn't like what they had to say but at least it was relevant to the board.
>A pretty face won't fix that
That's kinda the point. This isn't the board for pretty face talk.

I dont know what ‘ergo’ means: The Post

looks disgusting, zero feminine shapes

I am doing ok, I just accepted that I have a very average face andf average height, I will also never have sex with models.
My life is ok, but of course if you look better many things are easier and because of that you will also be more confident.

>No it used to mostly be about fitness. Maybe the advice was shit or you didn't like what they had to say but at least it was relevant to the board.

At some point it was, at some point I visited this board regurarly, but it wasn't like 1 year ago. I think back then even Zyzz was still alive, so it must have been years since the board became shit.

aye you're right. old habits die hard.

no the whole lookism shit started this year. there has always been some token lookism posting but it's like half the posts every single fucking day now. fuck off and die lookismfags

I just successfully killed another "facial aesthetic" thread, aka a rate thread in disguise, the second it started. You're welcome.

Jow Forums threads are the cancer killing Jow Forums

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